So. Islam exists in Steven Universe

So. Islam exists in Steven Universe.
What implications does this hold?

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Who cares? Episode confirms Connie is toxic for Steven and doesn’t care about him.

Maybe Islam doesn't exist but hijabs do? That's usually how western liberals portray it.

>wearing an headscarf/hijab is religious
Do americans really?

how so?

Becky failed as a hebrew

Reminder that Islam is literally the best religion. And anyone that doesn't follow it is an infidel.

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irony: Steven Universe was banned in the middle east years ago

She just ignored the fact he was very uncomfortable and didn't even help him with her friends. She’s already moved on from him. It’s a good thing next week will their toxic relationship.

Shut up Muhammad

How often do non-muslims wear hijabs besides those who are visiting durka durka countries and don't want to be raped or otherwise harassed?

Fucking based

>How often do non-muslims wear hijabs besides those who are visiting durka durka countries and don't want to be raped or otherwise harassed?
Do americans really don't know nuns?

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>Islam exists
>Christianity does not
Sounds like a paradise

cause she only cooperated with him when he brought out his gem powers. The whole series has been like that, not once has she show admiration for his human side. pic very much related

>human beings!

what an absolute cunt

American Islam is basically its own thing now. Americans recruiting other Americans in prison, telling the the most superficial aspects of the book are way enough for salvation.

Don't the sjw types get buttmad about 'cultural appropriation' if people outside of the religion wear a hijab?

forgot pic

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a habit is not a hijab, you fucktard.

so is the chick in OP's image a nun then?

Nice try faggot, but I remember the episode where she told him "I don't care if you don't age like a human, I like you for YOU". You cucks are getting increasingly desperate and it really, REALLY shows.

Connie is a growing girl who no longer wants to run around like an autistic seven year old. She notices men and it’s pretty obvious Steven isn’t her type. She wants someone with class, confidence, and the drive to power... Kevin.

Do you guys thing disgruntled gems might become attracted to extremist groups

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why do lefties masturbate to hijabs when the hijab is a symbol of patriarchal oppression?

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Actually she offered to help him multiple times and he denied it each time. Im not a shipfag but thats some sped logic.
Literally the definition of a hijab is a head covering worn by some muslim women. These arent hijabs - they are their own thing.

Don't encourage them.

Not that user but my aunt wears and headscarf for not realigious reasons


Hijabs originate from the headwear worn by Arab women pre-Islam

East Orthodox Ethiopians. Christfag as all fuck, but wears Hijabs.

She’s going gay in college, user. I’m not happy about it either.
She actually did not help him at all when he was acting awkwardly. And only hangs around him when he’s convenient. It’s why she ghosted him when he upset. The relationship has always been toxic and unhealthy with Steven enabling her behavior. She just doesn’t care about him and probably never has.

(((Pure coincidence))).

him not aging like a human is a gem trait. Face it she likes him for his gem gimmick, its been that way since her first appearance when she acknowledges him after he brings out the bubble

a nun isn't a civilian person anymore. It's a form of cult inside the religion. the hijab is mandatory in many form of islam (but not all, that's just Americans simplifying things as usual)

>Religion doesn't exist in SU according to Beccy.
>But need those PC points

What happened with Isa (PBUH) in this universe?

>Don't the sjw types get buttmad about 'cultural appropriation' if people outside of the religion wear a hijab?
in SU there aren't cultures you dummy

a hijab isn't just a scarf over your head. it has to be tight shut to hide the entirety of the hair.

Not every person who wears hijab does it for religious reasons.
But because they're forced by their society

Nuns aren't a cult.

I’m starting to understand all the cuckoldry porn. Yeah, compared to a lion like Kevin Steven just can’t compete. I’m sorry! But Steven doesn’t have a car or has that animal magnetism that girls just love.

All religions are cults

>a hijab isn't just a scarf over your head. it has to be tight shut to hide the entirety of the hair.
But that girl can just wear a headscarf because she is from a place in the SU's earth where that thing is a fashion

I wonder on what grounds their societies force them to hide themselves in SUverse

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Muslims would never hang out with homos and fags.

Or Blacks.

A lot of nuns don't even wear HABITS day to day anymore.

That Pink Rose was the person that Mohammed talked to in his mountain cave? I don't know.

>finkle is einhornberg

>user say they can't
>In the show they do

Gb2 drag queen storytime.

>Or Blacks.
Aren't there a lot of Black Muslims?

>I wonder on what grounds their societies force them to hide themselves in SUverse
Ancient Gems reasons
in the SUverse yes

>Anyone who says bad things about religion is a tranny!

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Cult is a pretty nebulous term but nuns living at a convent are pretty similar to what people would call a cult.

>But need those PC points
Are you new?

FUCKING THIS. How in the fuck are you gonna explain why Abrahamic religions don't exist but a MAJOR Abrahamic religion exists? Are they upset at the other 2?

I hope not, one of them belongs to Beccy!

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>showrunners bend the knee to include mudslimes in their shows because MUH DIVERSITY
>their shows are most likely banned in the middle east

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yes they are, it's not a normal christian woman thing, it's a specific shit done in specific places under specific rules.

It's just the show throwing a bone to another minority, it really isn't a big deal.

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>islam exists.
>But Christianity doesn't

So glad I dropped this show, and what a fucking hypocrat. No one celebrates Christmas or any holiday because "people in India don't celebrate those things and they won't understand it!" but now, somehow Islam and all their traditions and holidays are in SU as if fucking anyone but sand niggers celebrate them.

>FUCKING THIS. How in the fuck are you gonna explain why Abrahamic religions don't exist but a MAJOR Abrahamic religion exists? Are they upset at the other 2?


That’s what she’s said but when push comes to shove, if she can’t be a hero, she doesn’t want him

Chrismas is a pagan invented holiday that has nothing to do with christianity anyway

Well then give me a wig and call me Caitlyn

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this image confuses me
what does yanderedev have to do with siren?

>>islam exists.
No it doesn't you stupid child.
It's just an headscarf she wear because she likes it.
We still haven't seen her doing religious islamic staff.
Stop being a pissy baby and try to be logical.
Is she wear an headscarf does that mean my aunt is muslim too?
No because my aunt is white you say?
Being muslim isn't a fucking ethncity.
People wear that thing because they like it or because it's fashion

I really hope you are right, nobody should worship that rat-god Archon piece of shit.

>misogynist and homphobic religion that preaches female submmision and death penalty to gay people
>SJW love it
explain this to me Yas Forums I really dont understand

The population of Timbuktu in the Mali Empire would disagree with you, but they don't have a time machine.

Cults have leaders who knows it's all bullshit.

>misogynist and homphobic religion that preaches female submmision and death penalty to gay people
I'd love Islam too but they're brown so I have to hate it

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>Not every person who wears hijab does it for religious reasons.

nigga a hijab IS FOR religious reasons. That's why it's fucking called a hijab.

It's not a religion in the SUverse.
We're talking about the SUverse.
Not your stupid real life.
In the SUverse isn't like this.

Ignorance, SJWs are exactly the same type of people who believe Jesus wrote the Bible, they know shit about Islam and think nobody there really believes in those dumb myths. Is just Anti-white shit to them.

Oh you think Abdul thinks Zamba is a human? Lmao

Jasper is a Muslim as confirmed by Rebecca Sugar's Instagram

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You think the Pope does not know it's bullshit?

>All religions are cults

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>Cults have leaders who knows it's all bullshit.
If Catholics didn't think their religion was BS then maybe they wouldn't be running the wouldn't largest pedo ring.

>hijab IS FOR religious reasons. That's why it's fucking called a hijab.
Hijab means "hide".
It hasn't anything to do with religion but with a cultural background based on internalized self bodyshaming

>hijab IS FOR religious reasons
>that's why it's fucking called a hijab.
That's the khimar

>All religions are cults

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Israel is running the word's biggest pedo ring, but you already knew that, JIDF.

Christmas historically has no connection to paganism, that's a protty myth that fedoras still cling to.

>Implying that the Catholics aren't in on it too.

liberals are retarded news at 11.

>fedoras are awesome

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Look at that twink and his faggot hat.

The Catholic church being full of pedos is a lukewarm take at most.

Yes but actual Arabs hate them.

Ive seen dudes with that face with gfs though.

That's a funny way of spelling "freemasons"

>fedoras are awesome
>Look at that twink and his faggot hat.
Yeah, I'm a bit gay, so what?



Priests are least likely to abuse, but the (((media))) overreports decades old accusations.

>Archon tricking other Archons int to believing he is just a regular pedophile with a regular sized dick

Pretty clever for an Archon.

Gaytheists are the reason society is crumbling.