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My favorite touch is that he's on estrogen and will likely cut off his penis to be a better 'furmom'

>haha, I've destroyed my bloodline!

How can anyone be content with this?

it's funny because the reason her great grandma had all those children was because most of them were likely to die ha ha ha

Because overpopulation is an issue and lets be real, you arent that special user, your blood is no great loss



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Tell that to muslims, pajeets and africans


My country after me:

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>overpopulation is an issue

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Notice it's a little boy but grown up it's a woman
The artist is a tranny
No reward for guessing what he looks like irl

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>"Empty Egg Cartoon"

Overpopulation is not an issue in Europe and North America

Why should anyone care about that?

I mean if she did it in the house they would get fed regardless.

>tfw you'll never be a baby motorcycle

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Silly user, men don't have eggs.


>Because overpopulation is an issue
sure, in asia and africa maybe.

The entire developed world and most of the developing world has sub-replacement fertility rates, overpopulation is only and issue in the handful of countries that still have fertility rates significantly above the replacement rate, the vast majority of which are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Anyone born after 1993 can't cook worth shit.

It's more mismanagement of resources and poor policies.
>Leaving out Chinese
How's that Coronaviruses treating ya Mr.chinamen

>Because overpopulation is an issue
Overpopulation isn't an issue, retards having kids is an issue

The mom is pregnant you mongoloid it's her older brother.

It isn't, but contributes to it.

>tfw you want a loving wife and big family but am already in your mid 20’s and don’t remotely make the half a million a year needed in the modern age to raise six kids and own land.

"my mom" you tranny apologist

Stop being poor you retard.

That illustrates wh*te genocide quite well.

The artist isn’t a tranny. All of the grandparents are pregnant and the grandma looks nothing like the tiny children

>haha, I've grown muh bloodline

how can anyone be content with this?

I'm never having kids or a family but that's just cause I'm lazy.
People like these are so fucking cringe it's insane, and the fact they need to push it like an agenda cause they're trying so hard to cope is beyond pathetic.

I’d say I’m trying but we both know that’s not true or else I’d just go into something like IT and make freemium games on the side.


>he eats nothing but white food
you have one thing you guys can cook and its a decent BBQ

Women who can't get anything but incels decide to just settle for pets. Shitty bloodlines die and shitty genes from shitty men and women don't get passed. I don't see the problem.

it is, since the earth is a close system

Someone who isn't mentally ill.

My grandparents had 3 of their 7 kids by my age
My parents had one of their two kids at my age
I have no kids but that’s mostly because I’m an autist.

>muh bloodline
You're not royalty or of a noble class so who gives a fuck? Lower class people like you are bred en masse FOR THE PURPOSE of being replaced.

>"Empty Egg Cartoon
Fuck off Yas Forums


If that was the case. You should not exist.

so let the ones causing the issue be the ones to stop having kids.

b- but I’m white, so I must matter! Right? That’s what the politicians told me!

You still can't cook.

Lucky for me I'm already better than you.


My Granddad had a loving wife and eight kids. He was poor and they only had the essentials. But they got by. Because having a job actually meant something in those days.

There's nothing more cucked than taking care of anorher living being instead of living for yourself

The Earth could sustain 50 billion people. You wouldn't want to live in those conditions, but it could. Overpopulation fears are base Malthusianism with a healthy dose of modern greed.

Im more noble than you

That's a lot of (you)s from idiots you're getting there user.
It's like they can't figure out first world living standards × population of the planet doesn't sum.
That or they think things 'earned' down the barrel of a gun aren't actually unethical.

>t. Triggered furmommies and permavirgins.

Irrelevant, if you die there's literally millions just like you to replace you. That's why these grandmas made so many children.

Damn, you're right! My parents are the biggest cucks on the planet!

>tfw 28 y.o
>no gf, no kids

At least I have my comic books

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Nope, I matter. You on the otherhand...

Arrest yourself.

Speak for yourself faggot. I'm gonna make sure my genes are passed on.

CLOSE TO ITSELF, stuff are not forever and sooner or later our need for an iphone will bring everything to the cold death

The white race is dwindling day by day lmao. If every family with good genes had 3 kids it wouldn't be enough to save it at this rate.

You people are hysterical. You are so petulantly greedy as to defend overpopulation but then get mad when immigrants come over to your country.

Conservatives worshipping the state of clownhood.

>everything is on fire in the last panel


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This is a fallacious point.
Of course your great grandparents down to your parents had children.
But not all their kids necessarily did.
With how low mortality has dropped, everyone having five kids today would be economic and ecologic suicide for the nation.

I love the amount of cope, rage and desperation these threads rake.

Just abolish pensions. People cut back on consumerism to have children/savings or they die in a gutter.

then why is it that all the brown people striken with starving to death all the time?

based berniebro btfoing trumptards

>Becomes a tranny
Why are Millennials like this?

Still more than half of earth population live like the worst animal and we have to change how we manage food.

>falling for lgbt shit

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How do burkas make Muslim men rape women less. They're like titty pinatas now.

Boomers destroyed Gen X's ability to form a family, and their subpar parenting produced weak, feckless people known as millenials.

only childs: not even once

I'm glad bait threads like these exist to gauge the amount of Yas Forumscels blooding over to other boards. At least I know I'm not them.


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I can't even get a full time job in my field, and not deal with punjab lords blasting my phone for the same job offers.

>be 30
>in 2 year relationship with GF
>was going to propose
>she bought a pitbull that didn't like me so she dumped me

you're better off, Friend.

China's population is declining soon. And they're also not low IQ like the other people he mentioned.

>american "white" food

hon hon hon

Even the autistic women are breeding.

>Wanting to be a slave for little ungrateful goblins at 28

>we have to change how we manage food

Russia super gay bro. Russia has a higher aids rate than Europe for a reason. Russia is Yas Forums as a nation.

You can do so much better, king

So her plan is to stay pregnant to beat her cycles? That's gonna be a lot of kids.

Pretty sure that's not a legit comic of hers.

Those are two entirely different issues dipshit

Wait fuck is she really pregnant? Whose the dad?
Is it a black guy? The rage over that after making her a Yas Forums icon would be so fucking hilarious I can even see Yas Forums themselves laughing about it



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Ngl if meme richfag ambitions meant to placate the poor had to be sacrificed for knowing I’d work the next 40 years and never even be considered middle class at the benefit of having 8 healthy kids and a wife I’d make that deal in a heartbeat.

>tfw fertility problems and people have gone back to medieval thought that it's entirely caused by my being a bad/unrighteous person
Sometimes people get dealt a shit hand.
I lost sixty pounds to get to a healthy weight, I'm taking the folic acid, I'm really fucking trying over here.

Of course not, its a fake comic made in a Scribbles thread.

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Yes but at least your dogs will keep you company

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