Reminder SUF will end with Steven leaving to become an adult...

Reminder SUF will end with Steven leaving to become an adult. Allowing and the Gems to realize their lives are much better without Steven and that Steven is much happier without the Gems. That’s what growing up is, becoming strong on your own and not being codependent.

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I’m sorry what? Did your parents leave your life forever once you turned 16,

Dependant and codependent are two different things user.


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While i'd say this is not true, i do think that Steven needs to figure some shit out. Pretty much everything has gone on without him and he needs to go off do his own stuff and learn to be a human again, cause he's clearly forgotten how you participate in an society where people aren't made of rocks.

>to be independent you have to leave town and refuse to ever speak to your mom again
Yeah fuck that. It’s gross to be a basement dweller but I love my mom and I’ll socialize regularly with her until one of us dies. Our bonds with others make us stronger and it creeps me the fuck out that there’s a huge push in current media for this theme of never interacting with old friends/family ever again to be “truly independent”.
Fuck you.
Fuck your Great Leap Forward.
Gonna take my mom to a museum this Tuesday.


>All gems dead
>Literally forcing a bland, terrible ship together
>Treats this as a good thing
Somehow I doubt it.

Why do Americans have this weird insecurity on family support? Like all the time you hear about how you basically have to move out of your parents house the second you turn 18 or you're considered a loser, they leave their parents in elderly homes, rarely call each other and just a weird mindset of "We don't need each other; you're on your own".
>inb4 user tell stories about how their parents were cunts
If that's the situation then that's 100% fair, but you see this sort of thinking all the time even with people with fairly decent childhoods and relationships.

Abandon your families! Live at the mercy of the state! Give up! Your new family won't ditch you the SECOND it gets hard or ugly, we promise!

OP thinks Steven is literally cutting ties with the gems etc. like certain Disney characters have done in recent films, but a video was released recently that goes over the course of the show that ends with the message "We will always be your family". It's basically the antithesis to this recent trend.

Reminder SU will start with Rose leaving to become Steven. Allowing and the Gems to realize their lives are much better without Rose and that Rose is much happier without the Gems. That’s what growing up is, becoming strong on your own and not being codependent.


Americans are expected to expand, and go outwards, and since we've run out of room we try to move up, which we can't do anymore. This is where the urge comes from, culturally.

This has been taken advantage of by companies who want brand loyalty to replace religion, consumerism to replace happiness, and other shit we thought was an insane conspiracy theory until they started openly posting it at conventions.

Lord, I wish they had.

I don't know. They treat family like it was some sort of annoyance.

I’m sorry user. But this is for the best. The Gems have great lives now and Steven isn’t needed anymore. If he left, nothing would change for them. You need to abandon your fantasies of a family staying together forever and never becoming stronger

That’s just not true. You’re much too reliant on your mother and it’s not healthy for the two of you to enable this toxic relationship

Yeah that toxic trip to a museum, how horrible.

She won't be around forever regardless of the agenda you think you're rebelling against.

You need to grow up, user. Stop depending on your mother and let her lead her own life while starting your own

Some people just can’t handle the truth. They want to cling to childish beliefs of being a family forever when that fantasy simply doesn’t help anyone


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his arm is too fucking away of his body in the first panel. What the shit

hes waving at you

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idk i haven't actually encountered that all that much in real life

It's supposed to be four panels, but there is no actual line to separate them so I can see the confusion.

Because it’s important to become independent and stop relying on others as a crutch

I think he needs to go on a road trip with Greg and rediscover America.

I don't get that shit either. Assuming someone's parents worked hard to give everything he or she needed in life from material goods to love and support, who the fuck would cut ties with them after becoming indepedent? Be responsible for your own shit? Sure, that's how it has to be but I don't get the need to completely disappear from their lives and pretend they don't exist that a lot of shows try to push.

Name 15

Being independent means being able to handle problem by yourself, it doesn't mean you have to stop talking with family and frineds.

15 what? Persons?


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i bet you can't even name 4

Any random show?

4 What?

Shows that do this, stupid

This what? I'm confused.

Shows that push the need to cut off ties with friends and family, you moron

>you moron

Sounds like you can’t name shit

I will if you say you're sorry for being rude.

I’m sorry for being rude, you miserable cunt.

It's okay, user. I forgive you.

>That filename
Based detailedanon

making friends is always better than making enemies

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Not the same guy but I'll take a stab. How about... literally any sitcom ever written? Universally when a character has any contact whatsoever with their mother, its to show that they're a codependent mama's boy. Either you cut them off altogether, or you're a pathetic mamma's boy like Principal Skinner, or you're being terrorized by an overbearing parent like Ray Romano. The one episode of Big Bang theory I caught was like that too.

Oh yeah, also Star Trek. We only ever see two adult characters' parents: Luxana Troy and Admiral Paris, but they're both toxic self centered assholes. Besides that you have Wesley Crusher. Pathetic mamma's boy.

And then there's Maomao. His whole deal is that he's doing stuff for his family's approval and it's making him miserable.

Now granted, this is mostly because only trouble is interesting. It's really hard to make a story about somebody with loving and healthy relationships. Honestly the only one I can think of is Superman, and that's used as a device to show how "quaint" and "old fashioned" he is. It's wholesome, but its an outmoded and immature kind of wholesome.

This actually did kinda happen to me. I turned 15 and moved in with a friend of my father to live on his farm.

It's a boomer-based phenomenon.
I know boomer is a shitty internet buzzword, but that's literally the case with this particular phenomenon. The multigenerational household died with them because it was one of the first times in US history where people were making good money long enough for the lower/middle classes to get out and buy their own properties as young adults in their early-mid twenties. As a result, they expected the same of their kids (and their kids expected the same of their kids). It's become a social standard, now, that's difficult to keep up with. Instead of buying a house, people just expect you to burn money on rent with roommates because real adults don't live with mom and dad.
NEETS basement dwelling doesn't help fight that stigma, though.
Ideally, if you're working locally after high school/college, you should live at home and save up money until your either relocate for work or are trying to start your own family. This behavior is why we have multiple family-owned properties for any relative to reside in rent-free in the event they're struck by financial hardship or unable to work for whatever reason. If you don't keep having more and more kids, you end up with generations where there are more houses than people unable to get their own, so you can use a family property.

You’ve never watched Mao Mao. Mao Mao earns his father’s respect

They’re not gonna break ties idiot, they have teleporters that allow them to see each other whenever they want. It’s not going to have a sad ending.

i'd imagine a lot of it varies by ethnicity and region too. not just because of culture but cost of living being lower

He won't make it a year on his own.

He can barely interact with 10th grade children without dropping his spaghetti.

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Well he can survive just fine on his own. He might get depressed tho.

He’ll be much happier on his own. The Gems don’t rely on him, so why rely on them? It’s important to move on

What is your relationship with your parents?

Steven's going to make Columbine look like a fucking JOKE

We don’t talk that much admittedly

I understand now why you are the way you are.

Parents aside, doesn’t affect what I say is true. Steven needs to stop relying on the Gems especially since they don’t need him anymore. He should move on elsewhere

Maybe if you go make up with your parents you'll understand why most people don't want Steven cutting ties with his.

I don’t need a good relationship with my parents to know when Steven has a bad one. The Gems don’t need Steven anymore, why shouldn’t he move on with his life? Especially when we know the Gems are capable of being happy without him. They don’t need each other anymore. There’s no point