Invisible Jet

Diana should not be able to fly. The Invisible Jet is a unique element that allows her to stand out. Being able to fly is just a means by when shit creators try to make her into Superman with tits. Also, it's just cool.

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Remember when it was really just an invisible magic force-field that WW could manipulate into multiple forms like Susan Richards can?

She can fly and have a jet

Jet is for passengers or long distances/flights to other dimensions

Or when it was actually a pegasus that was transformed into a plane?

Or when it was a shapeshifting alien goo creature that eventually took on the form of a massive sky fortress? Pic related, it was fucking awesome.

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Can't we get- (is shot)

Logically, yes. Unfortunately, people are fucking retarded, and simply cannot get over the nitpick of "Why does she need a plane if she can fly?".

The only thing to be done is the get rid of the flight power, especially since it seems damn near every superhero can fly nowadays, or somehow has bullshit teleporters.

What happened to the Wonderdome, anyway? I'm guessing it got destroyed because DC's fad of giving everybody their own Batcave/Fortress of Solitude died out.

It’s a power creep thing. Superman couldn’t fly either.

No, I certainly can't. I love this thing.

Pretty much. It just kind of died a few issues into Rucka's first run. One presumes editorial mandate, because earlier, he had Diana answer the "why plane if fly" question at a press conference.

She also got a pegasus later in the run. Because why the hell not.

Attached: the Wonder Dome.jpg (810x601, 76.3K)

>DC's fad of giving everybody their own Batcave/Fortress of Solitude died out.
I miss when superheroes had proper lairs.

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Seems like unless you're as popular as Batman or Superman, you don't get a personal lair and only get all-inclusive team HQs instead.

>Diana should not be able to fly
She could fly in Perez’s Wonder Woman, the argued definitive run, you fucking idiot

She could fly pre-cris as well. "Gliding on Air Currents" my ass, it was often portrayed as flight.

I think the jet was just a holdover from the TV show, made because they didn't have enough budget to let her fly.

she can't fly not even in the movies

Instead of an invisible jet she should have an invisible Space Battleship Yamato

She was blessed by Hermès and with the power of flight saved Steve Trevor from his crashing plane/the missile. I’m all for the Invisible Jet, but I’m tired of retards acting like Diana flying is new or wrong

Honestly, I don't think she needed a mobile flying saucer base filled with creatures from greek myth which just appeared and moved in without explanation. Like Eric Luke just had Chiron and Ladon and some others just show up out of nowhere.

I kind of feel Themyscira is or should be her Fortress/Batcave/Wayne Manor. It's her home where she goes to get away from the outside world, get advice from her mother and sisters, consult ancient texts, the Amazons oracles, and the magic sphere/mirror for information.

Not arguing that, but it doesn't help that for many, the only points of reference they know when writing WW is the 60s TV show and SuperFriends.

I liked Hal’s asteroid hideout but it showed up like 3 times maybe.
They should bring it back but give it a 50s/60s space age bachelor pad vibe

I didn’t mind Wondy’s place but they never did much with it...felt sorta like Alan Moore’s supreme lair

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Sure, that would be nice, but first hack writers need to stop getting rid of it for long periods of time because they think doing so is dramatic.

Themyscira rarely gets a chance to develop due to it being destroyed or disappearing every five minutes.

The invisible plane (not "jet") was propeller-driven but capable of supersonic speeds.
Since she rarely uses it anymore, it's part of the collection of the Museum of Flight. on loan from Lt. Diana Prince.

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This joke has been made so often that it shouldn't even be funny anymore.

>She can fly and have a jet
Fused 2 version of a story does more harm than good

Not that user but what's wrong with that compromise exactly? Even Green Lanterns have used ships before

reminder that Wonder Woman did 9-11

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>but what's wrong with that compromise exactly?
It makes stories interchangeable and generic when they should have 1 origin.
If they fuse Wonder Woman's backstories of clay and Zeus's daughter you get something to dumb to exists (yes, WW death earth is dumb).
Fusing more than one origin kills the creativity. Azzarello didn't try to fuse Perez's origin with Moulton's, he was being original
>Even Green Lanterns have used ships before
It's usually for a reason.
Abin Sur did it because he saw in the future in space because the ring failed him.

>It makes stories interchangeable and generic when they should have 1 origin.
How the fuck do you figure that? She can fucking have both for Christ sake. No one said anything about fusing origins, just having the ability to fly AND having access to an invisible jet. That user already gave you a valid reason why she should have the invisible jet too. Hell Steve should fly it occasionally

>How the fuck do you figure that? She can fucking have both for Christ sake.
it's dumb.
Wonder Woman that flies is just stupid and against everything she is supposed to be.
She is beautiful as Aphrodite, stronger than Hercules, wise as Athena and swifter than Mercury.
Not fly-able like Mercury. She is a down to earth hero that can fly for proving to girls they don't need to be a flying goody two shoes as Supergirl for being original heroines

>I can fly
>other people and cargo cannot fly
>so I have a plane that allows me to travel with people and cargo that cannot fly
I'm starting to reach the conclusion that a great deal of comic writers and readers have fewer critical thinking skills than your average downie.

Writers tend to ignore or downplay the Fortress of Solitude, and the Batcave/the Manor is usually not given any significance outside being where Batman keeps his stuff. Likewise, the Kent Farm, when they're alive, is usually just the place where Clark goes to get homespun advice that perfectly solves whatever quandary he's found himself in. How writers treat Themyscira isn't that far off from how they treat similar features of other heroes.

If anything, writers need to flesh out where Themyscira stands as a nation and how it fits into the international order. As is, there is zero reason why anyone should give a single solitary shit about Themyscira's geopolitical goals.

>Wonder Woman that flies is just stupid and against everything she is supposed to be.
So you hate Perez Wonder Woman? Fuck you then. Hermes/Mercury gave her that ability, you fucking idiot.

>>other people and cargo cannot fly
>>so I have a plane that allows me to travel with people and cargo that cannot fly
you just proved why she shouldn't fly.
She needs to rescue people and take them away from danger, why does she needs to fly when she a plane that flies and save people?

>So you hate Perez Wonder Woman?
>Fuck you then. Hermes/Mercury gave her that ability, you fucking idiot.
And she could have just been swifter that Mercury, not Shazam but with Wonder Woman

Why do you have a car if you have legs?

Not him but I think you're literally fucking retarded not grasping the concept of a stealth vehicle with room to store people.
And thanks for clarifying you have terrible fucking taste, and anything you say is worth less than nothing.

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>why don't doctors use their legs to carry patients in the hospitals instead of ambulances?

Look at it this way
Looking at a character standing still j mid air is hitting as fuck and completely overused, it was cool during the dragon Ball era a fuckton of years ago
Meanwhile having a character pilot a jet could be visually pleasing and we don't have a lot of pilot super heroes do we? (Hal doesn't count)
It's not an argument of flight making sense or not in the context of the story.nits about piloting a jet looking really cool in a super hero setting

I love that the anti-jet argument basically boils down to being the kind of person who goes, "no, I don't need basket" at the grocery store, regardless of how many items you're picking up.

I think that dumbass was pro jet but sucked at trying to support his view. But regardless he's a dumb jackass who said he didn't like Perez, so who gives a fuck what he thinks

I know that user.
He is the same user that goes in Wonder Woman threads and says how Perez has somehow ruined Wonder Woman by making her more greek than previous incarnations

She has worked well without flying, people don't even notice
Flightfags are fags

I'm not 100% on what Perez did, but it's a real stretch to say he ruined her even if he did setup some things that became detrimental to her status quo in the long-term.

Why are you so autistic about her having both?
I don't know what that user is on about. It's probably the same guy who whines about the sword and Azzarello in every Wonder Woman related thread too

>he did setup some things that became detrimental to her status quo in the long-term
You mean he ruined her for decades?
>Amazons in the bronze age instead of being the most advanced race on earth has Moulton intended
>WW being able to fly
>greek gods being so present it gets redundant
>making Etta Candy skinny when she must be fat
>no more invisible jet
>no kangas but....horses!

Shut the fuck up you tasteless faggot. Nobody cares what you think

>She is a down to earth hero that can fly for proving to girls they don't need to be a flying goody two shoes as Supergirl for being original heroines
lmao what? Wonder Woman predates Supergirl. Also, don’t go on talking about “originality” when Wonder Woman aped Captain America.

Doesn’t Hermes fly because of his winged sandles?

Think her winged boots could reconcile the conundrum?

>Writers tend to ignore or downplay the Fortress of Solitude, and the Batcave/the Manor is usually not given any significance outside being where Batman keeps his stuff. Likewise, the Kent Farm, when they're alive, is usually just the place where Clark goes to get homespun advice that perfectly solves whatever quandary he's found himself in. How writers treat Themyscira isn't that far off from how they treat similar features of other heroes.
Yeah. Superman doesn’t just have the Fortress of Solitude. He has the Secret Citadel, he has The Kent Farm, and sometimes he has his own dimensions.

Batman has the Batcave, but also shit like the Belfry.

Themyscera is Diana’s home, not her secret lair.

>lmao what? Wonder Woman predates Supergirl.
And making her fly just makes her a Supergirl
>Also, don’t go on talking about “originality” when Wonder Woman aped Captain America.
Now, take a breath, and explain me what similiaraties do they have aside "america themed costume".
And if you mean Steve Trevor is a ripoff of Cap it's not that, Cap didn't used planes yet

Not him but you're fucking retarded. No one is buying the "flying ruined Wonder Woman" crap

OP here. No, flight didn't ruin her, but the Invisible Jet(and by extension Themyscira's tech levels) being phased out was ultimately a huge misstep. As I stated, not having the plane makes her less unique, which, considering Diana is easily the most well known superheroine, that's kind of a shit thing to do. Again, the Superman with tits problem.

And concerning Perez's run, while we're here. It is damn good, but it definitely had its problems. Most glaring of which being that despite Perez being the one to establish the Amazons as being created to make the world better, he also reduced them to bronze age tech, which means they have little to no means of actually fulfilling their purpose.

It's possible, and likely, that the tech thing was editorial bullshit, but still. Weird.

A quick search on wikipedia shows that the Invisible Plane was created in 1942 by Wondie's original creator, so yeah, you're wrong.

It was there in the character's very first appearance, even. The only thing the TV show invented was the spinning.

and the bracelets pose

just have her not being a fast flyer.

this leaves the authors both the ability to have her fly and the need for the jet

Attached: Batman The Brave and the Bold 3x04.webm (853x480, 2.71M)

>just have her not being a fast flyer.
>this leaves the authors both the ability to have her fly and the need for the jet

But it still is.

>Azzarello didn't try to fuse Perez's origin with Moulton's, he was being original
And it was terrible.