ITT: Overused Superhero Jokes

>Aquaman is lame
>Robin is effeminate
>Superman kills Lois Lane when they try to have sex
>Black Widow and Hawkeye are useless
>The Legion of Superheroes is full of heroes with stupid powers

Add your own!

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>captain America would be a racist because he’s from the 40s

Hulk acting stupid, without the context of him being blinded by rage.

>Batman not wanting to kill villains makes him ineffective and a bad hero
I can appreciate if used as a serious exploration of Batman and his motivations, but I see so many people just go "Why doesn't he just shoot the Joker?" He has principles, you idiots, for better or for worse. It helps define what makes Bruce Wayne who he is.

Captain America was literally racist.

>If you kill the villain you'll be just as bad as he is!

>This superhero kills people so he's interesting

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>>Aquaman is lame

he is

>>Robin is effeminate

that's something even DC do in their animated movies

>>The Legion of Superheroes is full of heroes with stupid powers

it is

>Guy touches Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth, and then blurts out he wants to fuck her
>The idea that you can see Diana sitting in the Invisible Jet
>Wonder Twins are lame

>Black Widow and Hawkeye are useless
Not really a joke. They really are relegated to B-plot errands.

>Batman can solo the entirety of the JL

Yeah I hate seeing that shit. Why does he have to kill the Joker? Why should he have to break his moral code? It's not his fault the justice system is shit and keeps letting him get away with the insanity plea.

It's not a joke, it's a fact.

The reddit spacing really speaks for itself, no further commentary needed.

>Guy touches Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth, and then blurts out he wants to fuck her
That's another thing, why does the lasso make you blurt out things randomly, isn't it just meant to make you tell the truth when asked a specific question.

There's evidence supporting this fact, my friend.

>captain america is so pure that he has virgin ears
>captain ameraca is a boomer that doesn't know what modern technology is
>deadpool likes chimichangas
>thor and loki are good buddies
>drax is dumb

I blame Whedon

Slightly off topic, but why does an Amazonian have an invisible jet? Just doesn't seem thematically coherent to me, it's a weird thing to have stuck with the character so long.

It was created to remind future writers and audience that Wonder Woman is not just a mythological comic, it's supposed to be mythology + modern and sci-fi adventures

They don't. It's a horrible idea from the get go, erase it from your mind.

>Robin is effeminate
More sexy than overused.

Wich one of them?

Mark Millar's Captain America is not canon

I think Mamoa finally killed all the "Aquaman is lame" jokes. Just as planned.

Frankly I think Aquaman's awesome, but I just don't care for underwater adventures

>>The Legion of Superheroes is full of heroes with stupid powers
never seen the legion joke anywhere

There's also evidence that he couldn't, like in Forever Evil it's shown that a lot of his contingency plans are pretty bad and clearly just the best he can manage.

Plot twist: It's psychically linked to Diana and she ALWAYS wants to know if any man she sees wants to fuck her because she's a narcissist.

He really can't. That's the epitome of batwank.

No, but its Bruce's fault for not trying to fix the justice system. When's the last time Wayne Enterpeises built prisons, or funded schools and stuff? Bruce should just run for Mayor of Gotham and make it great again, starting by moving Arkham to a different part of the city so its not sitting on magical voodoo indian shit.

Probably has to do with that one time the Joker WAS actually put on death row, but Batman autistically went to rescue him, because this time in particular he was framed.

No further commentary because you have no counter-argument.

I always hated the argument about Batman not going and doing extrajudicial murders on his villains because he's autistic and doesn't care, since it's the problems of the Gotham legal system. But I would love to read an Elseworlds where it turns out he DOES keep them safe to keep himself a desired hero by putting all his Bruce Wayne money and might towards gimping the legal system.

Because the Amazons have been alive for thousands of years

They've had plenty of time to learn engineering and propulsion.
It's like the purple healing ray

Deadpool cosplayers are the most awful people

He was also racist at his original run.


>Batman constantly whines about dead parents
>Batman can beat anybody if he have time to prepare

Is this motherfucker still using the "i'm batman" joke ?

Get out

Black Widow is trash bro.

A lot of sites like Buzzfeed or WhatCulture have videos and lists like "10 Ridiculous Superheroes You Won't Believe Exist" or "10 Superheroes With Useless Powers". Usually at least one LoSH member ends up on there like Matter-Eater Lad, Bouncing Boy, Arm-Fall-Off Boy or Color Kid.

Matter-Eater Lad could be helpful tho.

He wasn't tho, he was even angry about hiw racism was still a prevailing thing in modern society and claimed that nothing changed until Sam told him about Civil Rights.

If you're talking about the French jab then that's irrelevant since French isn't a race.

People are now making Namor is lame jokes. I suspect Aquaman's success is why Namor has been getting more of a spotlight lately.

Everyone was racist in the 40's because it was acceptable and the norm. Still the 40's comics are non-canon to the 616 comics since they were comics within that universe as well.

It was the Silver Age, just go with it

Nat had good stories in the 60s-90s.


it's called


go to school


good for him, that's more spotlight then Namor has ever had

Go back

>Superman is too overpowered so he's lame, there's no tension!
On the topic of people misunderstanding the nuances of characters. I hate the whole "overpowered hero isn't interesting" shit, the appeal of batman and superman can both be boiled down to the lengths the go to uphold their own justice and morals. They want to be better than the villains they face.

With superman specifically, I find most of his appeal being how he uses his powers for good despite not really needing to take on that responsibility at all. It's a testament to his character, his abilities are just the tools to express that aspect of himself. Anytime someone does the whole superman is boring because he always wins" you know they're brain damaged. Just because a character struggles in fights or whatever the fuck, doesn't mean they're automatically more interesting imo

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And without the heavy hitters

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>Black Widow and Hawkeye are useless
This isn't a joke, just the truth.

>Black superhero has Electricity power, no matter what.

If you think Black Widow is useless, read this issue. She saves the entire team by herself by manipulating events in the timeline.

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How are they useless compared to cap that is
>A peak human with a OP shield

>green lantern is better than ben 10.

>when the Power Rangers (or any tokusatsu charcters) are transforming why don’t the bad guys just attack them then?

>Batman is so powerless lololololahahahahaha