Why is Yas Forums so awful at LOL threads? Anything funny ends up getting deleted

Why is Yas Forums so awful at LOL threads? Anything funny ends up getting deleted.

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Because they are cancerous Yas Forumstard bait threads. Fuck off back to your containment board and stay there.

>humor is Yas Forums
Wtf I love Yas Forums now

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i thinks its cus of faggots like:

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because funny stuff is usually too racist for nu/co/ feelings

>another pointless imagedump thread

>nooooo my 56782th SU thread got sled mods help I'm being RAPED

>I can't find anything funny unless it's Yas Forumsbait

You don't understand LOL threads

It's kind of funny that this is the way Judaism was taught when it was an illegal practice

Honestly, that is pretty funny

I guess this is also "banned" from Yas Forums

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this aint Yas Forums

It takes a special kind of retard go unironically like pumpkinface.
Literally a discount stonetoss but without jokes.

where is her nose tho

if it were, we would have good LOL threads

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He has a few I like. Not as good as Stonetoss though.

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>Ruining a classic Minecraft joke
How fucking hard is it to make tranny jokes with bees?

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>classic Minecraft joke

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Wow none of these have been funny

>W0w n0Ne oF ThEsE HaVe BeEN FunNy

Yes yes. I know pumpkinface is yikes. No need to remind me.

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>>\/\/0\/\/ /\/0/\/3 0F 7|-|353 |-|4\/3 833/\/ F|_|/\//\/Y

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Need more label

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>joke is "i don't like the gays or muslims"
ptththththththb hehehe he make cartoon about thing i don't like! upvoted and reposted!!

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>Why is Yas Forums so awful at LOL threads?
Because Yas Forums users are like this:


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>i'm not the problem
>people pointing out the problem are the problem
dont you have a reality tv host to vote for?

>contribute absolutely nothing to the thread
>get upset over what others find funny

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i can't stop smiling at this one

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>when castlevania and Yas Forums threads collide

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U mad?

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Why wouldn't this work?

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ooops! that wasn't the right one

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Birds don't have money dumbass they're already bankrupt

>birds don't have money

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Troll Science is unironically more funnier and based than all comics in this thread.

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I don't remember this one.

you just KNOW

is that a berserk reference

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nigger, if this were Yas Forums some faggot would be spamming that tails scat comic or the like.

No it's a shoujo senki brain jacker reference

Has LunarBaboon been reading Assigned Male?

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You think LOL threads are bad, Yas Forums sucks ass at filename threads. Only way they could be funny is posting ones you found on Yas Forums that were funny.

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for a long time

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user , do u have any evidence to prove me wrong? do u have even anything more than this stupid "lol"? u reply like losers.

Yas Forums has really gone down hill. I fear a fate akin to /x/ on some days.

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requesting the edit where the kid puts a praying mantis inside the jar

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