All-boys school

>all-boys school
>everyone is gay

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Is there fanservice or is it a big tease?

What's the difference? I've only read vol 1 so far, but they don't fuck in it if that's what you meant.

Not that far from truth.

>Eton College since forever.jpg

How lewd does it get?

Not at all, though there's one guy who's implied to fuck lot of different guys. But I don't know how it is later. The writer's more famous book trilogy Captive Prince just straight up gay porn so I expected this to be more lewd too. I was pretty disappointed because it has potential but some of the characters are too cringey to me (wish the trap didn't exist at all).

Tbf that's a common stereotype, whenever we played against an all-boys school we'd call them fags

It's basically prison gay lite

I liked the concept of sports comic, but this was too gay for me to keep reading.

In reality all-boys school are extremely homophobic

I want dick.

extremely homophobic and extremely gay

There is always Starfighter

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Why do so many gay people have the undercut shaved sides?

I’m wondering because I’m gay and I have it. WHY DOES EVERYONE ELSE DONIT

It's not gay enough

That is a very common trope in this kind of comics. Interacting with the opposite sex would just a waste of time in this kind of comics so the authors make an one genre group for whatever reason, a school for girls, a school for boys, a girls only music group or a girls only mahjong club.

Makes your face look longer and more refined.

It's been 4 years and nothing still tops this

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I'm glad shit like this exists. We need more diversity in comic book genres.

Should this be classified as schlick-bait? Either way I'm happy it exists and we have a diverse enough market that women can get their worksafe gay porn made.

Yes it's clearly for women
I don't mind but the main couple is annoying, I hate chemistry like this

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Looks like the character dynamic got imported straight from anime, complete with dumb overreactions.

>Captive Prince
I liked the second book, but the first book was a bit much and the third book was rather meh. And yeah Nicaise was a bitch

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The author and artist are weebs so it's supposed to be like sports manga
In novel (Captive Prince) I didn't mind the Japanese influence but when it's a comic, it gets a bit dumb
I probably won't read further than this

I remember people saying not to read Fence because Captive Prince is so problematic, but it's so safe it's boring

if its about fencing then its gonna be fucking gay becasue fencing is gay

Zorro wasn't gay

>comic advertising claims your making comics for gays while in reality you just want to make some western sports manga that only appeals to girls
Why is this a thing? Like Dream Daddy. I wouldn't even mind if if they didn't try to pretend gay guys want fujoshit.

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I don't think anyone claimed Fence was for gays, the author is a fujoshi and people who want progressive content don't like her. Some confused journalists might write it's "LGBT comic" because they don't know about fujoshi.

Dream Daddy on the other hand did try to be woke and "for gays" but that was just cringe.

Honestly this

Only his blade was gay, penetrating so many men.

This lmao.

Anyway here are the great Yas Forums fujo awards

Good lewds otherwise silly

>Always Raining Here

>Killing Stalking

Not very good

Waiting for Netflix adaptation of anything

Might've changed in recent years, but I went to an all boy's school, and it was way way way less accepting of gays than equivalent co-ed schools.
There's no girls to tell guys they're being problematic at all boy's schools.

can you point me a direction to read killing stalking
ive heards its good for gay shit but i cant seem to find anywhere to read it

You need to make Lezhin account because it's on their mature section

It's a western yaoi manga.


fair warning, stop reading after the christmas chapter

5 pages in and already a top-tier quote. Thanks user.

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ty x

>The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal: Poor boys and pilgrim
Is it good?

But then you miss the rekt ending

Yes. It's a satisfying read. The author clearly put a lot of heart, thought, and effort into it.

I'm still mad

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This. Went to an all boys school and remember a classmate tried to scare me by threatening to suck my dick.

Did he eventually do it?

It was always supposed to go for bad end, it’s a horror story about Stockolm syndrome not romantic


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did you let him tho? just as a joke haha

>yaoi comic
>there's blacks in it

Nein, danke.

Surprisingly the black guy and the slut guy make the most interesting couple

Kinda based for the author to go against BL tropes and not portray abusive relationships as a good thing

Which one?

”Abusive BL tropes” is fake news made by SJWs who think anything not utterly boring is abusive

All right I'll check it out

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Yes, it IS good which is a rarity when it comes to gay comics.

I'm going to shill /wcg/ and their pastebins:
>Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

>I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn

This. Someone stuck a finger up some other guy’s bum right as the teacher walked in

Sorry, I’m only interested in fujo comics not LGBT issues (especially trans)