This character is retarded and serves no purpose other than pandering to modern millenial womyn and modern beta males. In real life a woman that has any type of power over a man would never let said man anywhere near her pussy, ass, and mouth. This character is literally the personification of the modern sexual marketplace. Women are now the buyers, but the men are barely selling anything.
This character is retarded and serves no purpose other than pandering to modern millenial womyn and modern beta males...
The hated me because I spoke the truth.
Beta boy
>Women are the buyers now, but the men are barely selling anything.
This pretty much sums up why birthrates go down as women become educated. Also the reason so many men are incels now.
>Only modern women use sex to attain their goals
Nani the fuck? Have you read any history?
If a woman see's herself above you she will not let you fuck. Can a femanon confirm this so these dudes can stop being delusional?
Pretty much. Men are physically stronger than women but otherwise worse in every way. Once you take their strength away or render it irrelevant, they have nothing to offer.
Women aren't a monolith, but as a femanon I personally will only fuck someone I consider an equal. Might be different for the vampire bitch in Castlevania though, the fetish crowd is weird.
Unless she needs say your ravenous demon hordes?
That why the all explorers and almost all inventors were men no?
It's not that men are worse in every way. If you were to teach young men how to properly socialize, they would be fine. But most young guys just grow up in front of a televison or vide game or computer. Women naturally have an easier time socializing so forming connections with others isn't as much of a problem. I think most modern women, when they look at modern men, just see children in adult bodies who don't want to sit and talk with the adults at the adult table.
Stop making fun of me man
It's not your fault. Our parents just did not know what they were doing. This is why becoming a parent should be like passing a drivers test. You have to have the prerequisites in order financially, intellectually, and healthwise. If they had just read about the psychological damage of leaving a young human infront of a screen for most of their lives, they wouldn't have let it happen.
Because women have been subjugated throughout all of history, friend. Men are so terrible that they have to physically, psychologically, and socially beat women down so they won't compete with them. Men are so pathetic that they made up religions that declare they are the besty-best so they can point to that shit as an excuse to steal everything they want.
Can you imagine doing that? Sitting down and writing out a worldview that declares you the center of importance? It's so cringey.
But the world's getting a little better every day. And how quickly men fall when their suppose superiority is revealed as fairy tale bullshit.
Men are literal gods among is and you can't do anything about it. Pic related will male more money, fuck more bitches, and achieve godhood when he enters the NFL next year. A womans body would be broken in higshchool football.
It's more than the screens, I think. Boys are allowed to get away with a lot more than girls are, and generally are saddled with less responsibility. They grow up feeling entitled without ever having earned anything or made any sacrifices. Then they expect their girlfriends to take the place of their mothers. No modern woman wants to deal with a man-baby.
I carry a Glock in my purse and can render his superior body irrelevant with the pull of a trigger.
What else you got?
Men are actually closer to being autistic than women are on average. Combine that with lack of socializing during the formative years and you get the modern male. Parents were working so there was no time for face to face interaction as much. If you get rejected by others you can just hide away in your room and get lost in fantasy worlds. Modern life and technology definitely appeals more to men than women.
That glock will jam and he will tear your fingers off your hand when it does.
He is pretty. He may live.
post moar shirtless boys pls
Is the hole where your penis was getting slimy?
I worship my mommy's cunny.
t. Hector.
Only when I start thinking about you bleeding at my feet, little doggy.
This thread
Are you bisexual? Why are you sucking his dick?
>In real life a woman that has any type of power over a man would never let said man anywhere near her pussy, ass, and mouth. This character is literally the personification of the modern sexual marketplace. Women are now the buyers, but the men are barely selling anything.
You're contradicting yourself, retard.
Trevor Lawrence got BTFO by Based LSU don't post him
And in twenty years his body will be broken and he'll be retarded after a few decades of repeated concussions. I'm not impressed. A woman's body can literally create new humans that will outlive her, carrying her genes into infinity. It's pretty magical.
Tiny bepis
Gross. One of the worst things about this show was how bad the art and animation were. None of the sex was sexy. All the anatomy is shit, the faces and facial expressions are ugly, the voice acting is terrible. Alucard laying there doing nothing just had me looking away in embarrassment. It's like the writer literally detests the character and wants to make him look as bad as possible.
This series had a lot of cool potential but they let Warren Ellis convince them he could write an animated Game of Thrones and 1) he couldn't, he's a hack and 2) the production quality just is not there.
No u
>all this female cope
lol no. Human society is dominated by the fact that women are hypergamous, they prefer to breed with men of an equal social standing or above to the point that several women would rather share a single high status partner than "breed down." There's all kinds of women in the world, even some like gingersnaps in OP, and what makes the relationship in Castlevania possible is Hector being a top tier resource, he's a fucking prize man.
As a man you can be socially awkward and ugly and smell like an old foot AND crush major ass just so long as you've got the standing in society to make it worth a womans time (being rich is good, being powerful is better, being both is best.) The rise of incels and the rise of burnt out roasties is the result of woman redefining who and how society puts people on top, women are being betrayed by their own instincts when they achieve positions of authority and expect a flock of men to appear ready to make the same sacrifices for a slice of it that they would in similar circumstances when men just shut down having seen the kind of thing they would have to become, either assholes or cûcks.
TL;DR Women don't reward being nice, they reward being Of Value
This guy has the biggest brain i've ever seen.
t. Ugly fag.
Hector is a pretty boy which is why he gets pussy.
>Because women have been subjugated throughout all of history, friend.
But I thought women were smarter and better in every way? How could they be subjugated for so long? And why are they still claiming to be subjugated even today?
This. It's weird how a lot of anons forget that men can be sexually appealing.
Just ugly cope.
>heh w..well as long as you do what a woman says and have money they’ll totally fuck you and not cheat on you!
>Wait don’t leave! So what if I’m hideous! Money! Wait! Don’t go to that good looking guy!
Not that user, but they're physically weaker.
Redpillers take thousands of years of interweaving cultures and boil it down to a line graph. Making the complex and fascinating into stupid and dull
>A woman's body can literally create new humans that will outlive her, carrying her genes into infinity. It's pretty magical.
You're describing immaculate conception. Human birth still requires male genetic code, sir.
>None of the sex was sexy
Speak for yourself, I popped a stiffy when Lenore let Trevor go to town.
But no it's okay. There's going to be a stellar arc next season that culminates in Hector making her fall in love with HIM and then he murders the shit out of her. Should be cool, see you then.
FUCK I meant Hector.
I assumed it was because he could create an army of unstoppable monsters
She's a fucking high-tier vampire. Men on her level are rare, if she wants to fuck it's 99% of the time going to be someone below her so she may as well have a pet she likes. You're treating this situation like she's a normal woman when even the other vampires are a little creeped out by her habit of adoption
>thousands of years of interweaving cultures
The Assyrians, the Babylonians, the pre-Pharisees Egyptians, the pre-unification Chinese, the pre-Zulu West African Ubaya, all these cultures (and more) were separated by (at the time) insurmountable natural barriers and they all started out Polyamorus and they all became Polygamous. The "interweaving" came in the form of them all being converted to or conquered by monogamous cultures (because monogamy is a more efficient method of producing man power and developing resources as well as a more stable environment politically, allowing for greater state control and less opportunity for revolution.) I don't think it's dull at all, I think it's fascinating. But I'm a /his/fag with a minor in sociology and most people wouldn't read a history book if you put a gun to their head.
I don't think it's dull either. What you posted is fascinating. What I meant was that all the history, that you just posted, would, in the mind of a redpiller, be contorted until it could be boiled down to love and romance being as generic attraction that assess people on a scale of 1-10.
Women with power/money date younger attractive men too. I don't understand why it's so hard to believe that they would act just like men when they get at their level.
How much of that is also influenced by the just general increase in population? There's more people than ever and less men are being sent off to war and advancements in science mean less men are dying in hazardous jobs.
And even then don't those rich old dudes get cheated on by their wives with their bodyguards, personal trainers, gardenees, etc
I definitely agree. I don't know what OP and their ilk are smoking. It's literally this simple;
>Hector is useful, required even for their plans
>Hector is attractive
>Lenore likes having pets/adopting things
>Lenore has no strong male options anyway, even without the pet quirk
bam, Hector sex slave. Of all the shit wrong with this show, and there's a lot, this isn't really one of them
>implying they won’t have a kid who gets revenge when Issac kills them both
It's not population, it's the breakdown of monogamy. You know when people say "monogamy isn't natural?" They're 100% right, monogamy requires a top down "encouragement" to function but this "encouragement" has happened because the payoff for civilization has been worth it. For a variety of reasons the women's equality movement has been paired with this Polyamory, free-love bullshit. None of which is new to the species, polyamory isn't a new idea it's a very, very old one. So on the one hand you have women achieving a widespread level of authority never before seen in a technologically advanced civilization and at the same time you're watching a revision to pre-monotheistic, pre-industrialization polygamist mating behavior. unprecedented clusterfuck. The women entered the workforce but without any plan of how to provide a social niche for the men they hoped to beat in competition for the exact same number of jobs. It's not a population problem, it's a supply and demand of social standing problem, if that makes any sense.
Hector was already going to do that. Lenore has her own agenda with him.
Nice headcanon fugly.
Yeah. I think a princess in Dubai or Qatar had to leave the country because she was banging her bodyguard.
Why can't women ever have secks with me?
That's a baseless assumption. Women have the same capacity to become disconnected shut-ins as men. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with your hobbies or interests, but with your unwillingness to leave your comfort zone.
>Threatened because a cartoon woman did something on a screen.
When will it end?
Who is the ‘beta’ here user? It’s you.
I bet the number of female shut ins compared to male shut ins is like 1:8
You're not a bodyguard who works in Dubai.