Is Bruce Wayne natty?

Is Bruce Wayne natty?

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Many iterations of Bruce Wayne show him to be ready to destroy every part of his body to properly play Batman one more time. Ruining his health, heart and lifespan for a little bit of extra strength is totally up his alley.

Steroids greatly enhance strength and recovery from injuries (things Batman cares about) while giving you a tiny penis that can't get erect (something Batman doesn't care about).

There's probably an entire wing of the lab at Waynecorp dedicated to finding new things to inject into his ass.

What terrible form

I mean, when he quit in Nolan's TDKR people bitched that "real" Batman would never do that.

Pretty sure Selina cares about it

Those people are retarded since Bruce was both crippled and framed as a murderer(basically losing the entire point of turning into a symbol) after the events of TDK.

The real character assassination was Captain America abandoning the Avengers to get some pussy.

They literally just turned him into a boomer

>Batman got far weaker and less competent since he started to get a more active sexual life with Catwoman.

he's only human.

Pretty sure she was making that sound a lot the night before...

Hey now, he cleaned up from the venom. He's obsessed but he knows his limits.

>implying you wouldn't

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He deserved retirement. He put his life on the line countless times and saved the universe. If spending his last years with Peggy is wrong, fuck being right.

He's nutty.

Fool, that technique has been passed down the Wayne line for generations

You might say he's batty.

Yas Forums figured out that DBZ fighters get weaker whenever they are in contact with women. Capeshit works the same. Selina is a gains goblin.


Bruce roids like a motherfucker. The better question is, do female superheroes get implants?

Bruce is for sure cruising

Looks all natural to me...

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Motherfucker thats a 4 plate bench. I defy you to find a natty who benches 405 pounds into his 30's and 40's with no effort.

With lifts like that he's in the realm of dudes like Hafthor who are professionally fucking huge and like six inches taller than him. No fucking way he's natty.

I was wondering if anyone else noticed that. I can definitely see Bruce normally going with a double plate, but even maxing with 4 is pretty out there.

But no one on Yas Forums works out. Anyone that likes comics and goes to the gym is probably on Yas Forums.

There is a 154lb Asian dude that can do 410lb on bench. It's reasonable to think a 6'3 225lb-230lb man could bench that.

>while giving you a tiny penis that can't get erect
This is false, it only shrinks your balls which if anything makes your dick look bigger, and that can be prevented or reversed with HCG and other substances. And some substances may actually make your dick bigger, like Halotestin, although that's anecdotal and there's not much evidence one way or the other.

>Everyone forgets that Bruce got addicted to Venom and sealed himself off for thirty days to over come it

Goddamn casuals around here.

I just looked that up, that's pretty wild. I guess I've got to remember comic book rules and that Batman is always at peak human fitness except when the story says otherwise.
Still though, the way he's positioned and casually talking to Selena tells me that this was nothing for him.

very obvious that the artist had absolutely no idea what a proper bench press looks like kek

but Bruce wasn't at that party

I absolutely would, but they're supposed to be better than me.

I've done 2 plates. I could see 3 plates for like a TDKR batman who's fucking jacked. 4 no fucking way.

Yeah. Theres A asian dude. That shit requires both absurd genes and absurd dedication and even then its nearly impossible to do unless you devote like an hour a day to your bench.

user, we're talking about the "with prep time" guy. An hour a day on the bench probably can be seen as prep time.

Maybe he's doing 4 plate skullcrushers? Really work those triceps.

He's only human, after all.

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So, what does that mean?

>He deserved retirement.
yeah yeah yeah, literally any hero that had saved the world deserve retirement and a huge beach house on a mexico private beach. Your stupid "he deserved to retire durr hurr" excuse is a bunch of bullshit

You know selina is a literal whore, right?

Batman is usually portrayed as being in his early/mid-thirties while active. Lots of powerlifters compete into their thirties. Granted, you can count on them juicing to the gills, but 405 also isn't really *that* impressive of a bench press for a competitive powerlifter in a higher weight class. The world record for raw bench press in the 220 lb weight class is almost 600 lbs.

Mind you, it's impossible to be able to bench that much while also being an Olympic level sprinter/gymnast and world class martial artist, but that's true even if you're using every performance enhancing drug known to man. If we're looking at the bench press in isolation, though, I think it's reasonable for Bruce to be capable of it natty.

really depends on year.

Modern day batman? Maybe? On one hand he won't do venom, or the laz pits. On the other, he likes to use science and technology to get the upper hand.

Previous comics, probably. Probably did benzedrine, steroids, coke, adderall. Like, how the fuck would he be able to learn so much without a stimulant? The real life genius he was based on, were all on stimulants.

Its a good question though. We kind of lie to kids about their heros. Even sherlock holmes was on drugs.

Um, no.

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Under the rules of the real world? Absolutely not
Under DCU peak human rules? Absolutely natty

That's really more of a gluck gluck

alright there raisin balls settle down

Pretty much every superhero deserves retirement.

Was this a recent thread?

Thats illegal user. Batman is a crime-FIGHTER.

No way

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Post the thread bro. Inquiring minds want to know

>Confusing a dominatrix for a prostitute
Oh, user..

>I'm not a prostitute, I am an artist
It's sexual, she's still a prostitute. Just a specialized one that caters to a niche fetish

90% no.
Because implants pose a threat or a liability.
The same reason female athletes dont have big tits. They only get them after their active time or if it is important for show. I look at you wwe!

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A Dominatrix is just an angry snobby prostitute.

>Adventure Racing

Could have sworn it was yesterday.
What the fuck

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They really should have made him more realistic. He breaks several athletic world records and can keep this up for hours.

See also

If it involves a bike, than yes.
I would think of car racing through woods and deserts. But it seems to be biking through woods.

Yes, that's the entire point of venom. Bruce is just autistic human perfection.

what, yes they do