Look at how they massacred my girl..
Look at how they massacred my girl
what's it like? you know, being gay?
A thread died for this.
what's it like wanting to fuck a green gorilla in a wig?
They look like nice big green penises
Look how your mom and me spend our free time is our own business.
She-Hulk was fine the way she was.
no idea user, that's why i'm asking
You know she became a muscle monster in Byrne's run too, right?
Is this real?
t. homosexual
this should be Jeb on art.
>tfw you think She-Hulk is hot as fuck both with and without the muscles so no matter how she's drawn you get a boner, and then after you cum you get to watch people on both political sides argue about it like spergs
Are you seriously able to get off to OP's pic?
>gay is degenerate
Only fags don't wanna be lightly crushed in the hog sized bicep of a nine foot tall giant gf as she grinds their hips into dust with her bulky pelvis, simple as
>b-but you're a gay degenewate
Nah I'm just not an insecure pussy lmao
I'm cool with being gay then, really.
>Only fags wanna be lightly crushed in the hog sized bicep of a nine foot tall giant bf as he grinds their hips into dust with her bulky pelvis, simple as
It's true; he is an insecure pussy.
uhhhh problematic response much??
What's that, you're both gay and delusional?
It's too late. She has become too swole to control.
marvel comics sucks, what's new? it's like doing a tread on how blue the sky is
>People seriously want to fuck Gorilla-Jen
I've heard of "one in the pink one in the green" but this is ridiculous!
You don't see anything yet
Fuck off Yas Forums
>She Hulk look like a Hulk!
why is her pelvis/torso always so short?
no u this is Yas Forums
OP here.
I hate Yas Forums and I associate them with bronies since they are basically the same.
But what the fuck does that have to do with anything? I'm disgusted on how they ruined her character, she isn't even cool-looking or anything, she's just flat out disgusting.
I see Yas Forumsmblr is still acting like they give a shit about New-Shulkie to spite men for enjoying attractive women.
based retard
NGL I prefer this version more.
COOMers BTFO by the Mediterranean BVLL
I'd enjoy fuckhuge Jen if she still had her personality, but she's a completely different person now.
You're a genuine faggot in denial entirely because you're attracted to Hulk (male) with long hair. There's a massive difference between that and a Yas Forums Amazon female and you fell for it. At this point you'd get off to Skaar too.
>Character Destruction. What they've done to Jen in both mind and body is absolutely disgusting.
>She used to be be smart, funny, self-confident, sex-positive while being one of the strongest women in the mu. Now she hates herself for being sexually and is choosing to be a dumb ugly brute instead of getting herself under control.
Isn't the D+ series supposed to be based on Slott's stint with a hint of Byrne? If so, she'll probably go back for synergy's sake before too long.
I bet you think traps aren't gay
imagine being this low t
Even gray she-hulk looked better, in a frightening sort of way.
This was a nightmare sequence, so it’s reinforcing her want to be sexy and beautiful
She when Savage again in #56-57.
Imagine getting mad that the Hulk has muscles desu
Poor cope for wanting to get fucked by a literal male body with long hair
This makes Schmoes COOM!
Jen honest to God doesn't deserve this shit
Jason Aaron's Wet Dream!
ignore them, user: they're falsflagging women/trannies/gays at best and soibois at worst.
Are all the fuckers on /d/ falseflagging too?
would smash
>literal male body
I don't like dick like you gayboy
Imagine the hot lesbo sex, jaysus
If any youse guys attend a Con that Aaron is at please throw a cup of vomit in his face for me.
Aaron is the only person that likes this Jen, so I look forward to her going relatively back to normal the second he's off Avengers.
That's where >in denial comes from. You haven't coped with the fact you're attracted to the male form yet
Hulk Spiting FACTS!
go suck one of those feminine penises you love so much
Nice. Just found a new artist to watch.
> a thread died for this
Seethe harder Stevenfag, your cartoon is shit