What is the most boring cartoon you ever sat thru

What is the most boring cartoon you ever sat thru.

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Your favorite one.

we bare bears


We bare bears or Vic and Valentino


What show is this from?

spongeboy ahoy

That ping pong show that aired on Adult Swim for April fools
Me and like 3 others tried getting through a little part of it and we couldn’t

Outside of literal toddler shit like Looney Tune Babies? Probably Butt-Ugly Martians or something. It's hard to remember the real stinkers because I just stop watching and go to something that doesn't suck instead. Some Adventure Time episodes were also fucking slogs.

The Flintstones or Top Cat

Star VS

We bare bears

no such thing as a boring cartoon, there's always an enjoyment factor, but infuriating? that I can name

Gravity Falls
Samurai Jack S5
Glitch Techs

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Castlevania season 3

Either this or Monster Buster Club. Action never felt so boring for some reason.

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i don't even remember

>top cat

Victor and Valentino.

the entirety of 1987 TMNT

Every Hanna Barbera cartoon besides scooby doo, tom & jerry, and super secret squirrel sucked ass

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This, but I think most can admit when something was at least a slow burn... in retrospect, without it devolving into fanboy flame wars. OP said boring, not bad.


Yes. Looking back I think the only reason I liked it was because I was 6 years old. As an adult the only note worthy bit of the show is how much of a babe April O'neil was.

Noone mentioned Owl House yet? You need some special kind of anti talent for writing to be that flat and boring

Doug was boring. Weird and interesting, but boring and cringy a lot of the time.

Transformers Energon

Yeah team galaxy was horribly forgettable.
I thought the girl was hot but that's about it.

12 oz mouse

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sometimes i like to go on those unofficial anime/cartoons websites and just sift through their massive lists looking for super obscure shit that only got like 10 episodes. does anyone else do this?

I do

Hey Arnold

big mouth. what the fuck am i supposed to be watching. all my coworkers love it, and it makes me feel like they're pod people

Right here, I find some very weird stuff

Squirrel boy

Your co-workers have bad taste in comedy, art, and animation. They must relate to the show in some way to enjoy it which means they were a bunch of pathetic cringelords in highschool or they we're the bullies and think the show is funny because they used to beat up faggots like the ones in the show. My guess.

you can find some real weird shit that way. it's so easy to get lost that way. i don't real know anime, so I usually just stick to the cartoons list.

I get his with this very bizarre feeling that, while the list of shows I grew up with and enjoyed over the years is quite sizable, it's literally a fraction of all the cartoons there are or were in the past, say, 2 or 3 decades alone. And going through this massive list knowing that every single one of these cartoons I've NEVER heard of, had to have had at least some viewers, and maybe even a couple of fans.

It's just mind-boggling. It helps put into perspective just how much content exists that I would probably have never known about if it weren't for the internet and websites like that.

A lot of people ITT are naming shows that I started watching, but never finished

The only show that I watched from start to finish that utterly bored me was Star Vs.
There's this weird thing with the dialogue they started doing where a character says something and they end up silent for a few seconds and it's supposed to mean they are brooding
But it comes off as random dialogue and incomplete thoughts

It's so fucking boring and I watched it all and I probably will never watch it again.

There are plenty of worse cartoons, don't get me wrong, but I didn't watch those cartoons because they sucked so badly
Star Vs. was juuuuuuust mediocre enough for me to watch all the episodes

The Weekenders

Dragon prince

Talking Angela

Most recent one that I can think of is Abraca, it's absolutely insulting how boring it is.

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so far, Amphibia.

Green eggs and ass
Never felt such an unbrideld combination of rage and boredom, took me months to actually bother to finish it. Sam is one of the most punchable characters I've ever seen, it's like Wander over Yander became a sociopath. Genuinely can't see why anyone would watch it aside the animation or if you are poobrain enough to think any of the themes or messeges aren't vile and asinine.


Ren & Stimpy. Everyone and their mother was going "haha gross humor", so then once that's worn off you're left with "what else is there?

For me, it's almost every other 60's/70' cartoon aside from HB. At least HB had some enjoyable elements here and there in stark contrast to their competitors att.

Flintstones probably, I'm one of those people who has the memory of a sieve so I don't exactly keep them in mind. Recently, I tried rewatching Sonic SatAM and the first series of that was almost aggressively dull

It gets a lot of praise around here but it's mostly because of the animation because the show itself is not really that funny.

That a weird question because it implies that the show was boring but not enough to make me drop it, so on that basis, probably Harvey Beaks.

Not that I dislike the show, because there are worse shows I’ve sat through (Korra/Voltron) and there are more boring shows that I dropped (We Bare Bears) but Harvey Beaks is possibly the most boring show I watched every episode of.

Aaahg real monster

Niggas clown Rocket Power, but that show had its moments. Meanwhile Ahh real monsters is the most forgotten Klasky csupo show that also aged the worst with the gross out obsession of the 90s

A recent one that comes to mind is Illumination's Grinch, just felt so bland

We Bare Bears

we bare bears. It's too sterile and safe.

Is We Bare Bears still airing or has everyone just forgotten to talk about it?

serial experiments lain

fuck off no I will not give it another try

I've never heard of this show, but my "French pseudo-anime" senses were tingling. Lo and behold, it was the same company that produced Totally Spies.

As for the answer to OP, you could probably pull almost any 70s to early 80s cartoon out of a hat and get a viable answer.

i genuinely have no idea. it's so bland and boring.

Dragon Ball Z

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