>Marvel feminist Icon
>had sex with her own son
Storm is a better model.
>Marvel feminist Icon
>had sex with her own son
Storm is a better model.
Ms. Marvel is a rape victim, a drunk and a habitual stupid hair haver. Of course Storm is a better model. Carol's still a good character (in theory).
Storm is boring
Storm is THE female representative for Marvel. Fuck this usurping bitch.
>had sex with her own son
While being mindcontrolled.
Storm's romantic history has included: a double amputee perfectly willing to help people kill all mutants, a violent, mentally unstable homeless woman, an ex-husband who annulled their marriage the moment she disagreed with him, and a manlet.
>And a manlet
Was he nice though?
that was 20 years ago
he's the best there is at what he does, but what he does best isn't very nice
Act as mentor figure to teenage girls?
Correction; She Hulk is (or at least was until Aaron got her) Marvel's best heroine. X-Thots are terrible
She's also a literal fascist, supposedly the very thing that the people she's meant to appeal to are against.
yes, but he eviscerated bad guys and drank alcohol in front of them which is bad.
>claim that She-Hulk is problematic
>turns her into a musclebound, de-feminized stereotype of female weightlifters
>destroys her ability to function as a highly competent and successful lawyer by rendering her functionally mute
>has dudes constantly hitting on her
>makes her more sexually active than ever
Can Aaron just admit that he wants 'roided out chicks to perform CBT on him?
That's just because Claremont retconned it, she willingly fucks her son in Avengers 200.
Teenage girls need to learn how to defend themselves from attackers. And lets face it, all teenagers are going to try booze at some point so he might as well provide a safe, controlled environment for them to down a wine cooler or two.
>had sex with her own son
It's worse when you remind people that she gave birth to her rapist and THEN had sex with him.
When you think about it, it makes sense that she'd turn into a demented short-hair dyke in mid-life.
Yeah, it really does.
Her House of M story was basically her living out her dreams of being a competent superhero with no baggage.
huh now I feel kinda bad for her, I had no idea she was so self aware
>Had sex with her own son
It genuinely blows my mind that they gave her reboot to a feminist writer and they didn't retcon that story out of existence. It's the most bizarre thing to try and describe, the weirdest fucking rape story in comics, one Chris fucking Claremont had to unfuck, and they left it in. I don't think anyone would have really missed it.
the rape retcon makes no sense, the avengers would notice it
How would they notice it? Just have the company agree to never mention it with any character ever again
Read the Brian Reed Ms. Marvel run. It's about Carol's attempts to become the most popular superhero in the MU following her experiences in House of M and exactly how messed up a person you'd need to be to have that kind of motivation. It's also fairly meta about being the start of Marvel's push for Carol to be more prominent.
in general, all the good female characteres are mutants.
with the only exception of Wasp.
they didnt notice a mind swapped spider man.
And Sue, she's best mom
Brie Larson doesn't care about what you think of Captain Marvel. She wasn't made for us.
>in general, all the good female characteres are mutants.
You're decades out of date user. All the mutants are awful people now. No exceptions.
I knew it, Brie Larson is a robot!
and sluts, both males and females
To be fair, there's one celibate mutant who isn't a slut. They can trust him to raise the kids while they're having orgies, but unfortunately he's an insane religious zealot villain.
Yes I think everyone agrees with that. She is on every cover of this collection along with Spidey and Hulk.
>getting user interested in Carol for real
Why is this happening to me
Carol also tries to do this.
Emphasis on tries.
You are entering a world of pain.
Storm is a mindless zealot who can't go three sentences without yammering about how much the X-Men mean to her.
Unless she's in Black Panther, then she can't go three sentences without yammering about how much T'challa means to her.
>trusting a religious zealot around your kids
Exodus, more like Molestodus.
Storm was probably Marvel's most prominent heroine in the 1980s. She faded into irrelevance in the 1990s after Claremont left. She was always around, but didn't matter anymore, and never really recovered. Despite this, X-fags will insist she's still Marvel's top heroine and nothing can change that.
He's the only celibate mutant. Literally the only one they can trust not to involve the children in their orgies.
Member when Carol tried to rape Xemnu?
>Member when Carol tried to rape Xemnu?
History's greatest monster at work.
To T'challa, she was just a cumrag for when he was bored.
Be fair, he can't get over her and move on, and will likely die without an heir because of that.
Thinking he and his people haven't already achieved immortality and hoard it for themselves because nobody but Wakanda deserves it.
>(in theory)
Key words
>had sex with her own son
He wasn’t her son.
>He wasn’t her son.
She literally gave birth to him.
And then they had sex.
Cast Marcus for Carol's next movie.
which issue does she fuck her son in guys
Avengers #200 See
Avengers #200
>the rape retcon makes no sense, the avengers would notice it
The lack-of-rape original makes no sense, the Avengers would have been skeeved out by the whole mess.
Claremont did the best he could to put a bandaid over a story that never should have made its way to the printers.
>Claremont did the best he could
No, it's the X-Men writer making the Avengers look like assholes, even the ones who weren't present are blamed, and at the same time, the Avengers struggle to deal with a vastly less powerful team of X-Men villains.
Claremont's idea of a bandaid was to make Carol omnipotent and throw her into space, thinking nobody would ever write for someone so powerful and thus would never write her again.
She was also responsible for Kang killing everyone in Washington during Kang War, as she killed THE MASTER OF THE WORLD, the only guy that had technology powerful enough to protect the world.
I don't get why no one ever mentions it.
Doesn't he have like 80 concubines?
Come off it, he wrote the Avengers in tons of places and treated them well. Shit, more often than not he was respectful regardless of which character he'd been handed. Even Ka-Zarr.
That story was just a stinker from day one. Not saying it was the best possible fix, but it makes no sense to blame Claremont for not fixing it better when the damn thing was so awful right from the start.
To be fair, she was RAPED by her own son.
>she killed THE MASTER OF THE WORLD, the only guy that had technology powerful enough to protect the world.
Nobody who jobs to Canadians that often was going to be the Earth's savior.