ITT: Post the moment your favorite Marvel characters jumped the shark. I'll start.
ITT: Post the moment your favorite Marvel characters jumped the shark. I'll start
I remember thinking that this was a solid ten years to early when it happened
When I think about the difference between the Hama run and Wolverine Origins, I die inside.
>It was Romulus on the phone with the Professor in Windsor-Smith's Weapon X
Generally speaking it's a good idea to keep Bendis away from what you love.
I at once got what Fraction was going for and also had no idea what he was doing.
I'm pretty sure Matt had a relapse while writing that arc. Unfortunately, the goofy Punisher storylines just kept coming.
Venom has always been kind of a messy character, but this marked the beginning of shit to come, only to be followed by pure shit in anything involving Eddie Brock.
>I was half-Kree all along, teehee!
This seemed really cool to me at first at the time. I was young
The late 90's in general were a bad time for Marvel. There were several reasons but the "all popular villains must now be anti-heroes" bit was especially painful, with Venom being among the most abused.
Ah, the saga of Mike Murdock. I haven't had anyone bring this up to me in a long time. DD is one of my all-time favs and I do my best to pretend this never happened. Foggy is especially retarded for believing it
Reminder that since Zdarsky's run Mike Murdock is real.
I stopped reading after Shadowland. It sounds like I made the right decision.
It's not some weird retcon if that's what your thinking. Matt was getting The Reader to help him take down Mayor Fisk. Reader reads about Mike Murdock and accidentally makes him real. Matt decides that even though he was an accident Mike shouldn't be uncreated. Last we saw him Fisk hooked Mike up with The Hood.
That's not as bad as I thought but anything that forces me to acknowledge that storyline's existence is bad. Everyone in Matt's life would have to be mentally disabled to believe it, especially since DD showed up in Matt's life a million times after those early issues and people like Foggy still somehow couldn't put two and two together.
>The late 90's in general were a bad time for Marvel. There were several reasons but the "all popular villains must now be anti-heroes" bit was especially painful, with Venom being among the most abused.
You've got it backwards though at least in the context of my post and why that was the shit point for Venom.
That comic is when Venom CONVENIENTLYYY lost his memory, CONVEEEENIENTLY up to about just before he made a truce with Spider-Man in the early 90's, turning into a pure villain again (and becoming a much more poorly written one than he ever was originally) pretty much erasing the point of all of his character development through the entirety of the 90's.
This makes no fucking sense, because you know I didn't know the whole getting hit hard enough Looney Tunes trope of memory loss could effect an alien symbiote as well as a person....but yeah, just a big excuse to reset the status quo and get reduce Venom to a guy obsessed with killing Spider-Man again
You sure it wasn’t the time that she wanted luke to fuck her ass so she could feel something?
Ah, I see. By 1998, I had stopped reading Marvel entirely. I didn't come back until 2001 for Morrison's New X-Men and (ironically) the Bendis DD run.
If all they did was fuck the one time in Alias, I wouldn't really care. It's when they got stuck together forever that both of them became unlikable.
I have doubts it'll ever be brought up again.
Ah, my mistake. I have doubts too, but it's out there. I'm not up to date on the current run, but I also think it's a little annoying Elektra came back with no mention of her quest to kill Purple Man.
> character says shell never be wolverine for all of her comics-- becomes wolverine after saying to dakan she doesn't want to be wolverine.
> literal recycled cloning blues arc
> solves trigger scent with baby jean and mini me
> kills her only good and invunerable enemy with the (drown em strat)
> reunites with her in hiding family
>all in the same fucking issue
sjw writer team doesn't understand why the comic didn't sell well and men need to deal with it shes wolverine now
>Hickman's X-Men issue 5
>Why aren't we sending Wolverine?
>I am Wolverine
>Next page
>Why aren't you sending Wolverine?
>You are Wolverine
>It's not enough that Wolverine is in every book
>Now we need gook Wolverine and female Wolverine
How can a whole Marvel character jump the shark? Just wait for a better writer to take over.
Some writers do so much damage that the characters get stuck in the toilet forever.
I mean, does that count? Does Victor even have a shark?
Temporary amnesia is a soap opera-tier plot device, I can't think of a good story that has ever resulted from it.
How's Jubilee doing nowadays?
>Victor von Doom decides that being God is overrated
It definitely counts
She never shuts up about her adopted baby, but at least she isn't a vampire anymore.
But Doom has always been
>I can always keep going higher, everyone and everything is beneath me
. Applying that to godhood is just a quantitive upgrade.
What did he mean by this
She mentions Shogo every single time she speaks, and so every story arc related to her has to center around the stupid baby. So now Shogo turns into a dragon or whatever when he crosses into Otherworld, just to give Shogo something to do while she's on Excalibur.
She stopped being Teen Dracula a couple years ago. She now has an adopted brat and she's in Excalibur with Apocalypse.
Nick Fury made him forget a weekend in Latveria and that was Logan's response.
Can someone post the page of Carol getting with her rapist son?
You can't rape the willing.
It both makes total sense and is the point at which the character jumps the shark
Secret Wars is going to overshadow every Dr Doom story released from now on, regressing him is total shark jumping
Fraction Hawkeye
>lets make this character the face of marvel
Bullseye was the best Hawkeye.
This is a good example. Reading about him now, you'd think sucking dick is his superpower.
Now I wonder. When did Deapool became full on Memepool/
I think you may have replied to the wrong post. Regardless, to the best of my recollection, I'd say it's when the Cable & Deadpool book started. The character became slapstick after that.
To be fair she was already part of the face of the company due to having "marvel in her name. its their own fault for using this kind of thing to push her away from appearing and also killing off the original Captain Marvel in the first place.
Can someone really explained what happened? How was she raped? And why is she on good terms with him after?
Logan getting his memories back was the best thing to happen to him in my opinion. It have him new baggage to explore and forced writers to retire the “mysterious past” gimmick once and for all.
Carol got impregnated at some point during a travel on space or just on the air, then her pregnancy was accelerating more than the average time and she gave birth to him in a day. The boy then kept growing fast until he was an adult and then he raped Carol who fell in love with him.
The weirdest thing is how it's presented. Like, if the author just didn't understand the full implications of the pregnancy and just thought it was some magical thing, okay. But Carol is pretty much talking about it like it's the rape baby that it is, which makes the whole thing extra dark.
>retire the mysterious past gimmick
More like it resulted in an ongoing title devoted entirely to the "mysterious past" gimmick. And it was terrible. Just saying "he worked for the CIA" was better than what we got.
I think you can sum up that whole book with that statement.
>Some writers do so much damage that the characters get stuck in the toilet forever.
Sadly true.
It's because it switched writers, but for some reason the other writer decided the other avengers should still be treating it like some weird fairy tail even when Carol sees it for what it was.
Worse than Hitler.