6 Mar 2020 | 12:00 AM
Chapter 75: Page 6
A lot of stuff is hidden in the sub menus.
Gunnerkrigg Court
I dub thee Final Pam
Oh, hey. A Dark Souls character.
Now THAT looks more like Kat designed it.
Go away Ralph
What will he choose?
I'm betting on the black guy.
He looks extremely uninterested in the black guy.
He's most excited about the elf trap.
Wait hold on they get to CHOOSE? I didn't get to choose when I spawned.
Why doesn't Robot have a human body yet???
Based degenerate Kat building the slider unlocker right in.
That's why you don't worship your god as much as they do theirs.
But Tom will make him a black guy.
It's his thing now.
He noticed the comic only had like 1 black character for the longest time, so he had to address that, by making artificial black people that look like plastic surgery mistakes.
>british dude creates black companion for sole black character
can you not?
I think they want to make a distinction between creating human bodies for robots and creating robotic life/robotic humans
Also, Kat will literally become a god because her robots will be able to contribute to the ether
Tom's itching for more Monster Factory content, I see.
Can you not put words in my mouth, faggot?
>can you not?
I think user was going more in the 'he's filling diversity quotas' direction.
When will The Annies show up?
This. I love them now!
They'll be here to take the blame when this goes horribly wrong.
tom you better not be a faggot and not have at least one robot pick the fucking titty elf choice.
What if the robot says it wants to look like a redheaded loser?
Is this the most female nudity than has been in the comic?
I was thinking about this
Do you think there's some sort of legislation preventing people from creating new bodies that resemble people that already exist?
I know a lot of the forest people have their bodies created by others, but what's to stop someone in the court from creating their own body and transferring their consciousness into it?
Or heck, cloning themselves--that'd be too easy
Most likely
I would spend way too much time making naked shortstacks even though I know I'm going to be a gigantic muscle man.
I'd be a big muscle girl. Preferably an orc.
How many robots are going to give themselves mega schlongs/mega breasts? Are they allowed to mix and match?
Oh, I'd deffo go futa, are you kidding?
Who wouldn't?
I don't think Robots have a concept of sexuality, though.
It's wasted on them.
That elf girl can check my pipes, I tell you hwat!
I thought they did, that's why Tony had Kat measure his peni for that one lady, that and since robots are constantly trying to court humans.
That was at the request of the woman.
Arthur's new body is just a glorified sex toy for a degenerate deviant.
I'm wondering if Kat will limit the amount of bodies the robots can have after their initial one. I can imagine some degenerate asking their robot to get a new body made with adjustments/attachments and I don't think I remember anything about there being limited materials in how Kat grows bodies
Kat will ALWAYS set time aside to make a robot's dick or boobs bigger.
That elf looks familiar.
Kat proving herself once again to be the best god
Hey, fellas... would you put your brain in a robot body?
Would I have a chance at getting in Kat's overalls if I was a fembot? If so, without a doubt.
If it had all the sensory of an organic body, sure.
Ghost in the Shell showed a lot of downsides to cyberation, like dependence on maintenance to survive and simple pleasures like touch and taste being reduced to data on playback.
You'd only be 5 feet tall.
I wouldn't care about any of that as long as I could serve the Angel.
I'll get platform shoes.
Just make yourself look like Kat and then replace her.
DELET yourself.
Can my robot body be a, uh, beautiful woman?
>Hello, metal husband...
I'd start with my dick and go from there.
I think Kat is bi. She lusted after a bird-headed muscle man in the beginning, didn't she ?
She's lesbian with a fetish for birds.
She was way too interested in boys when she hadn't even hit puberty yet, which was very clearly an obvious attempt to seem more normal to other girls, because she was bullied and an outsider for all her life.
I think she's 100% lesbian.
People can switch as they go through puberty but yeah, I think Kat just doesn't mind either way now.
he checks pipes so he'll be anyone from The PJ's
she already became a god in the future which allows her to do this now to become a god later
I disagree.
Kat's interest in men was extremely over the top and superficial.
She was clearly just doing what she thought girls SHOULD do, probably something she picked up from reading girls magazines or something along that line, in a desperate attempt to make friends.
she's as bi as Ellen DeGeneres
I think her crush on Eglamore was true, if just puppy love.
Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?