Come one and all to talk about the greatest villain team in comics. We haven't had a Friday Rogues thread in a couple weeks but with Flash #750 out, I figured it was about time to have another Rogues thread!
Come one and all to talk about the greatest villain team in comics...
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It looks like the godawful YotV outfits are gonna stay a while
Oh neat, I didn't think we'd be having this thread today!
So what stories did people like or dislike in #750? Did you like the Doc Shaner pin-up?
I'd like to see a crossover, it's a shame fun stupid shit like that can't happen anymore.
I liked all the sorties desu. The only issue I have with the Shaner pinup is that Wally’s ribcage is a little too low, otherwise it’s awesome as usual for Shaner.
Team dynamic wise, I say...
Doc ock is Captain Cold
Mysterio is Mirror Master
Electro is Weather Wizard
Heatwave is Sandman
I guess Kraven and Vulture is Trickster
How I do anons?
At least we have this.
how would this guy fair in the Rogues?
Considering Wally compared him to Rainbow Raider, pretty darned well I think.
Wally’s ribcage is a little low, but Zoom’s eyes in the background is an amazing touch.
I liked all of them. Least favorite was probably the Manapul one, but even that one was still decent. The only thing that bothered me about the Johns story was that Rainbow Raider wasn't included with the others here
Yeah, I thought the Manapul story was just kind of there, but it was still decent as you say.
Roy kinda-sorta should be there, but the same could be said of Alvin Desmond.
Johns was clearly the best, Johns and Kollins Rogues book fucking when
We should beg for at least another mini. I'm sure they'd have that in them.
God, Sandman would have a blast with the Rogues it's not even funny
I can imagine Johns reading the latest Rogues arc in Flash and thinking, "Goddamn it, do I have to fix them fucking again?!"
I wonder how much that frustrates him. I'm sure it must, he's never been shy about expressing it before.
Something that I've noticed is that after Johns leaves a book, the next writer pretty much fucks it up entirely and squanders everything that Johns basically gave to them. You can find this in JSA, Flash, Green Lantern etc. The only exceptions I can think of are Hawkman and Aquaman. I'm sure it disappoints him greatly when it happens.
It must. To some extent anyone who works at the Big Two probably expects it and is used to it, but it must be annoying when you've put a lot of work into a book.
He'd be a staple of Silver Age Rogues, but would probably fall out of favor about the time Barry learns how to phase through shit with his molecule bullshit.
And then he'd develop even greater molecular bonds to hold the Flash, kind of like how Captain Cold can go below absolute zero and Heat Wave has fire hot enough to burn Tar Pit.
Bullying the Turtle
In an interview from just before #750, Kolins said that he and Johns would definitely be interested on doing a Cold monthly and that they could keep doing something like that forever. If DC won't give us a second Flash on-going, they should consider a Cold/Rogues on-going instead. Literally the best creative team for it wants to do it, what's stopping them?
Geez, I hadn't heard that and it sounds amazing. Maybe we can beg DC.
Here's the link for if you are interested. I made a small mistake, it was actually Johns himself who said he'd love to do a book like that.
Sounds great. If they ever did the book I'd hope they wouldn't emphasize the dead sister angle too heavily, because that's the one thing I don't care for in Johns' Cold.
Lisa's alive again, so that would require Johns killing her off specifically to emphasis her being dead. Plus given that she's been around since 2011 I think he'd catch a bunch of flak for killing, especially since she's now seen as a core Rogue.
I was thinking they might set the book at least vaguely in the same timeline as the 'Beer Run' story, but they might set it in current continuity. I'd be curious how much they'd want to write current continuity if they can't change things to suit their tastes.
The main problem with current continuity is that both Mirror Master and Weather Wizard are boring as fuck. Sam could be killed off to bring back Evan, but I doubt Mark's change into Marco can be ignored so easily
I think current continuity is close enough that they can work with it, or at least not have to make too many major changes to bring it to a status quo that they like. It's not like either of them haven't been in the industry long enough to know that you can't always get what you want and sometimes you're left polishing a turd. Also I think that of Johns got a Rogues book he'd also put a fair bit of focus on Flash's other villains that aren't Rogues but would fit in with them.
They could be made interesting if someone really wanted to, I'm sure. I don't think either is an inherently bad character, though I don't like either of them in their current incarnations.
Hopefully this happens so we can get more Rogues Profiles issues, still need ones for Axel and Weather Wizard.
The main thing that gets me mad about Flash Rebirth was there was no follow through to what Johns was planning on doing with Dr. Alchemy and Kadabra.
Also the Top and Dr Alchemy.
I'd say Marco has a better setup for development than Mark. Familial ties to organized crime he'd prefer not to exist, a shit ton of guilt, and emotional instability due to his powers are all pretty solid background elements. Toss in the book nerd of pre-Flashpoint and go full Byronic with him.
All true, but I have to admit I've always found the muh cartel family stuff to be cringeworthy and wouldn't be sorry if it was quietly forgotten. A better writer might able to do it right, though.
As long as he's a angry himbo again I don't care about his family set up
You could have the cartel out to kill Marco to prevent a challenge to the current leaders and use it to reintroduce Snowflame. If for no other reason than I want to see stimulant powered pyrokinetic hopped up on Velocity 9.
This is true, because Mark's story was pretty much completed in Rogues Revenge. His son was killed and he avenged him and we finally learned that Mark killed Clyde (before that, it was only implied). Weather Wizard could use a new hook anyway
A couple threads back, there was some talk about wanting another female to join the Rogues so Lisa has someone to bantz with, which female villain would you want to join the Rogues?
What about Magenta?
With Didio out, I kind of want to see Johns return to Flash so he can right the ship a bit and finally get to do the story he wants to tell or maybe make him the. Editor of a subline of Flash Books where he can set up the storylines
Would be cool if we could get a Flash-centric event for once. Instead of all the Batman and villains events
I kinda want her and Piper to be friends
That would be nice and also to have it not be conscripted into a line wide reboot
I’m surprised they didn’t interact really at all during Wally’s run
It's been a while since I read anything with the Flash and liked it. And before the Rogue mini in Forever Evil, probably Johns Flash. Time for a DC reread, lads. Anything I should add in?
Waid Flash
Marz Green Lantern
Johns Flash
Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge
Flash Rebirth
Brightest Day: Johns Flash
Forever Evil
Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion
I feel like I'm missing something.
Also since this thread is kinda dying, I'm gonna storytime a one-shot.
They would have fun shittalking Wally desu.
Also I hope you don't mind, OP. But I figure this is a decent way to bump thread/keep interest.
Kinda weird reading about Dr Light and not having him be an actual nutjob.
Len was always a class act. Poor lad
>I hated the man, not the costume. You'd have to be crazy to do that.
Fuck, why are the Rogues so fucking cool?