Men write flawed characters with arcs and real problems to face to grow as people (Tulip, Anne Boonchuy)

>men write flawed characters with arcs and real problems to face to grow as people (Tulip, Anne Boonchuy)
>women write plot-armored wish fulfillment characters who experience no maturity nor growth (Star Butterfly, Reggie, Luz maybe)

What did they mean by this?

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OP, I'm pretty sure Reggie would've experienced growth if her show wasn't cancelled. She was already on the verge of a breakdown and the whole point was escapism is bad.

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star butterfly had to went froma retard to responsible queen tho you're just seething

No she didn’t, Star give up her power, than killed magic and forced her people to earth. Star was incredibly irresponsible. Let’s not forget how laughably fucked the mumans are now that they’re on earth without magic and 0 concept on science.

>women write plot-armored wish fulfillment characters who experience no maturity nor growth
Did you even watch the show? The whole point is about calling her out on her childish, escapist fantasies and how they'd made her less capable and developed than Todd and Esther.

OP's a faggot, Alex Hirsch (male) wrote Mabel Pines and Amphibia has literally no character development.

responsible =/= always making the right decisions

Star being fucking lynched, when?

Please explain how handing over a fucking monarchy and a magic wand is responsible?

Fucking genocide is not a wrong decision. Genocide is genocide. Bitch should've stayed in the Magic Realm and let Meteora handle shit.

Reggie and Luz are both heavily flawed, though, and even in its one season Twelve Forever was about her struggle to grow.

While OP is indeed a faggot, Amphibia has stronger character development than any other cartoon airing in the last year or so. Yes, even Infinity Train.

Eclipsa has the better claim to the throne

I like to imagine Luz leading an army of anarchistic autists and thinking its just a really intense LARP.


But Eclipsa didn't have the throne by the end either. No one did

So is it pronounced like "lose" or "loose"? Eda calls her the first but King prefers the second pronunciation.

Men have self-awareness and more empathy? Never would have guessed!

Ya, but that’s the thing is that Mabel is a shitty tween age girl.

But the people didn’t want her they liked the royal family they had, a ruler should do what’s best for there people not themselves. Star’s terrible and will most likely get mob justice done to her on earth.

I think the name in general is pronounced closer to "loose" but maybe with a slightly shorter vowel sound

There are plenty of men that make male power fantasies. They just get much of a strong fan following.

Steven Universe proves you're wrong though.

SU both proves AND disproves it.

E;R talked about this. Gary Stus are more likable and interesting for a reason. They're still bad writing though.

Who cares about whether or not a character fits the arbitrary bill of "not a Mary Sue" and having some contrived arc? Just make fun and entertaining characters, to hell with the people who poopoo them not being 4 dimensional morally gray byronic heroes

When somebody watches Chronicles of Riddick, they know what kind of shit they're getting into. It's bad, but there was honesty in the advertising.

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This. Not everything needs to be a character study.

The exception proves the rule. Alex Hirsch is a degenerate drunk damaged man child with daddy and sister issues.

all of those shows probably have mostly women writers though

I dislike Kirito as much as I dislike the mary sue in the Magus's Bride.

>women write plot-armored wish fulfillment characters who experience no maturity nor growth
75% of fiction before the 1900s would like to have a word with you

>*modern women write plot-armored wish fulfillment characters who experience no maturity nor growth

There's a bunch of Gary Stu's that are completely insufferable to me.
Titus Pullo from Rome single-handedly ruined that show for me.

Original is better

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I think most of these characters have problems and archs it's just that some of them feel like their problems had less weight despite life or death scenarios just comparatively to other cartoons or media as a whole. And I feel a lot of that is because they don't really focus on or the writers completely butcher the technical aspect of 'growth' whether that be physical, magical, or psychological. Many just have things given to them or deus ex'd out of a problem by something or someone else because they're stand ins for emotional problems or there's a focus on interpersonal relationships. It's fine and all but it creates a disconnect from the world/setting where shit has to constantly be bent to accommodate them. You want something to be about 'realistic' problems and 'realistic' people but consequences are an afterthought. And worst of all fans and even creators try to mental gymnastic their way out of these problems.

Just because something is trying to send a message doesn't make it a good show.

Not really. Star Butterfly is the only example from the OP that holds up. There's a question mark next to Luz and the Reggie example is a miss.

I think if Eclipsa worked on her flightiness she could have been a greater queen than either Star or Moon. It's funny because Star handed over the wand and crown but still wanted to dictate how to handle the Mina threat. And I'm watching and thinking Eclipsa has the right idea to just line those assholes up and blast them with Total Annihilation. That would have been the first good decision a queen has made in a while.

You just sound bitter. This part in particular gives your real intentions away

>worst of all fans and even creators try to mental gymnastic their way out of these problems. Just because something is trying to send a message doesn't make it a good show.

Might as well have just said "muh sjws" and called it ad ay.

In what way is that political? These shows have messages about handling emotion and other relationships. You're making a lot of assumptions.

Hirsch is a numale, so basically female

>people liked the royal family they had
I don't think that's how monarchy works.

Is easy to write and zoomers eat it up like crayons. The important part right now is fun popping visuals that never stop

in posting this shit you look as emotionally weak as the women you complain about.

I never understood the argument for Kirito being a Gary Stu or an edgelord(besides his fashion sense).

He's failed or made mistakes several times and the respect he gets from the other characters was earned.

>now that they’re on earth without magic and 0 concept on science.
So they'll be just like the vast majority of people

Luz's plot wish fuffillment keeps getting dabbed on. Like when she thought Amity was her rival and wanted to make her friend, but her actions just pushed her away and Amity thought she was being bullied.

Mewman citizens are practically medieval peasants with no skills to prosper in the modern day world, and the few that had an education specialized highly in the use of magic that no longer exists. All Mewmens, especially the ones that don't pass for humans, are just gonna fill slums and ghettos of whatever state accidentally ended up getting dropped in, because there's no way the monarchy is going to remain sovereign and independent when they're trying to claim they're Queens of what was once middle America and they don't have any magic to enforce that rule.

I have to agree with ya user.

yeah women sure suck at writing complex characters with flaws

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Star changed absolutely nothing through the seires besides no longer respecting anyone.

Next time don't mention Reggie. Wouldn't want your sexism thread to be founded on false pretenses.

Amphibia had no character development at all, just Anne being exposed to different situations causing her to act in different ways.

Character development means a character changing their personality what makes them take different choices than what they would do at the beginning of the story.

what manga is this

Not all character development happens that way, some just assert the values a character has from the start.

They can be just as satisfying to watch but nowadays people focus on the wimp becoming a hero for relatability over the hero fallen from grace or the stalwart champion archetype.

Character development literally means development, Anne had little to no character development, way less than Tulip or even Reggie, a character showing different emotions like what happens to Anne through the series is not development if that was the case Spongebob would be a juggernaut of character development since he was exposed to countless kinds of reactions other hundreds of episodes.

Ok we get it, you hate women.

Fuck women.

Wasn't the series proper written by a tranny? Or was it an outright male?

I like to do that too

>>women write plot-armored wish fulfillment characters who experience no maturity nor growth
yeah totally dude men would never write shitty wish fulfillment self inserts

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What a Chad

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