Can we all agree that despite not being a perfect adaptation, Castlevania is a step in the right direction...

Can we all agree that despite not being a perfect adaptation, Castlevania is a step in the right direction? No other animated show I've watched, has had me on the edge of my seat as much as this show. In all likelihood this series will be the dawn of even more original Netlfix produced anime, and that can only be a great thing for us consoomers.

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The real reason I made this thread was to ask how to get a girlfriend and normal social life. I know women hate men that are socially inept so how doI practice?

Íts not anime

You can't, theres a reason we are on this site user

Netflix pretends it is because anything cool is called "anime". The CalArts shit is "cartoons" and anything ugly with swearing and sex jokes is "adult animation".



Alucard's three way was just odd. Wasn't even hot and I'm into that sort of thing. What as the goal there? Why was he crying? I knew he wanted friends, but did he really want a romantic relationship with Trevor and Sypha, the crazy bastard?

Vamp tiddies was aces though. Fuck that town mayor to hell

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He was lonely, simple as that.

I'd have let the male twin suck me off and demand that he wear panties as I fook and coom inside of him.

Fucking speedwatchers can't into context. Alucard was so crushingly lonely he made little dolls of his friends and had conversations with them. The twins were the first real human contact he'd had in what felt to him like years. You do crazy shit when you're that far gone.

Can't just The Alucard sleep in his coffin? And wake up whenever someone tries to snoop around his houses?

Sounds very straight to me

>Netlfix produced anime
Not anime.

No, it's a step in the wrong direction. It's juvenile garbage trying to be liveaction that looks like the old Fox X-Men cartoon ninety percent of the time, with terrible voice-acting and the pacing of a comic book by a hack who doesn't understand how to write screenplays.

It's a damning indictment of the state of modern western animation that anyone thinks this trash is watchable, much less some kind of evolution.

I was reading a pixiv comment thread yesterday and this shit is baffling to Japs. The sex isn't sexy, the action isn't stylish, the beautiful characters are ugly.

Give it up, white trash. You're cringey.

Who said I was white, fellow indian?

Ah bloo bloo

>Can we all agree that despite not being a perfect adaptation, Castlevania is a step in the right direction?
No, as an adaptation it shits on the original source material and is too derivative. Season 3 is the perfect example of filler.
>No other animated show I've watched, has had me on the edge of my seat as much as this show
Maybe you have low standards, maybe you need to watch more and better shows.

I’m just happy it triggered the fuck out of Yas Forumsfags


I enjoyed Season 1 and 2 well enough, but 3 was really not all that good, and not because of CHURCH BAD or ALUCARD GAY, but simply because it felt completely fucking pointless.

>everything is Yas Forums
You looks obsessed
More like it triggered Yas Forums than

he was getting raped though. Being crushingly lonely allowed this to happen, even if it wasnt with any consent. He's extremely damaged now because of that

No, we absolutely should be putting more emphasis on story than animations, and this one swings hard in the other direction. It’s a complete mess that wastes the work of actually talented animators on a plot that is either stuffed full of pointless filler or the entire season itself is crammed with pointless swerves and boring nothingness. Especially for a franchise like this that should have so much to work with, it’s inexcusable it was handed over to a person who’s imagination seems to end when he turned 12.

We need to ask for better stories, not prettier one, and as a story this entire thing is an utter mess.

Don't forget he's crazy young. So he might have the intellectual capacity of someone his age, but emotionally, he's still only has ~ 10ish years

About as straight as a nickel

So was this statutory?

Funny enough, that totally depends on what angle you're looking at it from

This is the bed that western cartoons have made for themselves. They spent decades doing nothing but comedy, and most of that being shit aimed at kids. Almost all of the action cartoons in recent memory had an obvious eastern influence too: Avatar, Samurai Jack, even Teen Titans was called out for being anime back in the day.

As far as most people are concerned, serious action cartoons don't exist in the west. Thats not a thing that the west does with animation. If you want an action cartoon, the place for that is 'anime', even if that anime isn't made in Japan.

Im loving it. Accurate to the games, the original stuff works, lots of references...

Now if only Konami made a new game.

This spites the Yas Forums incels

The animation and art aren't anything special either. The whole things looks very cheap. You can make a show look good with limited animation. You can make conversations and talking heads look good. But these character designs are all so ugly and the drawing itself is poor. You can have a character standing still in frame with just a little bit of lip flap for his dialogue and it's fine. But if that character art is drawn badly - the whole shot is shit when it doesn't have to be.

I know this is an American studio and America doesn't have the kind of animation talent that Japan and Korea has, but I'm not going to go easy on them. Ugly is ugly. These are poor designs and ninety percent of the time they're badly drawn on screen.

I enjoy it but no we can’t all agree and we shouldn’t, if we all agreed, we’d have nothing to talk about. I like that others have high opinions on alucard’s anal adventures, I enjoy the demand for more accurate stories and questioning characters like red headed thot vampire. You need this kind of discussion for improvement.

You are autistic and wrong, and you will fail to prove you have a deeper knowledge of art than that of a ranting weeb because you will not post your own work that proves you are truly visually inclined.

End of.

He didn't even wake up when Trevor and Sypha stumbled upon his coffin the first time around.

>No other animated show I've watched, has had me on the edge of my seat as much as this show. Is this a joke? I don't care about how the show diverges from the source material (Castlevania's stories were perfunctory at best and awful at worst anyway) but the pacing makes the show a total drag.

>western animation
>western cartoons
You mean American made-for-TV (or in this case almost TV) cartoons, weebs.

>you will not post your own work
Great counter argument.

Not him but Over The Garden Wall is the best Western animated series I remember from the past decade, in part because it wasn’t trying to masquerade as an “anime”.

So you've never played the games.

The games are uplifting, elegant gothic adventures where good prevails, the innocent are saved, and evil is always sent back to hell at the end.

The show is a cynical, miserable, misanthropic slog where there are no innocents, everyone just fucking dies in massive crowds of meaningless gore, and its core nihilism leaves you with nothing at the end but a guilty fap over some mediocre cartoon boobs.

This is the core disconnect between the games and the show. It has nothing to do with whether or not Grant shows up or what colour Isaac is.

The show is cynical, sleazy, ugly nihilism that attempts maturity via profanity and sex - which paradoxically only make it more juvenile. The games were the exact opposite, motivating you forward with themes of heroism and the responsibility of using power in order to save innocents in peril. Dracula is an evil but noble villain, and the fight against him rouses the best part of us.

So you can like this garbage, and swirl your dick around in it all you want. But you cannot honestly say it's accurate to the games in any meaningful way.

>the original stuff works
Have a second (You) for free

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the whip coreography was not that good this season thou. Anyone else laughed when it cut from Hector getting laid to Trevor getting punched in the face?

But why did Alucard randomly go on a rant about Apu?

As I get older, my opinions tend to match Boco's completely.

I’m so sorry for you.

Thank you, at 32 years old I am ready for death to finally take me. Either that or my property taxes first.

>You mean American made-for-TV (or in this case almost TV) cartoons, weebs.

Call it what you want, that doesn't change the state of things.

Season 3 was so fucking shit.

Too many plot threads that never added up. Felt like it was trying to be game of thrones, but without an hour runtime for every episode the four plots felt too condensed, and it switched between them too frequently.

The vampire sisters were awful. I expected Hector to try and get inside Lenore's head, and start to turn them against each other, which would have been supremely clever and interesting. Instead it was all just a waste of time that could have been accomplished in like two episodes, all done by some magic ring that felt so forced and lame. The sisters' dialog was so lame, an unbelievable step down from Dracula's court in season 2. Then again, if the series wasn't split 4 ways we could have had more time to flesh them out, but even then I doubt they could have made them worthwhile.

Isaac's plot ends on a cliffhanger, spending the entire season and cutting before we actually got what we wanted to see. Instead, his climax is fighting a giant ball of floating people that was so stupid I couldn't stop laughing. Also for some reason every single person he met knew he was a forgemaster for some reason.

Alucard's plot was fucking pointless. They tried to establish a slow burn on what was such a minimal plotline, and when the ending comes around it feels so fucking forced and lame. The Japs' motivations for killing him are STUPID. If this plot was only to turn Alucard into Dracula, it will be fucking stupid. Otherwise, it will STILL be fucking stupid.

Trevor's plot was the closest to being good. Genuinely interesting, but the much larger scale (at first) plots made his seem like wasting time by comparison. When it finally gets going, it starts to get good but then the show starts to cut to three other plot threads that never add up to anything. The mediocre ending throws all of that away though. Also the framerate on these fight scenes was way too low and it looked REALLY choppy.

If you think season 3 was good, you're stupid.

>Also the framerate on these fight scenes was way too low and it looked REALLY choppy
Yeah, it looked like an animatic in a lot of scenes. If you don't have the budget for so many episodes, trim the script down. It's not like you're going to be losing any world-class content. If all your show cares about is sex and murder, you need to make the sex and murder look good.

Maybe this garbage would work better as liveaction? At least the characters could have attractive faces then.

Not gonna lie. Was dissapointed by the entire season.

Can't wait for season 4!

my favorite plot-line this season was isaac everything else was meh

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I haven’t played the games but this felt very... original in flavour when my weeb ass was expecting that unique feel when Japanese IPs use Western culture in their works. But yeah, this is not anime. You can see it in the way they clearly base the designs off Ayami Kojima’s art yet Alucard is always hideously square in his horse face. The threesome felt like a cheap attempt to shock and as I was watching it I thought ‘I bet Alucard acts nothing like this in the games’. Hector is also a bitchboy who falls for it a second time, one of the writers must have a femdom kink.

They hated user because he told them the truth.

>I was reading a pixiv comment thread yesterday and this shit is baffling to Japs.
You can't just say that and not post screencaps. I'm interested.

No we can't-

>for us consoomers
Damn I fell for bait, didn't I. Well played.

As I get older, I tend to understand why we're supposed to tell Boco to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Meh i am kind of bummed out that´s just a set up for season 4 but i enjoyed it.

>Belmont storyline
a 7/10 a bit slow but the characters were pretty gud, maybe dont make her an martial arts master

>Alucard storyline 2/10
one off episode would be better it just felt so off but i guess that was the intention

>Hector storyline 3/10
nothing much happened he just changed owners, and he´s even more pathetic than Alucard, but i get the feeling that he can escape somehow

>Isacc storyline 9/10
gotta love punishing insane wizards and stupid townsfolk, and him go all out. Only bad part is that he didnt interact with any off the other storyarcs.

It´s kind of difficult to judge w/o the 4th season i guess

Also i love how Yas Forums got btfo again since the church wasnt good again, they will seethe for years about it.

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you could just delete this season entirely and it wouldn't matter, that's my problem with it

The story was definitely lacking; Alucard's was just a single episode extended through the season, Isaac and Carmilla's sides is just setup for another season and Trevor and Sypha's story was a generic DnD campaign.
But damn if the last few episodes with good animation and fighting weren't enjoyable.

One tiny thing that drives me crazy is that the animators keep putting these long fangs into the vampires that would make them impossible to actually bite or even close their mouths.

>Also i love how Yas Forums got btfo again since the church wasnt good again, they will seethe for years about it.
It wasn't bad either. I mean, these are priests that renegued the Church and created their own sect. That worshipped Dracula of all things...
But yeah.