
We discuss the new season of Castlevania here

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I liked it

Game Sypha:
>trained as a monk
>Serves the Church loyally
>Sent by the church to stop Dracula
Show Sypha:
>heathen Gypsy
>Says she's an enemy of God
>Says she needs to destroy the Church

Game Trevor:
>Church asks him to stop Dracula after Sypha goes missing
>Devout Christian, prays to Jesus before entering Dracula's domain (pic related)
Show Trevor:
>Militant atheist (like the show's writer who's never played the games)

Yet another source material raped by Netflix. This trash is made for reddit and tumblr plebs. It is not Castlevania.

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I want to _hug_ Sypha.

Reminder that this trash show is written by someone who's never played the games. No wonder it's so shit

>Perhaps the most impressive feat about the entirety of the project is that much of its core staff had never even played any of the “Castlevania” games before tackling the project. Series co-producer and writer Warren Ellis noted that in putting together a story that would appeal to a general audience beyond those who play the games regularly, he was, in fact, the general audience. “My dirty secret is that I never played the video game, and had actually never heard of it previous to being approached about adapting it,” said Ellis.

Disgusting how proud they are of raping the source material

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Yeah, those characters from an NES game were so deep and complex, it's a shame the show didn't capture that.

Pic related is what Castlevania should've been like. Not this Netflix trash made for reddit and tumblr

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Post nudity already you fucks

What were the different dimensions in the corridor depicting?

Vampire Hunter D is barely anything like Castlevania

Since this was brought up, I can't wait for that adaptation to come out and for these threads to happen all over again.

I don't get why the twins did that lmao.

Saint Germain was a cool character
Issac's mini arc was nice and he grew as a character
Sypha and Trevor had great chemistry
Issac's big boss battle against the sorcerer and Trevor and Sypha fighting whatever the fuck those things were at the end was great

Everything involving Hector and his pathetic "character arc"
Alucard's arc just felt like useless filler
They built up Carmilla as the new villain last season but she does fuck all here
Minus the final fights, a lot of the animation looked a bit wonky

Someone pls upload the episodes

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is grant in season 3

What a weak argument.

Castlevania 3's Japanese manual

>Dracula's territory was located at the outskirts of Transylvania, at the Wallachia territory, where he used a taboo art to ressurect an evil deity. The deity granted him power and in exchange, he summoned several apparitions from the spirit world in order to scorch and massacre the entire nation of Wallachia with darkness.

>He felt he could extend his presence even further and now he's plotting to take all over Europe. The East Orthodox Church were desperate to solve this situation, that they immediately dispatched a powerful army to Wallachia, but they never came back.

>As a last resort, the Pope made a request to a man from the underworld, a man who uses a forbidden art and a pair of Vampire Hunters to end Wallachia's oppresion.

>The first one that was entrusted by the Pope was Sypha Belnandez at the East Orthodox Church, an apprentice monk in pursuit of becoming a priest. Sypha lost his parents when he was young and was found wandering near the monastery, where he remained at the once-beautiful Wallachia. Sypha knew that the place in his memories was now tainted and he accepted the pope's request to liberate Wallachia.

>The Pope was in predicament once again. Sypha, the vampire hunter who was sent out to Wallachia did not returned after the promised period. The Pope assumed that since Sypha didn't return, his mission was already a failure and he was more likely dead by now.

>This is when a genuine Vampire Hunter from the Belmont family appears to fullfil the Pope's request. The Belmont family, with their tenacious willpower and seemingly bottomless strenght were treated no differently from the actual vampires and were just as feared. Because of this, the Belmont family lived far away from common people, becoming almost folkloric. The Pope searched in all directions until he met a man with Belmont bloodline. A longhair young man who was Ralph C. Belmont.

How do you go from this to the anti-Christianity we saw in the show?

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They wanted to get penetrated by Alucard, too bad it's not what they invisioned

I’ve known it’s not my castlevania for a long time, but it still hurts to see. CoD is one of my longtime guilty pleasures too. God I hate netflix

Goddamn, the christcuck is already at it again.

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The nip guy did all the impaling tho.

Not an argument

Exactly, they did it so that he would also do the same to them

Alucard's favorite food is Japanese shish kebab.

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>muh wall chicken strawman
Pixel is good by your logic.

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Watch the first Vampire Hunter kino

Ryona is pretty sexy breh

Does the beefy female vampire die, I like her

can you please just tell me if grant is in season 3 this is all i want from the show

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Neither is your retarded copypasta

Bruh, fuck are you on about, this like the most inoffensive depiction of christianity

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What a waste of good titties.

I've seen both and read a few of the novels, they're way more sci fi and western inspired, Castlevania is more classic hammer era horror with fantasy elements.

I swear to god, fucking Hector just can't get a break. Thought, using those rings may backfire, since Hector has been studying vampire magic.

I mostly just want him to hammer some vampire bitches to mulch.

Plot synopsis? Who's the big threat this season? Still no Death or Grant?


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They could have gone without making Alucard a literal fucking faggot for some reason but western cartoons being western cartoons can't help themselves I suppose.

Hopefully we go full Curse of Darkness next season, season 1 and 2 was Castlevania 3 this season was the inbetween and season 4 is hopefully Castlevania CoD

Never. This is what Warren Ellis said about him

>What use is a pirate in a landlocked country anyway?
>Grant DaNasty is a stupid name that I cannot take seriously

In a perfect world it would have been Trevor who ravaged his butt.
But this is not a perfect world

They make repeated references to a "pirate of the land" which is clearly Ellis poking fun at him and people that wanted him.

Get over it already, he fucking murders them

>Basically a development for plenty of characters that didn't have a lot of backstory by the series' lore.
>Some of them suck, some of them are good, but hey, they at least try.

>Lmao 70s/80s gaming, am I right fellow kids?
>no videogame character gets any kind of development.
>it's another post 2008-pre 2018 Adam Sandler movie (aka shit)

You're not making yourself look like less than a retard, christcuck.

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I haven't watched this because lol netfux, so now I'm morbidly curious. Just how pozzed is it?
Tranny vampires? We wuz Dracula? Stronk independent carpet munchers that don't need no man? Muh racism? Dorpf references? Lay it on me, I'm prepared for the worst.

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He got raped idiot


Are you so insecure about your own sexuality that you feel the need to complain about a fictional character's?

They allude to an idiot who put sails on his cart like a boat. but nothing more than that.

>Bruh, fuck are you on about, this like the most inoffensive depiction of christianity

>Some of them suck, some of them are good, but hey, they at least try.
>they at least try.
They didn't.

>Just how pozzed is it?
Alucard gets fucked in the ass

Hector will probably find a way to snap the ring off, in the mean time he will be pounding prime vampire puss.

Tell your employer to stop raping the source material, shill

What would an inoffensive depiction be then, by your logic the Bible is also anti-christianity

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>Who's the big threat this season
Nobody really, every character seems to have their own self contained plot. This season just felt like a bunch of filler.

What the fuck?

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Its all good though, he fucks them back harder

Nigga what? You're shitting me.
It's like some implied ambiguous shit, right? there's no way they actually show that.

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You mean guro

Maybe a story that doesn't depict the Anti-Christ as the ultimate source of good in the world?

Wow. Not happy to hear that. I was really worried that things would slow down after they killed Dracula, which Is why I wanted a time-skip.

Hector killing orange cunt and taking Carmilla as his concubine soon.

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It is ambiguous but it's more fun to say he takes it in the ass

This is the inbetween of Castlevania 3 and Castlevania CoD, neaxt season might be full Curse of Darkness

I want Carmilla to peg him so bad

>hurrr y-you're just insecure about sexuality
Why is this the go to response for you idiots? Not everything in life is about sexuality you mentally ill freak. I can't just simply be ciritizing the fact that they made a character bisexual out of the blue despite him not being so in any of the source material?

Really weird to focus on one of the least exposed games.

The Castlevania games

By Anti-Christ, you mean Dracula?

Alucard is bi and has sex with japanese twins. He takes it from the guy.

Hector gets fucked over again by the 4 vampire sisters, 3 of which are lesbians, two in a committed relationship.

That's as pozzed as it gets, it has implied sex between Trevor and Sypha, and straight sex between Hector and Lenore one of the vampire sisters. Issac gets no sex, but his side story is pretty based. and St.Germaine is great and mysterious character that makes me wonder who the fuck was the girl he was looking for.

Looked kind of like Shanoa?

A better try than you with your responses or pastas, christcuck.

It's implied, yeah nd we don't see what really happens, but things seem to go for that, yeah.
But to be fair Alucard then kills them so.

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Remember in season 2 Hactor pets always had a skeletal limb, it was a particular theme of his forgings over Isaac's.
>If he tries to run or take it off he will be in extreme pain.
After one final push he is going to cut off his arm and order his nightborne to turn on the vampires.

Same thing nigga

I dunno about him, but in Castlevania lore, yes. Dracula is effectively the standing anti-christ by a different name, not simply the top vampire.

Because christianity is only mentioned, got it, the only way it will be inoffensive is if you don't focus on it

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