Anyone have mega links for today's episode or the dump from last thread?
It's Pony thread
Other urls found in this thread:
God. That nose is disgusting. How can anyone watch this shit?
I don't have the new episode but here's the links from last time
It's pony mega
Plants! _ Heston's Coat
Game Horse _ Unicorn
Horace _ The Boot.mp4
Nosy pony / beatrice
Pet Pony/Dog Day
I mean besides the noses it's a really decent show. Give it a try for the pacing of the jokes and overall simple and enjoyable storytelling.
I hate how fucking pretentious fandom culture has become regarding cartoons. I love Steven Universe [Future] as much as the next guy (last night’s episodes were exquisite), but it’s ridiculous how most people will only give their attention to shows that guarantee drama or lore.
Whatever happened to enjoying a grounded comedy simply for what it‘s trying to be? It’s for this very reason that millions will yammer on and on about The Owl House and whatnot, but shows that are just as good—if not BETTER—like It's Pony or Craig of the Creek are constantly forgotten.
It sucks to be a lone fan of comedy cartoons.
That's kind of inevitable, isn't it? There's obviously more to talk about for a show that has an unfinished story. For episodic comedy we can discuss the characters and writing, but lore shows will have all that too. I like watching both equally, I just think on a discussion forum people are gonna want to speculate.
Stop posting that link for Haircut/Gerry's. It has glitches. The uploader updated with this link:
Thanks for the heads-up, user.
Drama, lore, headcanons, ships, lewds, controversies, fanfics, politics, sending death threats, waifus, shitposting... A lot of people who say they're into cartoons sure like to engage in a number of peripheral activities loosely related to them. Actually enjoying them - not so much.
You can tell their limited knowledge of any given show comes from watching them only occasionally, putting them in the background, listening to what Youtubers say about them or lurking. It's because they aren't interested in them, they just like the commotion, the feedback.
Maybe it’s because I personally don’t care for speculation—I’d rather talk about canon and confirmed moments from a show—but I think it’s bullshit that a show’s potential for theories is the only thing that seems to drive its popularity. There’s plenty to talk about when it comes to episodic comedies, even without resorting to circlejerking over headcanons or forcing conversations about lore into reality.
Sad, but true.
Still no MEGA?
I just think that any discussion that works on an episodic cartoon also applies to one with lore, but the same doesn't always apply the other way around. It feels a lot more like a restriction to the storytelling if you're not allowed to actually change anything after 11 minutes passes.
Thank you my brother, sorry for missing it from last thread.
>any discussion that works on an episodic cartoon also applies to one with lore, but the same doesn't always apply the other way around
I guess that’s true.
Still, if an episodic show has lovable characters and countless memeable scenes, then I see no reason why people can’t shut the fuck up about serialization and be open to more standalone stories that still have some merit of their own.
I think people are allowed to like things casually. And I think episodic shows are going to be way more prone to this, since it's not like you're going to miss an important plot detail that will cause the next season to make no sense.
My biggest complaint with that is that despite everything, Yas Forums still has the best discussions from people who actually care about cartoons. But it also has a lot of other trash that makes it hard for those threads to persist more than a day. That said, every time It's Pony comes up I see a lot of complaints that nobody talks about it, and a lot less of those people actually doing any talking about the show.
I think the other half is that people don't understand or like good writing anymore. I don't mean this in a pretentious way. We live in a world where Ghostbusters 2016 got a certified fresh rating from critics. That was a comedy film that had no constructed jokes in it.
I can't be bothered to explain why It's Pony is good to people who can't get it. They have no reference point. They think awkward moments and overstuffed dialogue and constant quips are jokes. They're conditioned to that. So I'm not interested in trying to engage or convert those people, I'm just going to quietly enjoy this in my own cozy corner.
>That said, every time It's Pony comes up I see a lot of complaints that nobody talks about it, and a lot less of those people actually doing any talking about the show.
This. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of times I’ve fought tooth and nail to keep an It’s Pony thread alive by coming up with as many interesting topics and conversation starters as I can possibly muster in the hopes of getting other fans of the show to also interact.
This method sadly doesn’t ever work. I don’t know how all of you guys keep disappearing after a mere couple hours or so every damn week. I’d love for there to be as much dedication to keep an It’s Pony thread active and engaging each week as there is for those near constant Amphibia threads, only without all the mindless shitposting.
There's no point in keeping a thread alive if there's nothing to fap to within it.
I want to give this show a chance but I really, and I mean REALLY, hate the art direction. What's the 'best' episode?
Which is why we need some Mrs. Bramley porn. Is that really too much to ask for?
Not yet
>My biggest complaint with that is that despite everything, Yas Forums still has the best discussions from people who actually care about cartoons
Based. I don't mind It's Pony threads not having many replies if the opposite means trading off quality for quantity.
I suppose that’s fair.
Fix the noses, feels like I’m watching a huge ass boil.
Alternatively, stop being a weak little bitch.
I just started with episode 1 (Plants) and forgot about the noses about 15 seconds in. Like it's really just not that big a deal.
This. The art style is harmless and honestly kinda charming.
The user who has been providing the rips, isn't able to do so until the Nick App updates and (judging by the times of links posted in previous threads) that likely won't be until about 6 hours from now.
user posts them on Sunday
It's not just the noses for me, it's many things; the main girl looks like she has a constant fever, the 'scratchiness' of the hair (looks like it'd be stiff, bristly and itchy), and just the entire design of the horse puts me off.
Well shit, can we even keep a thread alive that long?
The mouth flaps bother me. They're at a way higher frame rate than the rest of the animation.
It’s like seeing a poor imitation of the horse from Toy Story
Hilarious as always.
Haha, that painting is super cute
Thread's been kept up for longer before. One of them lasted almost a week.
Annie Bramley is cute! CUTE!
When people say the noses aren't cute, but they kinda are.
Not even, he's just a fuckin' ball with pool noodles taped on.
that's not the problem, this thing looks like it is aimed for toddlers, if something like billy and mandy was released today people would like it just fine.
>It's Pony #108 - Useful/Stompy!
It's not even Sunday in my time zone yet. You're the best.
Thanks mega user, hope you have a great day!
I like how no matter where they are at any point in this show, they're always at the top of a hill.
As someone who likes this show your all prentious prats you know that.
Oh shit, that's actually in the episode. I wonder if they'll remove it in a re-release.
Don't worry, Yas Forums. I've got an idea!
Often you don't start a discussion as much as you bait it.
You start a thread with some out-of-context image and/or a dumbass catchphrase ("What was his problem?", "Could Steven redeem him?") and hopefully a couple dozen bored anons come in and start horsing around. Then there's a chance some will be willing to talk normally.
Getting people interested in a thing is easier when you piggyback off of something they already like or keep talking about. Like just now I thought about a scenario involving pic related with protags swapping their horses. Not sure if that's such a good idea since WoY fans are still quite pissed at Gisnep for shafting their show.
Great, thank you.
Clara looks dashing here.
>all those flatties
What did they mean by this?
I've just watched a few episodes and holy shit you're right. It's almost like the writers have a fetish for things rolling downhill.
Comedic, episodic shows are good sources of shitposting and you know how they're generally treated here
H-how are they generally treated?
Useful life lessons here. Learn how to change a tire if you don't want to look like a loser in front of your lady.