In celebration of representation.
ITT: LGBT Yas Forums characters
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i fucking hate you so much for posting this
but i do like it when they actually make a gay character whos isnt a fucking idiot like marvel insist on trying to do
i jsut want a good story and a good relationship
You forgot to put Jeff's moms in this.
i am gay feminine man
pandering more like it. Im tired of you fags.
What episode?
I just noticed her pants leg.
Love it how they added that slight blush on his cheeks, so erotic
Was It Rape?
sauce? is there some new castlevania animation?
No, you faggot. He was starved to make a human connection. If he hadn't been DTF, he could have easily overpowered them.
Who the fuck passes up a threesome with asian twins?
Did they ever make another appearance?
Yeah season 3
holy fuck I'm reading it in his SotN voice
No, but Wolverine is currently the latest Cyclops arm candy
I hate that fact that they made Max gay. It undercuts everything about her character and her friendship with Chloe. She's not a weird, innocent sheltered girl because that's how she is. It's because she's a HUGE LESBO and just hasn't had a chance to get HER PUSSY EATEN yet. Like, fuck, dude, so much of the story becomes dishonest.
Steven Quartz Universe
Thor's a lesbian?
Not queer or anythin' but I love the shitfit Yas Forums is throwing on Yas Forums over this. what a bunch of closeted cocksmokers, no offense.
Wowsers, that was hella lit, Max. *dabs*
He's a lesbian ally according to Tumblr.
Over Alucard of all characters. The most bishie of bishie vidya characters next to fucking Cloud.
>girly guys have to love it in the butt, it's just logical
t. homophobe
Don't confuse wishful thinking with homophobia, Nancy.
I think he's there just to make sure they really are lesbians
They raped our boy Lisa
Korra's was a last minute pander but it still counts.
only the worst version of PB is a dyke
I couldn't stop thinking about that guy whenever Steven's self-insert character showed up in last nights episode.
And when you thought Castlevania cartoon couldn't get any worse
Why are Yas Forumstards so obsessed with sex and representations? And why are mods ok with that while they delete threads and posts with feminine female characters?
Wtf are you talking about Yas Forums is 80% waifu threads
I just watched it and anyone who’s 100% sure Alucard engaged in gay anal sex really wanted him to.
Is it cannon she's gay? I know I didn't play her like that in my run. I kept them best friends and I liked it like that. I think it helps that I didn't really fall in love with their characters like so many other people did.
They hired a guy so customers would stop hitting on the bartender.
Comics and cartoons are inherently gay and you risk catching it by being here.
Stefan looks exactly how Polyle (oink oink) draws Steven as an adult All vampires are inherently gay/bi
That one writer's obsession with that scene and all his analyzing it makes me think he's in the closet. No way would a heterosexual person be that obsessed with it.
Thor is a He/Him lesbian
Alucard is canonically straight or asexual in the games though. Of course having him take it up the ass would be controversial
this guy was a sub for sure
what the fuck is doing buttercup there?
Fuck you. You just sent me back to 8th grade for a split second and I enjoyed it.
She was a lesbian in the reboot..
Why does it bother you?
Thanks, I hate it.
Fuck Netflix.
More reason to hate LGBT pandering to them. The first bit of quality Castlevania media and they turned the lead Vampire into a bottom gay.
kill yourself
u first
A girl kissed her. She didn't like it.
Why burgers or 1st world countries care about fags?
Ask Netflix.
These kinds of threads are silly.
It'd be like making a "White Yas Forums characters" or "Female Yas Forums characters" thread, as if that's the most relevant thing about the character or something.
Snowflakes need to have their representation displayed openly to give them reassurance that they are not freaks and more normalized.
If mods ban me for this they're homophobic.
He was boned
Him and Freddy Allen are based.
Why does R15 still even exist?
Do global rules not supersede your fee-fees?
It was up to the player. She could be gay, straight, bi or have no romance at all. If you didn't think that fitted with her character just don't make your Max gay. I didn't think she was in remotely the right state of mind for a relationship with Warren or Chloe, so I left her kissless.
it's gonna keep happening so you might as well.
Going to be kind of funny seeing the how the LGBT pandering will shape the minds of a future generation. Brainwashing it fine so long as THEY do it.
lmao fuckin nips and chinks care more about fags than you think even if theyre banned in chinkland. you're all sheltered.