Cartoons no one liked

Cartoons no one liked

Attached: Holding-image-1200x759.jpg (1200x759, 126.14K)

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Angela digivolve to...

I remember this would get used as filler a lot on the kids' channel around 2003-05. Horrible, horrible artstyle.

Attached: 83ccc27852d9a145afd9f177eafa0252.jpg (334x250, 23.36K)

Someone post the screencap. You know the one

I have vague memories of that show

>what if we made muppet babies but without all the things that made muppet babies good

Attached: poster-780.jpg (780x1170, 167.83K)

I fucked loved the show though...

>that comic where a generic furry walks into granny's and rapes the looney babies and makes them shit on and rape each other

Attached: Heard you like babies.png (1904x1055, 1.73M)

Attached: mgid_arc_content_nickelodeonafrica.jpg (640x360, 20.41K)

U start.