He should have killed Ozai

He should have killed Ozai.

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Right? What kind of hero would he do selfish about it? No wonder he grows up into an awful father.

Children's show

Why do you feel that way user?

sokka straight up murdered sparky sparky boom man on screen

So he banged Katara in the Avatar state right?

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Energybending was the only way it could have been resolved and anyone who disagrees with this doesn't know shit about Aang

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it wasnt about aang, it was about the world

But it wasn't resolved. Ozai continued to cause problems after his defeat.

>involuntarily uses blood bending to keep his erection after cooming

two reasons
A: We wouldnt have had to witness the disgusting deus ex machina that was the lion turtles, who have done nothing but contradict story elements in atla AND korra (energy bending, being the original benders when we were told otherwise)
B: So that Aang would actually change and grow as a character. It wasnt satisfying at all to see him go through the entire dillema of having to kill the fire lord and make peace with it, only for him to not fucking do it because his wittle feewings would be hurt. It would have been a much more satisfying ending if he put aside his "tradition" and just did his fucking job for the benefit of everyone around him. im not saying he would have to like it, though, just do it. but no, he didnt learn a god damn thing from the ending we got and he still gets his happy ending.
cop. out.

Just like 'he' destroyed the FN fleet at the North Pole thanks to the Ocean going nuts, Aang should have entirely lost control the Avatar Spirit once it was unlocked. Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen to all seemed pretty set on having Aang kill Ozai, and there's no reason he should suddenly have mastery over the avatar state at all at this point in the story; previous times he had to be pulled out by his friends, and the time immediately previous he was killed while in it. Furthermore, he didn't do any training to control/use the state properly between Ba Sing Se and the Comet.
Ultimately it should have been the Avatar that kills Ozai, leaving Aang to deal with his own guilt at killing (indirectly) and failing to master the state, while everyone that isn't the White Lotus or the Gaang doesn't see the distinction, attributing the kill to him.

by "causing problems" do you just mean "he sometimes says mean things :("

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>abandoning your religious beliefs means growing as a character
*tips fedora*

yeah, sorry, but everyone pretty much beleives the same "religion" in atla, they all know the spirit world exists and shit like that. im talking about the air nomad traditions, which were inherently flawed.

He being able to manipulate spiritual energy was a natural progression of the lore after we saw so many episodes showing psychic powers and supernatural beings. And Aang grew as a character, he finally found his own identity and made his own choices rather than what previous avatars would do, he didn't allow people expectations to control him any longer or let the title of Avatar replace his personality.

it undeniably means a change of character. whether or not it is progressive "growth" is questionable.

>same network as an alien who harvested childrens' organs
>same show had a character get stoned to death
>same show had a character blown up

it would've been out of character. plus, the show never really painted what Aang did as morally right but rather showed that it was his personal choice, which is why i think it's cool that you're allowed to disagree with aang's decision and the show validates your opinion.

you're full of shit and you know it

that was pretty much established as soon as aang found out about the firelord, though. yes, its different from what his ancestors did, but thats the same stance he had since pretty much the beginning

He should have killed himself after he realized he reincarnated into Korra.

>Aang lobotomizes Ozai
Would have been kino

He's already dead.

read it again dumbshit

it would have been a lesson in hard choices that one must make.

but the ending we got needed more time to be great. a few episodes at least for aang to discover, research and practice energy bending.

Aang’s moral compass was never treated as the defining philosophy as the show (both Toph and Sokka definitely killed some people). It’s his choice in the end, and the audience is allowed to disagree with him. This is where shows like SU really botched their execution of such a choice. You’re not disagreeing with Steven, you’re disagreeing with the entire show.

>the show validates your opinion
this is true. much better than what would have been if atla was made in this era.
>sokka and zuko dare to suggest that aang kill the melon lord
>katara and aang get pissy so sokka and zoku basically get banished from screen time
>after aang wins with energy bending sokka and zuko would come apologize

because the avatar's never killed anyone before
Korra was a massive retcon they pulled out of their asses and you know it

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one of looking at it is that his ability to firebend got raped and that's enough for justice.

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Killing himself would accomplish nothing if he's already dead user.

the ending is bullshit. Aang was just given the magical solution to fix his problem without breaking any of his moral codes while also not sacrificing or losing anything.

i think that was the fish spirit being mad his partner was killed, not a coincidence it gunned for Zhao
but Aang killed that vulture bee in the desert episode, he specifically notes that even insects lives have value to him and he'd never take their life so this does have relevance here and something Yangchen should've spat back at him

i think he means aang would have influenced korra to kill herself
that makes me wonder though, could you kill yourself in the spirit world?

>could you kill yourself in the spirit world
You can, but don't try it dude. Totally not worth it

it looked like it killed all of the fire nation soldiers there, not just Zhao

you can't considering people have been stuck in the spirit world for eons without perishing, I think you're just spirit energy or something when you're in there unless you physically go through a spirit portal then I have no idea don't think about that

The ending is unironically a casual filter. OP you're a fucking casual.

Aang doesn't kill people. Even if you say he killed Zhao, that was the fish spirit. Not Aang.

he gives him the bending equivalent of the philosophers death. I dig it

just because he doesnt, doesnt meant he shouldnt.
try again

He doesn't kill people. Keep quiet with your embarrassment.

Again, that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t. There are never any absolutes war. Never killing is just as foolish as always killing.

>repeats himself
thanks for conceding, user.

Ozai without powers was no threat and having him alive allowed Zuko to find his mother. You're retarded.

>the philosophers death
What is that? Can't find it on google

thats not the problem you fucking dope. read the thread and come back to me when youre ready.


thanks for conceding, user

It is the OPs problem regardless of what the rest of the thread has been whining about. Also, not an argument.

Keep coping, kid

To be fair that mom subplot is irrelevant and shoehorned in lazily. Only to sell them comic books.

because i wasnt trying to argue that point, retard. i was calling it irrelevant.
I, the OP, answered a question that explained my issue with the show. it has nothing to do with what you said

or what?

No, he should have raped him instead.


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>Religious beliefs
Reminder that Aang spoke to the last airbending Avatar and she told him to go kill the fuck out of Ozai and stop being a little bitch.

It's not about religion. It's about Aang's personal philosophy.

They specifically mentioned abandoning religious beliefs (they being whoever I quoted). I'm just pointing out that it was not against airbender religious beliefs and the previous airbender Avatar pointed that out.

OP here. totally forgot this happened, but this helps my point even further, so thanks user.

Yangchen long abandoned the air nomad philosophy, she was known as being particularly zealous when it came to solving problems to the point where the next Avatar had nothing to do and became a lazy shit

So, this then? Alright, to start with, energybending was never an asspull. The spirits and the spirit world, the mystical connection to bending and the Avatar's role in all this had been well-established at this point.

The second part is harder, so let's look at what is often considered to be damning evidence that Aang should've just iced the fucker - Roku and Yangchen telling him he should.

Problem is, they never did tell him to kill.
Roku reflected on his experience with Sozin, how he failed to kill him when he saw what a threat to the balance of the world he was. But what he tells Aang is only to not be indecisive, not that he should kill. What Roku regrets is not that he didn't kill Sozin when he had the chance, it's that he didn't do anything else to stop the threat he represented. He regretted getting stuck in Aang's situation, debating over whether or not to do it that he didn't end up doing anything. So all he's telling Aang here is that he needs to decide on something, not necessarily to kill Ozai.

Yangchen's message seems even more obvious, but even she doesn't tell Aang that he should kill. She simply observes that the duty of the Avatar comes before their own personal well-being. Aang, who's so concerned with his Ozai dilemma, takes this to mean that his vow of pacifism should come secondary to his duty of killing Ozai to restore balance to the world. But what Yangchen is actually saying is that Aang shouldn't be selfish - if he chooses to follow the path of pacifism, that's fine, but he has to be prepared to sacrifice everything else to accomplish that. His body, his spirit, being able to see his friends ever again, being able to see Katara ever again...

But this is something he's known for a while. Guru Patik's final and hardest lesson, the one Aang never completed, was to let go of his earthly connections. Aang feared this, and does still fear it while talking to his past incarnations, since he interprets this to mean that he should relinquish his emotions altogether. But this is not true - what Patik wants him to do is to not be constrained by his earthly connections, for him to be able to step outside of himself and see what he needs to do without getting trapped as he is now in the cycle of worrying and fretting while taking no action.

Essentially, what Aang needs is a kind of spiritual enlightenment that allows him to see a path he couldn't before, because his vision was too clouded by his earthly constraints. This is something he's been building up to for ages and is entirely independent of the Lion Turtle giving him the means with which to achieve his goal. If anything, it's his reward for going above and beyond and learning from the faults and mistakes of his previous incarnations, to ultimately do better than they did.

So, from this perspective Aang sparing Ozai is not only the right outcome, but the only one - the one that the series has been building up to from the very start.