Boomer comics

Post 'em.

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based boomer comic god

>Boomer comics: everything sucks nowadays and kids are idiots
>Zoomer comics: I'm so depressed and life is haaaaaard gaiz!

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This may be boomer related, but this also applies to a lot of comics and media made by millenials lately.

Also, totally imagined this with Patrick Warburton's voice.

Heard the Boomer's lines in Michael Pataki's voice

Oh no no
somebody is about to get banned from twitter

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Based Pat btfoing of stinky zoomers

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If liking classic arcade games makes me a boomer than toss me a monster zero energy ultra so I can crack one open and take a sip. Because I'm not sorry.

Ok Boomer.

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You're god damned right.

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Fuck is with them huge ass hands?


This is inaccurate Pat is taller than that kid

It's either fucked perspective or they're intentionally unusually grotesque to fit with the theme of, "this looks mostly normal but there's something not quite right here" that was popular in advertising at the time.

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I thought you guys were just making fun of how it looks like Pat then I noticed the Get Smoked Hat and Skeleton doll.
I'm pretty sure Pat is highly averse to ever reproducing even IF his girlfriend didn't have the life expectancy of a large dog who occasionally eats grapes.

>pat gets a literal semen demon that is paige and are fucking literally every night
>will not have children

Pat and Paige are so fucking odd it confuses me. Not even Woolie is this fucking confusing.

Paige is literally dying and likely can't support a pregnancy, Pat is an obese manlet. I don't know how well he could fuck ESPECIALLY if his dick is big that's a lot of blood and his body is in poor condition.
Though he does hate condoms.

Must be all that boomer energy and dabbing. Unfortunately for Paige, having the Lupus™ doesn't help either. Eh, I guess it's best for the world to not have a devilspawn that is the living plague and goblin that is a Paige/Pat fusion

Before that one guy inevitably comes in to spam stonetoss comics, I just want to remind everybody that he also drew this comic.

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Why did he lose his arms in the last panel

When did this comic come out, and what was the price of Bitcoin then relative to what it is now?

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Sold them on the black market for more Bitcoin.

>Buy Bitcoin
>Get rich
>Arms are now obsolete
It's like you don't have money, user

Basically two mirrors facing each other

Far-right figures are typically scam artists or people who fall for scam artists. Not surprising.

I looked it up, it was around $17,000 then, and now it's around $9000.

Bitcoin isn't a scam, although believing it would always go up in value is foolish.

>voted for issues that could kill her
This constant over-dramatization you see, along with the holier-than-thou attitude is enough to make me actually want to vote for a "kill all fags" candidate.

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So she was right to fear you.

did dobson write this comic?

truly ahead of its time

Of course if Bob wanted to, he could use the same ridiculous logic to argue that he can't be friends with Sally because he could be killed based on Sally's votes. I.e. if she voted for a candidate who is soft on crime, or wants to disarm Bob, he could be at a higher risk of getting murdered.

>Sally and Bob don't realize the Two Party system doesn't benefit citizens and our doomed to take sides in conflicts that will never reflect their true interests

If Bob stopped paying taxes, Sally and her 8 children(by 9 different fathers) would all starve.

the two party system will always be prevalent because dumb poor people hate having to choose between more than two options

Do you feel what little joy you have left is being sucked out? If not, then no.

Jesus Christ, this is way too fucking busy. My eyes hurt trying to read this shit.

Dobson would do the same comic but without any subtlety of irony

can't argue with quads

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>Sally and her 8 children(by 9 different fathers) would all starve.
That doesn't make any sense? Did 2 of the fathers' sperm cells fuse into one giant tadpole wriggling in her pussy?

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Based post, based quads, based user

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>but since Bob voted for issues that could kill her

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>I get annoyed so I'm ok for people getting killed.
Look user the comic was fucking stupid. Please don't prove it right out of spite.

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Sally, grow the fuck up.

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Sally's the kind of person who posts how much she hates straight white men on Twitter anyway

Nobody is being fucking killed because of left or right. People are getting killed for the same fucking reasons that people are dying in Iran - Dems and Reps want votes, so WuFlu is just a fucking cold, bro! Go outside and mingle!

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>Rap Band
God bless the editor.

the 9th father is a cuck raising other men's offspring

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Your political choices don't come from a vacuum. They're just as much a reflection of your character as the company you keep or the clothes you choose to be seen in.

Bob shouldn't be such a braindead degenerate.


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why do trannies like posting about politics so much?

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I have no fucking idea what you even mean. Name me a single Republican policy that murders gay black women.

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They functionally don't exist outside of them.

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I like these.