ITT: Your favorite Yas Forumsmic characters and others make assumptions about you.
ITT: Your favorite Yas Forumsmic characters and others make assumptions about you
You want people that deserves it to get comeuppance
shameless memer
tasky specifically
You admire the mastery of a particular skill, as well as the dedication, precision and discipline required to do so.
you are a power level retard
And Yas Forums is here to ruin another thread
The most shameless of memers.
You're ex-military, and appreciate how hard it is to master a skill.
You're intelligent, but reserved.
Nah, I just love the sense of optimism, empathy, and compassion Supes has. Is that a crime?
You can be a bit annoying sometimes, but for the most part you're a source of fun and joy in your loved ones' lives.
An excellent taste you possess.
Your acquired reading list long.
With a career that is a massive success.
and truly an ever magnificent dong.
goku is stronger than superman
Both a memelord and someone who loves cruel and unusual punishments.
You are a simple man witth simple wishes
You like to read books
Both of 'em
Remember when they made him cry over 9/11?
You never miss when pissing.
You're based.
>Remember when they made him cry over 9/11?
I can't forget. Never forget.
Bisexual and athletic.
this shitty page for the 4789574th time
I like it but it's like the only thing people remember about ASS
it's ridiculous
Slightly cynical but a nice guy, wants to see the best in the world
You long for the days when things seemed simpler, not happy with modern society, value purity and honesty
the Big G
Spider-user here
Crazy accurate, thanks for the reply user.
Your a person who just wants to get by in life and succeed. Even though you'll make rash or questionable decisions at times. Overall you've become a genuine person over the year's.
You have an eating disorder
Pls be gentle.
You enjoy people that are upfront and unapologetic about it, without being assholes.
Also, you're a JSAbro.
Here's mine. Not Alan, the other one. Though Alan is great.
You actually read comics.
You're a nice friendly guy, but I feel like you won't really be there when I need you most.
Don't hold back Yas Forums.
>pfff, true comic fans only favor niche who's favorite character has mainstream popularity simply does not get the art form
You're either an avid comic fan or a newbie who got into it via the Dark Knight.
You like women who are sure of themselves and you don't hate Dan Slott that much.
You browse Yas Forums more than you should and you can't stop meming.
You're stuck in the 90s.
I have been listening to a lot of grunge and 90s R&B lately.
It's more to do with Speedball being one of the least likely characters to get introduced to most audience by non-comic media or Yas Forums. Unless there were some major media appearance or storytime dumps I missed.
You're very close with your grandma
you are either gay or bi and if not you have some repressed self hatred
>repressed self hatred
Take out the "repressed" part and you're spot-on.
his only major appearances have been as edgelord.
You're a memer through and through, but also have an eye for overlooked or discarded things.
You're athletic and frequently visit the gym. Women love your body, but are put off by your asocial behavior.
Wise and intelligent, but socially awkward.
Outspoken with a great sense of humor, but headstrong.
You refuse to read capeshit.
You long for a simpler time, but have a lot of complex fetishes.
You're a simple, hard-working individual that always keeps his word.
You're an avid tabletop RPG player.
You long for adventure but lack the courage to pursue it.
Bicurious and young. Probably has a girlfriend, but she wears the pants.
A proud capeshitter, but picky.
Superhero movies got you into comics.
Caring and optimistic but self-deprecating and depressed.
You're a coomer that really wants some femdom. Or a chick.
You both unironically defend 90s capeshit.
You're into discussing comics more than you are reading them.
Tabletop RPG player with a taste for gothic, cosmic, and supernatural horror literature.
You long for the days where capeshit was innocent fun. The JSA is your favorite superhero team.
You're an average guy that thinks they have an above-average intellect.
You're an avid comics reader and don't let others' opinions inform yours.
A huge fantasy-nut. Probably has a sword collection.
You're young, but desperately want to grow up.
You're religous, respect the law, and stillbsomehow manage to get laid.
You appreciate how positive a symbol Superman can be, but fail to acknowledge any of his character's flaws.
A toonfag, but picky one.
You're Catholic, but one of the chill ones.
You have a strict sense of right and wrong, and trust in the system.
You see yourself as conservative, but don't vote Republican.
You don't read a lot of Batman comics.
Let me have it.
To move away from capeshit for a second.
What an amazing drawing. They truly are the goats.
You also like Piccolo, and are possibly a black guy.
You understand how bad the world can be due to a traumatic experience, and prefer your escapist stories to be positive.
You fucking hate Reed Richards with a passion, and used to watch Filthy Frank back in the day.
You are either an outstanding, hardworking citizen or a pedophilic moron. No in-between.
You are possibly homosexual. You kinda like Spawn, but have only read a couple issues of it. Your favorite Era of Marvel is the 1990s.
You like both Looper and Conan the Barbarian. You secretly wished they did a crossover.
This kind of extends to all the Wilbur clones.