/ksbd/ Kill Six Billion Demons


>only an angel can beat another angel

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I want to FUCK 6 Juggernaut Star

and then they fucked

Aw shit here we go, Im surprised Juggs isnt more pissed.

>White Chain
>Oh no

Thats a fucking wife right there.

This really makes me question why White Chain is naked

Wonder if Vigilant Gaze is gonna show up or if he's just gonna unless hell upon Jug's armor

>Tags: ENF

>only an angel can beat another ange
proven lie

>Juggs is a winglet


Truly the apex waifu of the series.


I don't think we've seen any angel's true form wearing clothes except for now. Does this mean Juggernaut had "become even more human" than White Chain?

>Ride the rider, not the steed.

>Didn't get to see Gaze kick some ass

No, those are the rules. And we all know about rules.

>even the villain is a qt girl

Attached: fuck you.png (960x540, 248.83K)

Oh yeah didn't we see this before? Some "Im tired" thing?

Yeah, when Maya performed the sanctioned action on Juggs's spiky ass

so White Chain stopped attacking because she noticed her tears?

It was probably just shock.
We'll likely get details next page

Do you think Juggernaut is a girl or just a hot bishounen?


That was it? That was the fight between Juggs and Vigilant? Lame.

hot bishounen(female)


>Juggs backstory imminent
My body is ready.

>Juggs backstory
koss fucked him so hard he became a girl

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I thought his soul was in the wheel not the body? Or maybe Juggs can shift between the two?

>you only hate the trans because you are trans

Probably a woman.

A lot of the rebel angels who have forsaken the oath who White Chain has beaten up earlier in the story also were becoming more human and it seems like they were both leaning towards female forms as well. What probably makes White Chain unique, as we've heard a lot in the story, is that she upholds the oath while becoming more human. Maybe that's the phenomenon here, if angels begin to become more human they gravitate towards female forms and this change also motivates them to forsake the oath leading to them becoming Petals or Thorns.

I dunno what I think about this. In a lot of ways I don't really care enough about this plot point to care about how it ends. Because it seems like more for the audience than anything else and I'd prefer if after what is revealed here everyone's (us as well as the characters in the story) are kinda just cool with angels opting for more human forms that are in essence, breaking with the law and that this whole shit doesn't lead to some stupid angel civil war.

What I really hope is that Juggernaut Star in this human form continues to talk in a condescending manner as they always have only instead of a metal-on-metal screech in their armor it's a angry woman going off on White Chain before doing the tired thing again and calmly finishing this scene with "...that is the tale deviant, let us finish this fight."

>so they cut off their wings

Since Angels are made from the flame of the Male god UN, it makes sense that those who deviate from their origins become female/feminine like the opposing god YIS.

She is by far the cutest girl in the comic.

This Juggernaut fight is going just as anticlimactically as I expected.

I did not expect Juggs to be that hot however.

The rules are only peasants follow them

Yeah, it's not that complicated right? It's deviant but simple and I'm totally okay with that.

The only worry is if this plot point matters in a big way because I feel like it somewhat shouldn't although I think it's wonderful flavor for the world. On one extreme I can almost imagine people stupidly going ape shit about more girl-power in a story that is dominantly all about girl-power and on the other extreme the people who like this sort of shit calling it a celebration of the female instinct overtaking the male instinct without considering that the vast majority of angels are still bound to the old law. The reception should be neutrally in the middle like, "that's cool."

It would be funny if White Chain got real pissy about this and yells at Juggernaut about how she's been dealing with this humanity crap for years like some prolonged awkward puberty and hasn't gotten any help or advice from it when it's clear a lot of the other angels who have transformed in this manner could have provided advice at any point. Because it seems like the whole humanity tack would have been a much better sales pitch than "METATRON LIVES - HE IS GOING TO SCREAM THE TRUTH AT YOUR BRAIN NOW".

juggs larps as an anime prince CONFIRMED

Nah it's the opposite. She's a pretty princess who larps as wasteland barbarian.

They look to be regrowing. Remember when Juggs said he was punished for failing and we got another peek at his face?

Metatron had the other thorns tear them off

Juggernaught didn't ever have wings did she?

I wonder why juggs is crying, you'd think she'd be fucking filled with rage right now.

Maybe getting their wings ripped off and shoved into Metatron's face cracks is a hazing thing for thorns.

Where'd you think Jagganoth's feathers came from?

Juggie is the androgynous villain guy you see in every jap game and animu and who also gets VA:d by a woman to further make it confusing. Pic very related.

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Wait what, what the fuck. What just happened.

What don't you understand, speedreader?

Oh right, the androgyny, the androgyny for Kuja, the androgyny chosen specifically to confuse the fanbase about Kuja, Kuja's androgyny.

pulled into the void. Also I wonder why juggs went femode when he was fine a couple dozen pages ago. Does fighting get """him"""" all emotional?

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So much for coming or going, looks like we're talking

Interesting. Seems Juggs left their wheel out there in the void.

Post yfw juggs join the party

White Chain disentangled herself from her shell-body and went back to the void, then used the same trick that Juggs used earlier in this book to forcibly pull Juggs out of her physical body and back into the void with her. They're now both in the void, and Juggs is for some reason presenting as female and very humanlike rather than as a spiky skeleton.

Attached: HO THERE.png (359x80, 73.26K)

She's a self-hating trans angel, infected by humanity and so repulsed by it that she wants to purge Heaven of any of its influence

I thought only Juggs could freely pull other angels in and out of the void via Cutting (besides Vacus Needles). Did WC just now learn how to do that too, or did I speedread past the part where most angels can do that?

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you must be fun at parties

>We have the same types of stands

Based and Royalty Pilled

Cutting has nothing to do with the void/pulling things out of the void SpeedRead. We've only seen being pulled into the void once and it happened to be juggs, nothing to suggest that it was a juggs only trait.

I think the actual real explanation is that Jugg is straight up admittedly a Mary Sue by Abbadon and the ability to appear anywhere is an ass-pull ability that allows her to appear anywhere at all as the plot requires.

And likewise, White Chain being able to pull the same trick is just an extension of that.

And if that's not satisfactory, remember that when Allison returned to Throne from the real world, she actually went to the void at the devil's bar. Cio being there is significant. We know devils are given form in reality by pacts through their masks that are made by giving them a bit of the flame in humans and that angels are given form through the bodies forged by Koss. The masks and bodies are what give angels and devils permission to enter reality so perhaps it also gives them permission to return to the void at will. Because angels and devils essentially co-exist in the same environment we can just assume they're somewhat the same nature of being. So Cio, being an already-masked devil, has the freedom to move between reality and the void unlike unmasked devils or angels without a shell. So by extension, it would only make sense that angels also have the freedom to move between the void and reality at will, which somewhat explains why Jugg and White Chain can do their little trick.

In the previous page the alt text mentioned that his art is extremely draining- you've basically only got a few uses before you're completely exhausted. Yoinked into the void after unleashing it is likely why he took this more human shape, whereas on your page he was likely focused enough to maintain his spiky form.

Unmasked Devils and angels without their armour are totally different. An unmasked Devil is akin to a literal wildfire, no personality or form to speak of that just burns through the outside of the void for angels to fight off. Without a mask, a devil is less than nothing. The reason devils can just hang out in the void is that their hot black flame is strong enough to live outside of the normal worlds. Non-devil/angel beings can travel into the void, they just suffer from being much weaker without their bodies.

Angels without their armour just can't go into the normal world because they're too cold. They can still live and meditate and all their normal angel shit. It's a skin to having a hazmat suit they can teleport in and out of at will rather than the entirety of their identity. Devils haven't been shown to teleport (outside of those who can do magic, but that's due to their skill at The Art rather than an inherent aspect of devils being able to teleport) in and out of throne and the void normally.

Being able to pull WC out of their shell is just because angels and their bodies are totally disconnected - the same way being able to take someones hat off doesn't mean you have superpowers.