Another god damn Castlevania thread

These 2 are adorable.

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That scene was really cute

Idk. I'm a lonely coomer, so I find them kinda annoying.

>The way she looks at him
I just wanted to point that out. Because I'm an incel.

"Better than sex!"

That shit pissed her off. I thought it was funny as hell. I still don't know what she turned it into. Been trying to figure that out.

user she froze it

Go home, Alucard

I was thinking that too but the way it hit the ground acted more of a sludgy mess vs an icy mess

Liquids turn to slush before they freeze completely. If you take a water bottle out of a freezer after like 40 minutes it usually ends up like that.

I've not done that trick in years. I completely forgot about that.

Alucard needs a cute bf

I volunteer

Yes. The banter, the uplifting conversation about their adventure and slayings, and the completely comfy/wholesome after glow moments presented casually and naturally.
Without a doubt one of the most tasteful couples handled in fiction.

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He needs some sort of companion to keep him sane. I mean, the whole shit with Taka and Sumi could have been avoided if he showed them the busted ass teleportation device in the castle and went "See? Busted. This shit is going nowhere."

I'm sad at how broken they were at the end of the season. One of their allies gone beyond the portal and possibly never seen again, the other was a serial killer, the entire village dead. Throughout the season, I got the impression that they were growing to like the place and would have considered settling down if the Night creatures weren't still a threat outside.

He said CUTE, user

it's ale, not water you dunce

Someone should make webms and upload them here or /wsg/

And she managed to do it to a vaguely alcoholic beverage near instantly, at that. It's only a few degrees below freezing but that's still a hell of a drop from ambient.

Yeah. Complete opposite mood comparing their season debut. I'll be looking to the restoration of hope next season if build up.

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I just want Alucard to get some kind of happiness and not have it go to hell.

i don't think they feel like adventuring anymore, they gotta settle down and get to fuckin, let the work come to them

We now have one white male character to bring up when people make threads bitching about how there are only lesbians in cartoons.

Not sure why he didn't just slumber like he's supposed to.
I get the popularity but his arc was complete filler.

Have they said if they're going to adapt Symphony of the Night? Maria might fix that then.

Attached: Maria_GoS[1].png (378x506, 196.87K)

this entire season was filler

They need to move on from Castlevania 3 already, there are still a few games before we get to Symphony which is clearly what they want to adapt.

Never watched this, is it actually a good adaptation or is it basically just castlevania in name only?

Don't think I've ever seen a source to back it up but Ellis has apparently expressed interest in covering future Belmonts. I think the plan might be season 4 is the end of Trevor and Sypha as main characters and Alucard will go back to sleep.

It's based off of a property that was pixels and a couple of text crawls. What do you think?

It's a fun watch.

It landed in mud.

Is there a Japanese audio torrent yet?

This isn't Japanese. This is 100% American. I thought it was also an Anime when I first saw it but it's a similar idea to how boondocks were made

I'm aware of that but I'm quite certain I watched the first two seasons in Japanese, I was impatient this time but I still want to rewatch the Japanese version, it doesn't matter where you make it you can't fix a bad voice acting industry.

We've known since day one that this show will diverge from what happens in the games and they are only picking and choosing what they want from them. Alucard was never 100% for sure going to go back to sleep but I wouldn't be surprised if this does it for him.

We don't know yet.

I think the point was that it couldn't have been avoided, that they had been so fundamentally broken they couldn't believe something good would happen and they would always try and kill him no matter what.
It was poorly conveyed and rushed because we needed to see more of Isaac's fedora tipping but im pretty sure that was to intent.

Someone on reddit (googled it and it came up with reddit) that if you change your language to Japanese on there it will have Japanese Audio. I wouldn't mind watching this in Japanese.

Lowkey I love MLP in Japanese

there are autists going around raging about how it's not enough like the games and they flanderised the characters, but honestly it's a great show. not sure how some people can get so mad over it

The squeaky "yes" at the end is really the cherry on top. I love how much of a dork Trevor is.

>paying for media
user.. y-you don't do you?

>not sure how some people can get so mad over it
user where are we right now.

was the "imbelice who put wheels on his boat" gag a reference to grant?

I would rather they show and not tell. Your standards have fallen off a cliff.

Yas Forums will cry about it no matter what.

That said it's not a 'great' show, there are a lot of pacing issues and ideas that could work but don't get enough time in the oven so they don't come out right.
Like the judge thing, it just gets shat out at the end instead of being properly woven into the arc.

It a good adaptation that takes bit and pieces from 3 different games, while being based on a game from the NES era

Yes, confirmed on twitter by staff.

>they didn't pop Alucard's boipussy cherry
how was that allowed

What, no its not Yas Forums crying. It's Yas Forums who is crying while Yas Forums is larping

That Legion tho. What other enemies from the game got shown off? The fireball spitting fish people and malachi for sure, was the lion archer one?

>Is it good
I've not watched a show that was a "Netflix Original" that wasn't amazing. So far, this is fucking phenomenal
>getting mad at this
If there are some Yas Forumstards raging at the fact that it's not 100% let me remind you (them) what my father told me, who is also a giant Comic book nerd, "Never compare the comic book to the movie (in this case show), if you do, you will never be happy with it."

In other words, people like to pick pick pick at this shit because "ItS NoT tHe OrIgInAl." Shuddup. It's good regardless and it still follow's the general story line. Imagine if they took everything Batman did in the comics and made it 100% like the comic books. You know how boring that would be? How many normies wouldn't watch the movies? Exactly.

No, I don't personally, cept DC Universe cause I'm a cape fag at heart. I heard about the 3rd season last night and immediately went to torrent it with 2 other shows behind it..

>Judge thing

Yeah that was my major gripe. Maybe I missed it because I was tired but was there a greater point to the Judge being a serial killer?

Decent cartoon, but an absolute garbage adaptation of the source material if that makes sense.


It’s one of the shittiest adaptions I’ve watched. Season 1 was decent but even there you could find signals of the crap soon to follow. The rampant use of cursing, Trevor’s lack of faith and degenerate attitude, church bad; it all gets worse and at the end of Season 3 not only does Alucard’s anal cavities get colonized, he starts to act like Dracula.

These fags needed to start a new safe space thread to avoid the majority bitching about how bad it is. What do you think?

I been thinking about it all day but I can't come up with an good answer,

You know I was hoping it would take a bit longer before you people showed up

Probably, but with constantly bugging Alucard about the teleportation device, him just showing them what they want wouldn't really be a dangerous thing to do.

>Yas Forums boogie man


>The Legion was wasted on Isaac

What a fucking waste.

If you're the same user that asked if it's good, here. Why not determine for yourself. Create your own library of cartoons that you like vs what other people tell you to like

>I've not watched a show that was a "Netflix Original" that wasn't amazing. So far, this is fucking phenomenal

Begone Shill!

>you people
What people? I can't have an opinion on a show now? I like it, but it's still and adaptation of the Castlevania series and in that regards it falls short. There's a difference between sperging out and criticism, instead of crying Yas Forums every five seconds because someone didn't like something you did maybe you should learn to converse like a rational person.

I think they were always gonna try and kill him. They were only looking for an excuse.

The Judge reveal was foreshadowed, we just didn't want to believe it because he was a decent and reasonable person towards Sypha and Trevor. The village seemed a decent place to live, it was clean and protected and well-stocked. Judge did come across as a good leader who just liked his rules. But it was hinted at.

It absolutely could have and should have been handled better.

But we needed to spend more time on Sypha's rpg sidequest.

Isaac was one of the better parts of this season to be fair.

user, it's alcoholic. Alcohol doesn't freeze, or at least it doesn't freeze unless at extreme temperatures. If you put a beer in the freezer, it becomes sludgy rather than solid because it doesn't fully freeze due to the alcohol in it.

Demon army vs horde of zombies was cool

Just because I like something that has a platform doesn't make me a shill. I don't personally pay for Netflix, I torrent 99% of my shit. I will stand behind DC Universe tho..


LOL user, you know better than to expect that with this site

YEAH that's what I was thinking too!

I have vodka in the freezer and it's not remotely frozen. Super fuckin cold but that's about it.

I never said it wasn't foreshadowed.
I audibly called he was sketchy the first time I saw the key in his house.

My argument is it's never relevant (as in the protagonists simply don't know about it the whole time) AND he just shits it out after he's dead so there is no resolution.

>is this not the defition of insanity?
>yeah I played far cry recently and thought this wasn't going to be cringe, how could you tell?

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