Florida has just confirmed two coronavirus deaths. SXSW and other events are being shut down by local government. Tokyo...

Florida has just confirmed two coronavirus deaths. SXSW and other events are being shut down by local government. Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai Disney Parks are closed. How long we looking until the United States Disney Parks shut down?

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This fucking board jesus christ

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>still believing the coronavirus hoax

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who cares, only man babies still care aboot amusement parks.

Shut down? Ha! In America? Ha-ha! Let it spread. What do you think this is? Communist China? Communist Italy? This is the land of Freedom. Freedom to have as much gun violence as we want. Freedom to eat as many GMOs as we can fit in our mouth. Freedom to get the coronavirus and have fun doing it. We can shut down our borders, but we can never shut down our Disneyland.

If this shit happened 15 years ago. No one would cared. Social media is a plague and I'm glad coronavirus is spreading through.

Sorry mouse shills pool will be closed soon

BSL2+ lab here check my ip wash your hands

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I wish the coronavirus was as deadly as people say.


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If it happened 15 years it would probably have been 100 times worse, honestly. We had the same level of global travel, but nowhere near the same level of global criticism that caused China to shut down entire metropolises to try and save face and cause Japan and Italy to shut down entire school districts and sporting events.

In terms of lethality it's a 3, but in terms of infectability it's a 10/10 and we haven't seen anything quite like it in our lifetime. Hell, in some cases this has shown up to an 18 day incubation period. In other words it can LITERALLY SURVIVE A QUARANTINE.

I can go to the beach any time I want, and there's no needles or homeless poop there.

Didn't know that was a brag until I went elsewhere.

ok, after googling I found that "quarentine" originates from 40 instead of the 14 I thought, but those 17 centuries were whacko alchemists and my emphasis on the extreme still stands even if people in the past were extremer.

DON'T YOU BADMOUTH MUH PUBLIX! They give me BOGO's and aren't afraid to charge me the difference in Milk.

Milk prices were always weird but they let me buy beers individually so I can mix and match.

Nice trips but you misinterpreted my post you faggot

This wasn't amusing to read you know. I'm unimpressed.

It's just easier to have everyone get infected by it, develop herd immunity after everyone gets sick and either dies or survives the fallout, and then go on with our day. The unique thing about Novel is that it's so different from where you get it. The "coronavirus" in Wuhan is going to be different and archaic to the one found in Washington, or Minnesota, or Colorado. If we develop a form that isn't a vaccine right away, having some form of bodily immunity will cause it to be less of a problem.

As a disney putholder, not soon enough

It's not a hoax but neither is it a the Plague or HIV/Aids of the 80s
That I can agree, bird flu was a lot more lethal but with no social media no one really knew how to look at it.
>In terms of lethality it's a 3,
we are not completely sure of that now that we are finding cases where people were infected got better and didn't know they had it till after the fact, they just thought they had a cold/flu. That is the double edge sword of this, it can hide in you for weeks but it isn't any more intense on your body than something millions suffer yearly.

It's not supposed to be amusing. You think the American government can shut down a private institution? Don't know much about America if so. Hell, the governing body that might theoretically have the power to do so in unprecedented emergencies is probably crippled because Trump refuses to populate its staff.

>Oh no, two deaths across an entire fucking state, one of the most populated states in the entire fucking country.
You Corona virus faggots are fucking pathetic, nobody over here gives a shit about your media fear mongering bullshit. I'm just waiting for the next hurricane comes through so I can Naruto run in it like I did in Irma.

has there been a case of a kid dying yet? So far it's been elderly and people with complications at least in 1st world countries anyway. I'm sure China had some younger people considering they absolutely suck at treating their people.

>If we develop a form that isn't a vaccine right away, having some form of bodily immunity will cause it to be less of a problem.
While on the whole I agree with you, I don't think this part is true. See, bacteria and virus are two very different things. Bacteria diversify and grow, but viruses just replicate and very occasionally mutate. If you had a COVID-19 vaccine right now, it would be very effective. But viri are so small and so difficult to pin down that by the time you develop a vaccine, it's now a year and a half after it's relevant.

I'm so fucking tired of everyone freaking out that some 70 year old fucker or a person with already compromised health dying from this, spoilers fuckers: if they got the flu, a bad cold or something else it would have likley killed them too. Yes it's tragic and yes it's new but calm the fuck down.

There aren't many known deaths because our test kits are not effective and until now many places refused to test
So likely but we don't know it

Isn't there like 50 different strands of Rhinoviri that all in the end give you the common cold?

I know for things like Ancinobacter, or Staph evolved to become MRSA, VRSA, etc... Do Viruses not have that function of reproduction and evolution that bacteria have?

One of the first US deaths was discovered post autopsy and when a child dies they go for broke to find out exactly why, more so in situations like this. Both animal flu's they were all but chopping up any kid that die from flu like systems just to see if it was normal flu or new scary flu.

None of this shit is new.

The virus has a strong bias towards the older. Don't really see what your point is, though, it's not like it's only killing people who are close to death. It's just a statistical incidence thing. Sure it's better than if it tended to hit the young. But 2% mortality is still 2% mortality. That is economically significant, no two ways about it.

Didnt something like this happen in 2008/2009? Pig flu or something.


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Viruses are really interesting. They're basically just RNA that's incorrectly getting duplicated. Their simplicity is both the source of their unpredictability as well as their inflexibility. They don't have the same active diversification mechanisms that traditional life have, but they're also much much harder to completely eliminate, so there are always viral strands which have been suppressed but are itching to pop up again because it's so hard to get rid of them since they're so hard to differentiate from normal bodily functions.

>Isn't there like 50 different strands of Rhinoviri that all in the end give you the common cold?
that's a gross generalization but yes or weaker even, like this hasn't claimed a child yet and it's been around for at least 4 months. Worth noting SARS was like this as well.


To give comparison the current flu strain has killed over 105 kids in just the last two months.

>H1N1 happened 11 years ago

Jesus Christ, what a throwback. We had a form of long range coverage through by then, something like SARS was very short lived because no one covered it properly like today with Ebola or Coronavirus. Hell, I found out today that Vail and Aspen are suffering from Mumps.

Coronafags will always move goalposts. I remember them bringing up this one month claim after the two week incubation timeframe came and went and we weren't living in the Neo Black Death.

Again, though, that 2% statistic is nowhere near consistent. It's an average, and the average is driven upwords by places like China and Iran, who're experiencing large death rates.

It's hard to know what the "real" death rate is compared to the infection rate because that information isn't forthcoming. Nine people died in Seattle, but all nine were nursing home patients. How many others are infected but aren't reporting?

>Don't really see what your point is, though,
about 80 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older for the last 30 years. If you just look at the elderly the flu makes coronavirus look like a paper tiger.

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I remember I was working at a go-kart place then and one of my coworkers got it. He was out for like a week and was fine. Nobody else working there or who had visited the park ever got it.

Sorry for the Deaths.

Also fuck Disney and everyone that supports them.

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It's been known moving the death to "the flu" in place of corona is a tactic that is used to limit the number of deaths and not cause panic

Sure, sure, but the 2% doesn't actually mean anything in a vacuum. What's the difference between a Virus that hits 100,000 people and has a 10% mortality rate and a virus that hits 10,000,000 people and has a 0.1% mortality rate? The point is the combination of its medical impact and its spread has resulted in something which even 1st world countries trying their economic best to prevent it (after all, the Olympics are at stake) still has it spreading and killing.

about every 5 year there is a "minor" outbreak of something and then 10 years after that a "major" outbreak.

Humans have a very very short memory.

source on that or just wild speculation?

>unprecedented emergencies
why do millenials choose to be such melodramatic ninnies?

Seasonal influenzas can target the youth very strongly. In fact this winter's influenza's strains have caused a significant child mortality rate compared to the last ten or so (overshadowed by COVID-19). Hell, the fact that COVID-19 is being talked about and the flu strains aren't should tell you something. But you're probably too contrarian to see it.

Jesus, you actually spent time writing this out?

both San Diego and LA have confirmed cases so Disneyland is probably any day now!

issue is the US media want panic and those 105 dead kids this year from the flu was just in the US. You are basically taking a faith based approach that it's worse than it is.

I don't know, why do zoomers tend to be so disinterested screen-huggers? Oh, right, I remember why. Because you're useless and you realize as such.

They'll never close Disneyland because it would officially mean IT'S TIME TO PANIC! for normies.

15 years ago you were born.

>Hell, the fact that COVID-19 is being talked about and the flu strains aren't should tell you something
That an age old death march we have lived with won't incite fear like the newest trend?

You're taking faith in the numbers of Winnie's kingdom and the country that charges $3000 per corona test so that no one takes it

>why do millenials choose to be such melodramatic ninnies?

I forget that I share a board with people who can't even make a decent roast.

Hey. So, let me ask you something. When SARS and Swine Flu hit, did the markets tank? So... let me ask you something. Who's smarter, you or the market? Yeah, I thought you'd say that. Just vote for Sanders, already.

why are you bring in China when we should be looking at America?

No matter how much you fail to acknowledge it, there's a reason they call THIS new and not the most recent flu strain. There's a reason THIS coronavirus is novel.

The difference is information. Its "medical impact" has yet to be fully determined, mainly because Grorious Chyna refuses to release any information related to the disease. The information you and I have about this thing is coming from hasty observations made in first-world nations, not from any sort of backlog of medical data. We know more about the mortality rate of H1N1 and the seasonal flu because that information is regularly reported. That 2% number is very, very likely skewed due to the lack of information about the number of infected. Using your example, if you have 100,000 people with a disease but you're only aware of about 5,000 cases, 1000 deaths makes the mortality rate look like 20%, whereas the real mortality rate is lower.



>we are not completely sure of that now that we are finding cases where people were infected got better and didn't know they had it till after the fact, they just thought they had a cold/flu.
That's been a characteristic of this since the bieginning and we've known that for a couple of months. As you say that only helped propagate the virus. 3/10 still seems way too high in terms of lethality, basically if you're under 40 there's less than a 0.5% mortality rate, and even if you're over 80 it's 15%.

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>Market fluctuations = 90 year old Russiaboo is our only hope
I almost feel bad for left wingers.

>Hey. So, let me ask you something. When SARS and Swine Flu hit, did the markets tank?
yes but they all recovered once the scare was over. Only Epidemic that didn't recover the same year(or really in a few months) was HIV/AIDS.

Fool! The Government won't shut down the big D Land. D Land will close itself. Why? Because public opinion to them matters and it will cost them MORE money to stay open when there NO crowds.

They'll literally look at the numbers and make a statement about how they care about public safety and to HA-HA! Come Back Real Soon! all while saving millions on food/electric/water/gas and staff costs.

This virus might actual put them in the green. It's all going to plan.

Why can't boomers comprehend that there is a "world" outside of their own. Stop browsing this site and actually go outside for once.

Because China caused the stock market crash
You know why? Because the forced everyone out of work
You think this is just swine flu if China aka the slave labor country shuts down almost everything?

see for yourself

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Well...don't go outside right NOW. There's a virus going around. Go outside in about...oooh......6-7 months.

Probably because you have all the deaths from the flu on top of the covid ones and chances are this disease is sticking around for good now and your cold and flu season becomes cold and flu and covid19 season.

Kids barely even show any symptoms.

>Because China caused the stock market crash
what else is new? this happens with them almost every ten years.
>You think this is just swine flu if China aka the slave labor country shuts down almost everything?
yes because that's what they do.

I'll acknowledge that a lot of this is hasty. In fact my biggest take from this is "Viruses are small and hard and shut up, do you know? Just because we got $1 billion and a month to study it doesn't mean we know anything."

But what I'm getting at is that the information which is driving the market isn't coming from scientifically-sound 30 month studies on the efficacy of modern antiviral doctrine, it's an "oh, shit, my ML production algorithms are showing a shut down in sectors 10 through 199, this is going to cause a ripple in the global economy the size of Poseidon's dick." thing. It doesn't come from nothing and there's good reason to think, they don't know why, but they know what.

Did we have a stock market back in the days of the Spanish Flu? Because I think that's considered the absolute, drop dead worst plague that hit the nation.

There's a virus inside your asshole and in your nose at all times. No excuses, boomer.

>I almost feel bad for left wingers.
they always get what they ask for

and the 90 year old Russiaboo on the other side is better because...?

The internet as a popular thing was barely in its infancy when SARS hit. Social media was only just starting to get more known to the wider public when swine flu and bird flu happened. This is the first one to really happen when social media is so completely integrated into every day life and like someone else said social media is a cancer. It allows for hysterical bullshit to spread (like a video of a "nurse" crying and claiming some absurd number of figures in China infected when she wasn't actually a nurse). Fucking people stocking up on toilet paper and water like coronavirus is a hurricane. Corona Beer's value is tanking because idiots somehow think there's a connection between it and coronavirus.

I generally try to hold the position that people are a lot smarter and more reasonably generally than most give us credit for but when mass hysteria is really easy to induce nowadays and causes many otherwise logical and normal people to turn into gibbering, drooling retards.

>China just shuts down production and entire cities
Lol no, they didn't even go this far for SARS

Markets tank whenever someone sneezes, they're easier to spook than a horse on cocaine.

>cold and flu season becomes cold and flu and covid19 season.
You say that like there isn't another 40+ illnesses and what not that are just as common. The Flu only gets so much attention because it constantly changes at an alarming rate.

I cannot believe I wasted someone's quints for a rebuttal. Time to stop browsing Yas Forums.