Could Osmosis Jones beat the Corona Virus?
Could Osmosis Jones beat the Corona Virus?
Yea, easily. It's just a mutated flu, it's like less than 2% fatal.
He barely beat that guy
When the last time a case of scarlet fever even existed?
That's still 30 times more fatal than a normal flu.
White blood cells only live for about 3 days, which is less time than it takes to recover, but I guess he could get it started.
Yeah, about 10 times more deadly than normal flu.
Chance of life-threatening symptoms is 4% or more for people aged 60+, so about the same as rolling a 1 on a d20.
It's not common but there's a few thousand cases a year still. Thrax was like turbo-scarlet fever though.
I mean, the body's 69 years old by now, it's been nineteen straight years of deterioration even if Frank's lifestyle changes were permanent (and they rarely are)
Corona's most dangerous to the elderly, young, and those with poor respiratory health.
It'd be a hell of a fight.
Which ones of you idiots doesn't wash your goddamn hands? I feel like there's a high percentage of you retards on Yas Forums.
How did this meme start? Coronavirus is a completely different virus from influenza. They cause the common cold, not the flu. This is a mutated common cold virus. Covid-19 is way worse than the flu by every measure so I don't know why retards keep parroting this.
I wash 'em but I also pick my nose, chew my fingernails, and can't stop constantly poking prodding and scratching at my face- especially my eyes, my fingers are pulling at my eyelashes or pressing down on my eyeballs like 20% of the time, so I'm fairly fucked.
Probably because influenza is far more lethal than coronavirus.
It's what the media keeps tossing out.
Ok, it's still just basically a bad cold for 98% of the population. It's not like this world-ending super virus.
Yeah, the virus itself isn't that dangerous. Any decently healthy person with a functioning immune system will probably get over it within two weeks, tops.
The problem is that it's very communicable, there's no vaccine, and a lot of place just aren't equipped to handle a pandemic-level event, but those are all macro-concerns. On a personal level, it's not the biggest worry.
The mortality rate is kind of skewed by the fact that there are probably a large number of cases where people got a mild version of the coronavirus and bounced back within a few days, and just never ended up reporting it.
I've rolled enough nat 1s in my tabletop career to know that shit isn't worth the risk, senpai. Wash those goddamn hands.
Time to embrace the neet life til it blows over.
Now put 2% in actual numbers. In the US that's 6 million potential deaths.
Oy vey, it's anuddah shoah.
oy vey
Because the government that is leader of the free world currently has five different individuals representing three agencies all saying different things about it, and nobody fucking trusts anything Russia, Iran, or China say especially their own people.
The problem is Frank would have passed it on to half the state by the time he does, wiping out most of the population above the age of 70.
That's still 20 times more lethal than the flu.
But Frank wasn't elderly, doesn't have a pre-existing respiratory condition and has access to modern medical facilities and medication.
Yeah, he's out of shape but he's extremely low risk.
Because muh stock market.
Why did they have to get a newbie to write the script of this film ? It had so much potential, but it fails miserably both as a comedy and buddy cop spoof.
At least it led to a pretty good Saturday morning cartoon so it wasn't all bad
If you like the concept you might enjoy the anime Cells At Work.
a flu is only 0,7 lethal, Coronavirus is 3% and raising
The lethality is actually looking to be lower than that in first world countries, but that is predicated on the disease not overwhelming hospitals, which is going to happen in the US soonish.
Its pretty interesting watching history happen.
I personally find it enjoyable if you just fast forward past the live action bits and only watch the animated parts
Even the animated segments are filled with unfunny jokes and one dimensional characters. The animation is beautiful to look at tho.
I just wish the animation and character designs were used in a better film. It's got a pretty unique aesthetic
True, the show was definitely an improvement
I just wanted to fuck Leah honestly.
Didn't the TV series put Jones in a kid's body.
That means Frank is dead.
Well he couldn't make a worse job of World Health Organization.
>just a mutated flu, it's like less than 2% fatal
Still with this misinformation? We are no longer in January.
Or that he donated blood.
it was a Mosquito.
In this setting, could a sugar pill actually take out cancer?
The God-Emperor has told us everything is fine, so everything is fine
Are you kidding? I grew up in middle-class America and I'd get scarlet fever every time I got strep throat.
He would need a new sidekick.
>pre-existing respiratory condition
My dad had lung surgery before (idk what kind) is he at high risk?
Make sure he washes his hands frequently and does his best to avoid crowds.
This was the last time we saw Bill Murray before he started getting grey hair.
In a mainstream movie, the problem is usually too many cooks, not one inexperienced guy.
And specifically you have cooks who compromise with each other by watering down the product and nipping the strong creative ideas in the bud.
wouldnt it be like syphillis wear your body just makes permanent anitbodies?
>being too young to remember when people said the same things about SARS and bird flu
If that sensationalism is what it takes for your life to feel interesting, then hey, whatever makes you happy.
>There are a few people who think the Corona Virus is some kind of planetary Human extinction plague.
>when you're so tribal that bitching about The Other Guy is more important than the people dying
Ever heard the phrase "better safe than sorry"? Sorry in this scenario means a highly contagious, rapidly spreading disease that may have the potential to mutate into something worse if left unchecked.
In the TV show, Jones and Drix are chasing some bad guy when a mosquito comes by and sucks them out and transfers them to a teen boy. Jones decides to stick around because he figures his years of knowledge and wisdom of policing a body could help the kid + kid mayor raise this body in a healthy way.
>Chance of life-threatening symptoms is 4% or more for people aged 60+
thats just in the US because orange man doesnt want to acknowledge it, especially now that he acted like its a big deal
nations actually responding to it and taking care of their people fare much better
how do they even know? most people think they have a cold/flu, sneeze and cough everywhere without closing their fucking mouth like a got damn fucking prick and then get over it while transmitting it all over and you only find out about kids or some limpwristed/old person who expires on a bench coughing
Osmosis Jones is part of a normal adult's immune system. His host isn't elderly or immunocompromised. So yes, Osmosis Jones could easily beat the Corona Virus as long as he could do so before it blows up the lungs or the kidneys.
The worst part is that those assholes buy a shitload of water and canned food and hand sanitizer and all the fucking masks when they're young/strong enough to fight it off easily. Meanwhile I have a fucked immune system so I could actually die.
Also they're using the fucking masks wrong. They only work for, like, two hours tops. You can't just buy one mask and wear it forever, it gets moist and the water carries shit through the mask.
It's already mutated into a less-lethal and more-lethal strain.
2% lethality for a disease is fucking ridiculous for a modern pandemic, and will absolutely cause serious economic repercussions from lost wages/productivity at the very least.
>Corona's most dangerous to the elderly, young, and those with poor respiratory health
Well I'm not elderly or young, but I'm on immuno-suppressants and have a history of chronic bronchitis
It's ok, I'm sure our government is well equipped to handle a pan-
>Trump gutted the CDC's budget and response capability
>White House went around CDC and allowed infected people into the country repeatedly
>President went on live fucking television and said it was fine for people to go to work with Covid-19
>no testing kits anywhere so no one even fucking knows how widespread it is and if schools and businesses should already be taking precautions or shutting down
>One of the incredibly few confirmed cases came in on a flight to an airport an hour from my home
I'm going to fucking die.
What would cancer look like in Osmosis Jones world?
Zombie Apocalypse.
trump gave 8 billion bucks to the CDC to fight the virus what are you talking about