What do you think of this ship

This came out of nowhere

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>Came out of nowhere

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Ehh shes been kinds flirty with Poil since her intro

I support it like hell

Every time I look at Bismuth I'm reminded of Concrete and start laughing.

I prefer greg, but I'm fine with this.

It’s gross. Bismuth is gross.

Pearl has a thing for murderous beings.

I don't like black coded characters so I think it's pretty shit, user.

Damn that was a good comic

Came late to the party, is there a mega I can watch from?

bismuth seems like a parody of SU designs

Go nuts mega.nz/#!dWhzXKDA!uyIGUxWguGYa1kRIu74U8zJJA8298RestzPJCxdMcQI

hey user is this an episode?

My reading of it is that Bismuth is obviously into Pearl, but it's not clear if Pearl is into Bismuth? Like, she obviously "loves" her as a friend and all, but she was acting in pretty much the same manner with all her other friends in the episode. Should I be reading more into that end song/dance, or has any of the production team made any strong statements (other than , which only addressed Bismuth's side of things) to confirm Pearl's reciprocated feelings? Or is it all still just one sided?

Yes, Bismuth's initial episode

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This. Both were pretty much a thing all the time.

Awesome, thanks!

Pearl likes em thicc

>loved fusing with Garnet, Rose and Steven
>disliked fusing with Amethyst
checks out

It really seems one-sided.

Plus, when it comes down to it, Pearl would be much better off in a relationship with somebody that doesn't have any connection at all to Rose/Pink.

>Action figure

There is nothing more arousing than Pearl being manhandled by other gems and treated like the weak, worthless thing she is. No respect whatsoever for her as a person or her feelings of objectification and humiliation

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it's one sided, but the shippers dont give a shit

>pretty much
All they did was hug characterized more like they had a soft spot for each other not that Bismuth wants to fuck her, it's a far cry from what we saw in this latest episode

The character that is suppose to be a mannish black dyke in cartoon form disgusts me so that it came out of nowhere is not the main issue.

Makes about as much sense as Pearl and Jasper hooking up, and the shippers convinced me that one was plausible, so, eh, I’ll take it.

>Can't read.

This seems like kind of a weak argument to me, because the only other old Crystal Gem friend that Bismuth was being reunited with here was Garnet. And she seemed pretty happy to see Garnet too, but only slightly more reserved, and that could be taken to be their relationship dynamic because Garnet is often so stoic. Bismuth was only just meeting Amethyst and Steven for the first time so her behavior with them doesn’t count. So with Pearl it looked like she just was really pally with all her good old friends. If anything that episode implied that she might’ve had much stronger feelings for Biggs Jasper than Pearl.

The sudden eyelashes made me think of our eyelash and makeup threads.

they even look lazily edited on like our threads

Same. I think we all did.

Someone post the comic of Pearl going "she big"

lol same here


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>projecting much

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I wish they’d give us a ship between two feminine girls instead of fem/stone butch, but this is alright and expected. Pearl always acted wet for Bismuth

Pearl/Rose was pretty feminine. Even if it was kinda one sided and unhealthy they had some very shippy moments.

nvm found it

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The same thing I do with other ships: not act like a fucking high school girl babbling about who should be dating/porking who and WAIT it’s confirmed in full by either Sugar or a member of the crew.

We’ve seen Pearl act like this with other Gems (most notably Garnet before), this isn’t a new thing.

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Tfw no pearl gf

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That's because they all porking each other.

so I've not been watching SU after the original series ended, are the movie and new series worth watching?

This is SU so no.

Just the Jasper episode

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Its Steven suffering porn
So yeah

If you thought it came out of nowhere, you fucking missed the fact Pearl is thirsty af

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Have a wholesome laughing Sucrose.

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Pearl really likes em huge

I think it's garbage. The ship itself, but more so that after all this time, the only way they can think to further humanize Bismuth is through her girlboner for Pearl. Fuck shipping.

The even funnier thing about it is that Concrete was drawn by a black guy iir.

Here’s a better one

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Do you think Sugar will learn to make a better show in the future?
>Most of everything in the series feels like a "pulled out the arse moment" so far.

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I'm glad for Pearl and Bismuth but can Jasper have a gf too pls. Even just a friend? Someone to give her company? Why can't becky let her be happy?

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I like Jaspearl more

Eh, they're cute so I'm fine with it.

It's literally just "Hey I have developed feelings for Pearl", that's not something that needs to come from somewhere, that's the thing that you use to lead to something else.

Come now. One off townie types are not that important.

It sounds like you should
(Surrender) every touch, every smile, every frown

(Surrender) all the pain we've endured until now

(Surrender) all the hope that I lost, it was found

(Surrender) yourself to me