I miss him so damn much. Derek has a ridiculous amount of potential given what he can do. When is he coming back, or getting another solo book? Would Morrison write for him again? I dread to think what Bendis will do to Sideways on Young Justice

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Pretty sure OP just jizzed himself while writing this post

>When is he coming back,
>dread to think what Bendis will do to Sideways on Young Justice
Why are you asking when you already know the answer to the question?

I don’t know when that is exactly, and I don’t consider that a “real” return given the circumstances

>I don’t know when that is exactly
April or May, I think.
>I don’t consider that a “real” return given the circumstances
Derek is a C lister at best, the only way that he's getting back is with a team book.

I'm hoping Grant Morrison does something with Sideways after Green Lantern.

I was kind of hopeful that Derek would play a role in Fast Forward, unfortunately that did not turn out to be the case

Tempus was there though so it gave Sideways SOME attention

kenan, Derek and Miguel, they are good characters.

It really shouldn't be hard to use a teleporter, especially in a team book but knowing modern capeshit, they will always find a way to fuck it up.

Was Flash Forward originally a Sideways plot?

I want a comic with young Jon, JLC, and Sideways as a team

Can you blame him? Derek's a cutie surrounded by hot milfs and sexy twins.

I want him to switch franchises with America Chavez. Give DC Holy Menstruation and see what damage she can do, while Derek can get a poorly-written stealth mini and a spot on Champions.

Did it tho?

>Sideways promised a cornucopia of waifus
>delivered on none of them
Talk about a bait and switch, I'm still piss off about killing off the mom and think it needs to be undone ASAP.

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>no /ss/ideways with business dom mommy
She's supposed to be his Norman Osborne and become his archnemsis, goblin mommy.
Never happened.

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>super speed shortpack sexy bad girl
Gone in one issue after having her arm torn off.

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>no sideways fangirl Emeline
This one especially stings, how do you only pay attention to 1/2 of a twin?

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I was hoping he was going to appear in flash forward and be wallys side kick for a bit but it is what it is

No don't get me wrong, Sleepy eyed Tomboy weeb Mary Jane is a top notch waifu but if you're advertising all these potential waifus then you should deliver on them.

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Is it weird that all of the positive influences in his life are white women and all of the negative ones are brown women?

They're not even influences though is what I'm saying. More focus was paid to the cop was investigating the murder of the mom than the actual mom.

Is leto a positive influence or is she non-white? Technically speaking emeline isn't a positive influence either.

Can Sideways outrun the Flash?

The answer to “can ____ outrun The Flash?” Is always no. However he’s a good matchup

How did Sideways fail?

Series went to shit when Didio kicked Jordan off. I also hated that he and Ernie got together because that was so fucking cliche. They should've kept a platonic relationship and he gets together with her sister.

Didn't show up at Justice League,Superman or Batman comics nor got a cartoon cameo.

>and he gets together with both sisters.

>Implying Ernie wasn’t going to get Gwen Stacy’ed and Derek hooks up with her sister

If Didio was gonna do it he would've done it.

It only had 13 issues

He still managed to kill the mom in those 13 issues so I think he wrapped up this story by then.

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user please, pacing wouldn’t allow for Ernie’s death. They literally had only enough time to get together

Of course the pacing was horrible but if Didio wanted ernie dead than she would have died within those 13 issues.

What sucks is that I guarantee Ernie will be forgotten for the crime of being a supporting character.

He got his brown mommy as compensation for losing his OG mommy.

And his most toxic relationship is with his white dad who said he never loved Derek as a son.

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oh ok

>social justice warrior
is the for real.. :/

Sideways was Didio's baby and he gave it ro Bendis and now with Didio gone Bendis will mangle and abuse him until he's not recognizable anymore and other writers will continue with what Bendis did.

He'll also ignore Ernie or make her evil.

You got to build up the relationship before you can tear it down. Maybe later, it was too soon

More like he’ll make Derek vomit bad Spanish despite not knowing a single goddamn word

Did he do that to Miles before he introduced his grandmother? But yeah I hate when they do that to Latino characters.

Didio wrote Sideways himself, which is rare. I get the impression that Sideways was his brainchild. Now that Didio is out of the picture, the chances of Sideways making a comeback seem slim, which is a shame. Sideways was my only favorite new comic character of the last 20 years.

He'll ignore Ernie most likely to hook Derek up with Amethyst or some shit. I can't imagine how in the world he'd be able to write a snarky, weary weeb girl.

>Sideways was Didio's baby and he gave it ro Bendis
So Bendis at DC was Didios plan and he is responsible for this diversity push at DC?

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Calm down, this is a long tradition for american comics.
Marvels Nightcrawler and Collossus are the prime examples!

I'm pretty sure it was Rocafort's baby and not Didio's.

I think they should have him be gay. Young Justice needs a gay.

Yeah, true. I wonder what's gonna happen to the character that was only great because Didio was writing him?
This would be ideal with Didio and him being good friends.

Quads of truth. If Sideways appeared in a cartoon, he would certainly get a push due to casual exposure.
Fuck you

I agree.
Hopefully Bendis will take care of that!

>I miss him so damn much
Do yourself a favor and read the real thing, aka Ultimate Spider-Man.

So much aggression. Problem with gays?

That's what Bart is for.

I was honestly hoping that they’d work on that relationship to the point where his father would remember his feelings for his son. Maybe in a self sacrifice or something

I fucking love tempus

I think it was always a wally story but I believe that sideways was supposed to be a part of it before they changed the end to account for 5G

No, I have a problem with completely rewriting a character

>Derek dies and is replaced by his long lost half black brother Niles

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But bendis LOVES interracial couples why would he fuck with it?

Bendis' fetish is for interracial couples with black male's

bendis doesn't read anything he didn't write