COPPA 2: Electric Boogalo

>COPPA 2: Electric Boogalo
So, how fucked are we?

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Chuck E. Cheese commercial levels of shit.

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How do they intend to enforce any of this?

This is because parents are too fucking lazy?



fucken paedophiles


Well no shit. They are always trying to control the internet.

I genuinely agree with the part that ban auto-play.Fucking useless feature,cant let my computer running a video without the autoplaylist sending me to some alt-right shit

Auto-play sucks
Algorithms sucks
Ads really suck

What is the issue?

Markey’s a dem


Let me guess, it's going to be one of those bipartisan things that every single politician in Congress signs off on. If there's one thing both of the parties agree on, it's the old "think of the children" sentiment.

So what are you going to do about the lazy parents?

t. tumblr tranny

I can’t wait for Bernie Sanders to win and completely changed the layout of this country

Search functions don't suck.

>how fucked are we?
Not only do you have to be 18+ to post here, we only have shit ads that no major website uses because not even they would stoop that low.

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I mean the internet as a whole.

Who cares about fucking Facebook

I don't care, if there's such an uproar because of ads maybe schools should teach kids about the mythical artifact known as "adblock".

I'll give you that,algorithm do make some interesting parralel: when i search documentaries about nazi Germany,YouTube recommend me Donald Trump supporters video, MDE skits or Yas Forums memes

People use children as a smokescreen for too many causes. I wish a large group of kids would just form a group called, "Stop using us for your agenda, you dumb adults".

>when i search documentaries about Nazi Germany,YouTube recommend me Donald Trump supporters video
Gee, I wonder why?

The problem is more how fucking stupid it is that children are being allowed to use the internet to begin with. You can't even blame that entirely on the parents because they fucking market tablets for kids which have internet browsers on them.

This is a bit like saying that firearms need better safety features to keep kids from hurting themselves. There's a very obvious underlying issue being overlooked.

>literally muh children act
The worst part is that even on this board people routinely defend censorship because "it's for kids". We are fucked.

COPPA and this are two very different things you fucking idiot.

Indeed, it's people,jumping to conclusions all over again like COPPA, the only downside COPPA did was turn off comments on various cartoon videos

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Actually agree with this. Ads are disgusting, and the harder they hit them the better.
Why are people acting like this is a secret bill to ban and censor programming when it's literally going after product placement and other crap that plagues kids content? We needed this ages ago when Elsa and Spiderman and the rest of them were everywhere

Doomposters think it'll go after everything else which it will not because that's not how things work on the internet.

Both sides hate free internet

>bans auto play
It's about time. That's annoying.

Worst case scenario 98% of sites now have "I'm 18 years old"-button. Best case scenario you can get many youtube's toy review channels in trouble with fraudulent complaints about child-harming material within the videos.

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i think it'll mostly affect search engines. probably a slap on the wrist.

I thought everyone here used Stop Autoplay scripts?

It's not your mom passing this bill.

I cant tell if your a retard for believing a bill's own hype, or for trusting people to not abuse their new found power.

>auto-play banned
A good thing
>Algorithms that amplify sexual and violent content for kids
Depends how this is done, but this can either be fine or disastrous given what they mean by algorithms and what sites this is for
>Limits manipulative advertising on kids platforms
This sounds good to me, kids platforms are things like Youtube Kids or and not YouTube proper

Saved in my Shouldn't Fap To folder.

Literally banning steak because babies can't chew it.

How many times are they going to try this shit before finally taking the hint that nobody wants it?

They're banning auto-play? Based.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I hate companies and their marketing shilling their products and filling the internet with their ads more than I hate overbearing but well meaning parents. I'm sure part of this bill is backed by cable companies who want to stop the move of advertisersto the internet but cable is dead anyway.

Just use adblock, m8


Fuck Kids.
Fuck zoomers.
Fuck Soccer Moms that bitch about cartoons and equality.

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There's a bright side.
Good News
>Kids being less likely to accidentally being exposed to the fucked up stuff shit like this website offers
Bad news:
>Everyone else is going to fucking die so there will no longer be a website to offer fucked up shit
Sadly there's only one shade of light in this situation.

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kids shouldn't even be on the internet

This reminds me. One time I found out that my aunt will stick a phone in my 3 year old cousin's hand to get him to stop jumping around and running everywhere and when I asked why she would give him something like that without monitoring it, she said

>"user, this is what gets him to calm down. I don't want to be chasing him everywhere. You're not a parent, you wouldn't understand."

Both my aunt and uncle are in their early 40's and for some reason decided they wanted a kid before the window closed. I can't imagine what he'll turn out to be in the future.

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I do, but more than that I think what they're doing is exploitative and should be punished

Restrict the entire internet to 18+. All of it, including services that use the internet, like xbox live. Just burn it all

Why do kids even use the internet? Go back to fucking lego and toys.


i doubt it will affect Logan Paul

Just because they say "for kids" does not mean shit. The people having issues are parents and the solution should be parents limiting access. there are plenty of apps and devices that can limit the internet at home without fucking with everyone else.

All this will do is add a button to the Pavlovian contraptions that are computers giving the lil shit stains a reason to click

>>Kids being less likely to accidentally being exposed to the fucked up stuff shit like this website offers
There are tools that already exist to prevent kids from accidentally getting exposed to fucked up shit.

he'll probably lurk this site just like you

What will be the full consequences of this. I doubt it'll only kill annoying ads

A fate worse than death.

>t. tumblr tranny

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Sites like youtube getting lamer, if it pass(it was just introduced)it shouldn't affect porn sites or Yas Forums since they are 18+ and therefore not for childrens, just hope that it won't force google to not list porn sites in the searches but well then there would be an outrage of people of all ages