ITT: Post the moment your favorite Marvel characters jumped the shark. I'll start

ITT: Post the moment your favorite Marvel characters jumped the shark. I'll start.

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I remember thinking that this was a solid ten years to early when it happened

When I think about the difference between the Hama run and Wolverine Origins, I die inside.
>It was Romulus on the phone with the Professor in Windsor-Smith's Weapon X

Generally speaking it's a good idea to keep Bendis away from what you love.

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I at once got what Fraction was going for and also had no idea what he was doing.

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I'm pretty sure Matt had a relapse while writing that arc. Unfortunately, the goofy Punisher storylines just kept coming.

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Venom has always been kind of a messy character, but this marked the beginning of shit to come, only to be followed by pure shit in anything involving Eddie Brock.

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