We're reaching levels of faggotry not thought possible

We're reaching levels of faggotry not thought possible.

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>foul Jewish sorcery

As long as there’s porn of the little whatever gender that is getting their gender nonconforming pussy destroyed then it’s all good.

That big thing is gonna crush the poor kid's pelvis

A man after my own heart

Which one's the top?

Yes, it’s pretty nice to see gay representation becoming so accepted.

I don't really like the look of the MC. Is that a girl or a boy?

That determines how I feel about it, honestly.

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>Princess Alexander
America was a mistake (George Washington)

It's a boy. The title is Princess Alexander. That mean he's a precocious fuckboy

>boy has princess exclusive magic, everyone flips shit

>it’s pretty nice to see gay representation becoming so accepted.
LGBT was begging to accepted in America until the transgender crazed. If anything trannies turned good chunk of centrists against LGBT.

Fuck. On one hand that is awesome on the other time is running out for your own ideas

>Show about a boy that becomes magical girl
>inspired by my childhood
Do modern writers even know what inspired by my childhood even means anymore?

That inspired isn't the same as based on?

Maybe he wanted to be a magical girl when he was a kid?

I'm glad I'm not one of the few surviving WWII veterans who now has to die with the knowledge that Hitler was actually right.

All the stuff from them is so fucking boring because it tries so hard to be proper and woke. It's not entertaining.

Why not make honest fujobait instead? That would be gay and marketable. Here's a comic I could see getting a cartoon adaptation.

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>gay representation
You mean lesbians and trannies.

>insert [“Hitler was gay!” image macro here]

And so it remains an intensely alienating fringe experience, not that I think normans could meaningfully digest it.

Fujobait blows.

Isn't this just Yuri on ice but now fencing and more races

The worst thing it can and probably will be is boring as shit like says. But this place will still scream about how it's literally genociding them

Hitler would have gassed you too son, look where we are

No, Yuri on Ice is a gay romance story with ice skating, this is more like sports manga with gay on the side. It's like Haikyuu etc.

You don't need to go out of your way to make fujobait, though. If there's anything to learn about fujos, it's that they do just fine creating their own fujo content when they jump into any given fandom.

>Hitler would have gassed you too son
I would have volunteered as a camp snitch before that could happen.

Fence isn't bait, it's actually gay
But you're right it's not trying to be woke, it's more like Japanese gay stuff

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user you know those guys are always killed anyways how are you on a media board and forgetting this

What is woke in this context? It's fujobait because the writers are straight women. It's girl porn for girls.

porn when

Not a real thing

How should I explain this
Well, you know sci-fi and fantasy often deal with themes like racism and class inequality? And still manages to be entertaining? It's because they're made into entertaining stories with interesting characters and settings, something readers want to read. But woke shit has nothing else to offer than "representation", and they get praised for only that. Otherwise they're boring and empty.

I've always wanted the T to drop off fuck those brain damaged cunts

But you read capeshit, boring and empty is your ABCs.

> levels of faggotry not thought possible
Ah no,you're wrong.Yas Forums still exist in 2020

I think capeshit tries too hard to be woke too, this is because usually some boomer has decided that they will now do a thing but it's not something the readers want

I think they do. But I'm also of the mindset that cartoons are being diluted into a homogeneous puddle.

Bros, I so tired...tired of all this...I just want to go back to simpler times ..a time when I actually loved animation instead of always being angry about it

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How embarrassing

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They called it a renaissance for a reason. There was plenty going on behind the scenes, that you didn't see, that could have ruined those films. People fought to get those films to the finish line. But, between a more autocratic corporate, rampant nepotism and investor demand, that fight is harder now. The simple times were never simple. They just seem simple compared to now.

I get the impression everyone involved is only doing this just so they can attract articles like this one. And not really to make a show anyone will care to watch.

It's not a bad story as long as it doesn't turn into wank, which it probably will.

What exactly is there to be mad about?

Take your bet: trans boy, gay boy, or gender non-conforming boy? And which one would inspire the most R34?

>LGBT acceptance is being hindered thanks to transphobes. TERs want good-boy points for pretending they give a damn about "women's spaces", even TERs are siding with literal neo-Nazis because trans people hurt their feelings by existing

So he's Gwyndolin from Dark Souls?

I'm fucking sick of the trannies making us fags look bad.

Gay boy is my pick for what gets the most R34. I think trans would only attract people as a backlash to anti-sjws and not enough people know anything about NBs to stir up interest. But gay is mainstream enough to get circulation on twitter and that's what makes the difference nowadays.

Why is everything about sexuality nowadays?

As opposed to when you were young?

Everything has always been about love and war.

The hell is a TER?

>not boipussi

The "correct" term is a TERF: trans-exclusionary radical feminist. This particular brand of transphobes hate the word TERF (even though they were fine with the term at first, and women came up with the term first) and say it's a slur, because of course they fucking do. However, feminism and bigoted horseshit don't exactly get along too well, so some people refer to them as TERs: transphobic eediotic reactionaries. Other non-bigots prefer FARTs: Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes.

FARTs tend to run out the Yas Forums playbook ("Think of the children!" "It's a cult!") while still pretending they're feminists. They're basically a bunch of schoolyard bullies that sometimes get media attention in the UK, because that place is completely retarded now.

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Trans-exclusionary radical. They usually tend to be women that treat femininity as this mystical property that you either have, and everything is great, or you don't have and thus crave.

The UK was ground zero for TERFs. Margret Thatcher's cabinet had some of the OG TERFs and they still pop up from time to time.

>Brainwashing propaganda directed at Children.
It's OK when the West does it?

Would you accept asspussy, since its a gender neutral sexual orifice?

Nobody cares, tranny.

>unironically supporting the transgender cause
Yas Forums never fails to dissapoint me more and more.

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>Other non-bigots prefer FARTs: Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes.
How can feminists "appropriate" feminism? Feminism was always about (actual) women and addressing the things that held them back- lack or reproductive rights, sex stereotyping, etc. It was never about telling some ugly dude in a dress that he's a pretty woman.

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Transgender women are not women.

So "TERFs" are just normal people? No one wants dudes in dresses to be able to whip out their dicks in front of little girls in the changing room, tranny

But pedophiles showing their dicks in male bathrooms is a-okay.

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If you met a TERF, you wouldn't be saying that. No matter how frightened of penises you are. There's a reason why a magret thatcher parody show went on as long as it did.