So wait a minute.
Christianity doesn't exist in SU but Islam does?
So wait a minute
Yeah, their holy book is called the Qurock!
You made this thread already.
Even if there’s no religion, it can easily be explained as holdover fashion from nomadic peoples, given the amount of desert around.
I mean, it’s really just a diverse background character to make the show seem more inclusive, but that’s meta.
they should have made her a white girl dressed in a hijab.
then it definitely would have been realistic.
Isn't Steven Universe created by a Jew? Why do they shill for Islam?
Christians bad brown people good
Ignore the fact they stone gays and fuck cousins and kids and hate/rape/bear women en masse because they are woth less please because it was whitey's fault 9/11 happened
Why do American lefties shill for Islam so badly, anyway? Is it an attempt to deflect any potential racism accusations in the future in case they slip up?
Rebecca is a gender fluid bisexual polyamorous woman in California
She woke
Believe in Islam
Yas Forums puts more thought into this than the character designers did.
the absolute state of SJW
9/11 caused people to hate Muslims
People hate America for going to the middle east for oil and lying about it being weapons of ass destruction
So it's white saviour murican bullshit
Why is is always that pink hijab with the flower pin, and the thick frame hipster glasses?
That's not really a good thing. On either end.
The alternate history/world building for SU is inconsistent as fuck and if they weren’t going to do anything with it they shouldn’t have built it up in the first place
That's only because wokies don't think and just run on a NPC script
it's the equivalent to a "black urkel-esque nerd"
Showing what a hip and progressive muslim they are by making them as far away as real muslims as possible.
Stone gays? I thought SU was already full of yuri rocks
No, Yas Forums is just arbitrarily drawing a line on the implausibility of a universe that already had several gaping holes in its worldbuilding, because it's just confirming something they don't like this time around.
I love how this has the entirety of Yas Forums seething
Glasses and accessories in tandem make shit less threatening and more cute because it communicates to us that whoever put that there is a total dork
Seriously, if you put glasses and a hair pin on the number 8, I guarantee you an user here would get a boner from it
It's their way of pretending its fashion not a barbaric oppression of women
It's actually pretty sexist reenforcement of patriarchal gender norms by woke logic too lol
>Real muslim girls don't get nearsighted.
What if I told you i'm just gay and hate people who normalize a homophobid oppressive Religion?
>yfw you realize you can’t stone the lesbians in SU because they ARE the stones
Then get the dick out of your ass and stop being such a bitch, fag.
Hijab is not religious, fuck off.
It's always the same shit. Yas Forums is sperging about Alucard being a bottom right now for fucks sake.
If it makes you feel any better I’m not mad at all
So you're happy that I'm gay and get mad when I think of gay people being killed in the middle east? Neat.
People have hated Muslims since long before 9/11 you fucking zoomer
The crusades, the fall of Constantinople, Tamerlane, etc.
Even more recently the Iranian Revolution, the hostage crisis, and the 1983 USMC barracks bombing in Lebanon had people hating Muslims in the 20th century long before Bin Laden had thought of 9/11
It’s the classic liberal archetype of the civilized Muslim girl who acts just like everyone else but wears a hijab
Which is a bit of truth, a lot of the “Westernized” Muslim chicks don’t follow their religion worth a damn sight but wear the hijab so they can virtue signal
On some college campuses it’s so bad the conservative Muslim girls don’t wear hijabs because the hijabi girls earned a reputation for being sluts
>Hijab is not religious, fuck off.
You might be retarded.
Go back to Iraq Muhammad
It’s impossible to respect a man who likes getting fucked in the ass
I'm confused that you think you're fooling anyone with your faux-outrage.
Alucard backwards is a top
Go back in the closet, fag.
You shut your whore mouth
I’d say I think the presence of you and Muslims in my country is symptomatic of the rot in modern Western society and I want you both to get the fuck out
Good one.
>when you still have a positive reputation score despite the "-1000000 reputation from being fucked in the ass" malus, how does he do it bros?
How is it a stretch that I hate Muslims lmao
But why is she afraid of Seven?
Why do American have to force their politics into literally everything? Why did American comic go from (semi) realistic faces to 6 lines/this?
well it got 2 big holes waiting...
Everything is made in California and the world revolves around America
Because 7 ambushed 9 in an alleyway and fucked and murdered it and then ate bits of the corpse.
And you think that making up a faggot sob story would somehow lend more credence to your complaints, rather than just make you look like a butthurt fag.
muslim here
just nuke california and everyone will be happy
It wasn't a sob story I literally am gay and get sad thinking about people getting murdered. How is that even remotely unbelievable let alone controversial. Like damn son look in a mirror and ask yourself who looks more butthurt, the guy who gets sad that muslims murder gays or the guy who is mad and can't believe a gay person would hate muslims on anonymous cartoon board.
You're not fooling anyone.
Is she actually a Muslim or is she just wearing a head scarf? Because if she's actually a Muslim there's an issue, as without Christianity there's no Islam, but if it's just a scarf, that's all it is
>Tranny lesbians love Islam but hates Christianity
Why does this surprise anyone? Rebecca sugar probably say she muslim soon to stick it to trump.
American Muslims have a higher tolerance for gays than Evangelical Christians in America but sure, keep fighting their fight for them. Go Israel, right?
This may surprise you to hear, but Muslims have traditionally been more tolerant of Jews than Christians.
Haha lol
Couldn't it just be that in the SUniverse God didn't send his only son down to earth, but did speak to Mohammed in the cave? Or heck, Jesus did exist in this Universe but isn't the Son of God as in pretty much any given interpretation of the Quaran?
>One is worse so you can't hate both
They're both irrational idiots who believe in obviously fabricated books
Islam is basically Christianity 2.0 in the same way that Christianity is Judaism 2.0, took the general themes and mythology and adapted it for their own cultural and personal needs. So if Mohammad exists in the SU universe, it's nowhere near the same Islam as we have in the real world, and that's blasphemy user
I think they have gone back on the “no Christianity” thing. Especially since the person who said that deleted the tweets.
Also like one user said it could be a cultural thing.
In all honestly, if you go into SU looking for logical world building then you are looking in the wrong place. You are just suppose to like the songs, argue about ships, and masturbate to the waifus.
What's it to you. Her costume is the last depiction of slavery still allowed on television.
Comparing all Muslims (including secular "Muslims," aka agnostics and closet atheists) to a specific subset of Christians that are known for being fundamentalists is just disingenuous. Not to mention that most of those evangelicals are only "anti-gay" in the sense that they're against gay marriage. They're not throwing people off roofs.
now this is epic
Rebecca Sugar has no control over the show and let’s people do whatever the hell they want. Someone wanted to put a Muslim in the show despite there being no Christianity and the Earth being radically different both geologically and culturally because there was no one to say no. It is the same reason Steven was sometimes regular size and other times smaller than a midget.
This is nothing new really.
Look what good that did them.