Why are girls obsessed with quirky versions of hell?

Why are girls obsessed with quirky versions of hell?

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Because girls like supernatural crap, they want a boyfriend that is more than a dumb regular guy that can take out the trash. They want a guy that can vaporize trash before it even exists, and do taxes with their super feet while pleasuring them with their minds then take them to fantastical places they've never been to because their boring earth lives are so boring and stuff. It's basic escapism, kinda like dudes and blowing stuff up and having sex only less direct about the sex

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Top left concept of hell was so bad

ask /x/

>Tfw one of my story ideas involves a version of hell
>I’m a dude

Fuck you summoning demons and also killing them and shit is cool

Because they are dumb harlots that love the idea of redemption and apply it to the lowest common denominator.

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>Hazbin Hotel

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A combination of wanting to be both quirky and edgy I guess.

What is it?

Not girls in particular but it's a setting that's easier to ape (like Greek mythology), the cultures they come from are heavily Abrahamic religion based so it's easy to recognize (and they won't be called out for appropriation), and it's the opposite of typical authority which rebellious teens latch onto since edgy emo will never die. It also allows for an environment where typically 'sinful' actions that are seen as morally acceptable are all over the place.

I just want more Eastern/native mythology for once.

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Not really girl exclusive, just look at Tim Burton or Maxwell Atoms.

The female conception of morality is inherently social. One cannot transgress against one's self, but rather, only against others. The male conception is antisocial, oriented towards transgressions against one's self.
For this reason the concept of hell is almost liberating for a woman. It proposes a society and group of beings which expect the absolute worst of you, and thus cannot be transgressed against. It is a place without sin in a sense, infinitely freer than heaven with it's lofty expectations. For a man hell is horrifying because the personal, internal weakness which led him to fail in life has been made permanent and irreversible. It is as though he discovers it is too late for redemption, and that he can never escape his own flaws, which are transported with him to hell. The woman's flaws are in the eyes of society, and thus left behind when journeying to hell.
I of course opine both conceptions or morality are partially valid. Too masculine a morality is psychopathic, but too feminine is slavish. I'm a sexist, not a misogynist, after all.

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They hope going to hell isn't as bad as it will be after being a godless slut your whole life.

It's a huge cope because they can't accept the fact that hell literally just is pure, uncut suffering forever.
They'd rather pretend hell has some clever twist where it's still ostensibly shitty, but qurkily and enjoyable so.

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But is it a quirky version of hell or just hell?

Oy, make a separate thread for that shit!

"Why are [some people] obsessed with quirky versions of hell?" doesn't lend itself to sexist explanations at all.

Women are associated with darkness and water.

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Are you denying that certain concepts, ideas, and subjects appeal to a gender more than another?

Part commercial standard hell, part quirky bureaucracy. Satan is a stressed but friendly boss who tells dad jokes and promotes an androgynous kid to haunting an apathetic teen.

only real answer

why the fuck did they do colour and backgrounds but not cleanup

Because they know they're going there

reading that in shake's voice was great

its the jews, stupid!

they enjoyed DOOM, probably

Ugly american hell was good

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because unmarried women and women without children go straight into the 9th circle of hell

Shake posters are always based.

It's not straight up hell, so probably.

Cause they're going straight there, might as well be optimistic.

Hell is fun and cool.
I really don't think it's a gender thing.

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>The female conception of morality is inherently social. One cannot transgress against one's self, but rather, only against others. The male conception is antisocial, oriented towards transgressions against one's self.
For this reason the concept of hell is almost liberating for a woman. It proposes a society and group of beings which expect the absolute worst of you, and thus cannot be transgressed against. It is a place without sin in a sense, infinitely freer than heaven with it's lofty expectations. For a man hell is horrifying because the personal, internal weakness which led him to fail in life has been made permanent and irreversible. It is as though he discovers it is too late for redemption, and that he can never escape his own flaws, which are transported with him to hell. The woman's flaws are in the eyes of society, and thus left behind when journeying to hell.
I of course opine both conceptions or morality are partially valid. Too masculine a morality is psychopathic, but too feminine is slavish. I'm a sexist, not a misogynist, after all.
interesting but that doesn't explain Toilet Paper.

>show robots suffering

No, it's just hell.


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With a charming musical number and cartoony punishments.
You can't even refute this without looking like an idiot so just stop.

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Two sides of the same coin. Golden rule and what not.

The devil being charming =/= hell is quirky, you fucking retard. The devil in a lot of media from the last century is portrayed as a suave businessman, or silly jester, or sensitive guy who just happens to be torturing souls. But they're still fucking torturing souls, which is different from, "Hell is sooooo quirky and full of cutesy demons and teen drama, you guys".

They're not cartoony, just ironic, and it so happens that sometimes they rhyme. As far as hells go this one's fine, with sinners who cry, grieve and whine, as they are punished for their crimes.

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Futurama doesn't take place in hell. Everything in OP's post does. There is a difference between having a show where one episode, the gang goes to hell and having your entire cartoon pitch be, "It's a show about a gang in hell".

>Boiled in oil
>"Cartoony punishment"

>moving the goalposts
Yeah no.

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Gee I wasn't aware that Dante Aliglheri, Vergil, William Langland, Mike Mignola, and John Milton, Johnathan Smith, and Terry Pratchett were women.

I don't know why you hate women, but it's pretty obvious that's what the purpose of this thread is.

time constraints

Eat shit you inbred troglodyte. If you think half of those interpretations are 'quirky' you are so far in the gutter both in taste and intelligence you don't belong anywhere near an actual discussion.

Dante's interpretation is LITERALLY A COMEDY, you fucking dunce. And do you even know who Terry Pratchett IS?

Greek pagans believed women were created to punish men and ruined the world.

Norse pagans believed women were impulsive, untrustworthy, and capricious.

Mandingo pagans believed the savagery & chaos of nature comes from the feminine element in the world.

Buddha said that the Dharma would only last half as long because women were allowed in.

In Judaism women ruined paradise.

In Islam there’s more women in hell than men.

Roman pagans acknowledged that women have no real idea of morality and function as little more than beasts when outside the control of men, content to wander from mischief to mischief.

Hell is basically paradise to them on a conceptual level. All the free license to ruin everything and enjoy the disorder/drama 24/7 with no mean old men telling them to stop.

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It's funny how none of the people who said those things had any descendants.

>comedy = quirky
>implying Dante is quirky

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So you've LITERALLY not read the Divine Comedy. Because Inferno is not some quirky place where the devil acts like an overworked middle manage and demons/damned souls act "JUST LIKE US".
Nigger its called a comedy not because its funny but because of theatrical and literary axioms of the 14th fucking century.

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Vergil was definitely a sassy motherfucker. Sorry that the political satire doesn't have giant labels on everything to tell you what it's referencing like you boomers are used to.

>user's retarded for pointing out that many of these men hated women to the point that they never experienced the joy of having a family because they were seething so hard

Those who don't learn from history, etc etc.

They want to be edgy but they don't want to offend anyone at the same time so le wacky hell is their safest bet.

Because you are a girl.

Obvious that the person who is calling them retarded is not very smart.

Tell that to your mother.

>user's retarded for pointing out that many of these men hated women to the point that they never experienced the joy of having a family because they were seething so hard

Such as?

yes because thankfully, the progeny of Greeks, Norse and Jews and every other sexist society and also everyone who disagrees with me do not walk this earth

Keep going on with things that have nothing to do with quirk. The sinners will still continue being bombarded with hellfire with no humor and no chance of salvation.

I like games, let's play yours.

Have you ever talked in private with 100 men who agreed with that?

Ok well keep hating women for doing something men have been doing for 700 years.

>Hey do you have any anecdotes?

Yes actually. My annual based gentlemen conference regularly pulls 200+ attendees.

Imagine being thankful for Jews. Guess we know who's really behind this thread now.

Fine, you just lost. But I will give you the last word.