What do you want to see from the future of Star Wars cartoons and comics?

What do you want to see from the future of Star Wars cartoons and comics?

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Diversity and dinosaurs

A Twi'lek sex scene.

Preferably with a Wookie.

More diversity, trans main characters, and evil white men of course

A cancellation announcement.

I foresee comics being released months after movies and used to cover up and explain poor storytelling.

Why are you like this? Genuinely wondering.
And why focus your energy on star wars when every single franchise is like this?

They didn't have enough sex in highschool and now we all have to pay the price

tor by filoni. if it sucks then we can forget it ever happened.

slowly but surely retconning everything of importance in the sequels (Luke's death,Sheev's return,Rey's powers) out of existance like they did to the OT

Hopefully porn of the chick on the right.

More pointless Ahsoka.

good stories

From cartoons
less being married to the CGI style
more shades of grey especially with Jedi and Sith
More focus on making individual planets or small quadrants (or whatever Star Wars calls areas of the universe?) unique and special instead of everything seeming so samey except for the occasional weird planet.

Thousand year timeskip to get away from most OT/PT/ST and tell the same stories but maybe with a slightly different coat of paint

Nothing, Disney killed all my interest in Star Wars.

>evil white men
nu star wars' sith empire has women and people of color
if anything it's less "evil white men" than the original trilogy

Gungan bounty hunters

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>What do you want to see from the future of Star Wars cartoons and comics?
More failures that end with them forced to bring back Palpatine again. Even in the High Republic it always ends with more Sheev.

What do you think of S7 so far?

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More retcons and bullshit so we can ruin every era of Star Wars beyond recognition

Qt3.14 space babes who are not twi'lek for a change getting HUMANED.

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there's one in Force Unleashed if you didn't already know.

why are you such a boring franchise-consoomer? let things rest

star wars has no future. TCW zoomers are rightfully turning against filoni as well after finally accepting and realizing he's a hack retard furfag obsessed with his waifu. TCW is the SWTOR of the prequel era. Neither are as bad as the disney shit but both are banalized versions/additions to what came before.

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Niggers and gay people.

a good story

more B1

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They cute

more Filoni Wars

Literally nobody cares about how "dead" star wars is.
Why do people who say this think it would ever convince someone to stop caring about star wars?

Less Filoni. Less modern SW mentality. More wars. More porn of Rey getting Gamorrean'd.

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No more content.

Good characters

Nu Star Wars, complete reboot

That way we get a clean separation from the shitshow

Nice meme, but do you have any rebuttals or anything?

>user has stated opinion contrarian to my own
>must post RedLetterMedia picture in lieu of actual reply
>beep boop

They're terrible and add nothing of value.
All I want are technical drawings and cross-sections at this point.

Entering the public domain so Disney loses all interest in it.

Not gonna lie, I just want him back.

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Finding what she truly was

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Literally nothing. Every new piece of media they make feels like it's shrinking the universe and its potential. There's less and less room for imagination.

An end.

We get it dude, you don't like star wars, just love thinking about it


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You must really fucking love Reddit letter media, don't you?


>when every single franchise is like this?
They are not, tho.


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we liked star wars before Disney and still like pre-disney star wars

you're basically brain damaged if you consume disney media

First thing "Star Wars" I ever saw was the Grievous episode of Genndy's show. Immediately went out and rented Phantom Menace, I was so disappointed I didn't give the series another chance until like 8 years later.

Stop being so easy to troll, user. You are making us look bad.

I can't be trolled retard, I'm unshakeable

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It's not worth your time dude. Star Wars didn't break even and Disney's (hilariously) doubling down on 'diversity' in response. By 2030 it'll be left in the same corner as Ghostbusters.

They should ditch the lightsabers and robes so they can go back to the original concept of warriors in tune with some unknowable cosmic force

but they should wait at least ten years to do that or any other movie, comic, or book

video games would be fine, just without any of the established characters

>They should ditch the lightsabers and robes so they can go back to the original concept of warriors in tune with some unknowable cosmic force
I'd like to see this

200+ ABY stories about attempt to make a unite order of Jedi and with

R-rated stories about criminal scum

the franchise getting closed and forgotten by time.

cool white male heroes for once instead of just the same sjw/feminist propaganda again and again