These are the people working in animated movies and vidya nowadays

>these are the people working in animated movies and vidya nowadays
Absolute state of the animation industry

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I don't see the problem, if you are working in a team you shouldn't make other work needlessly.

>Twitter Screenshot

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Why is he wrong? Being able to animate a design in a realistic time frame is super important when it comes to animation.

Remember when Nomura purposely designed Squall's fur jacket and Lulu's belt dress to challenge the animators? Square had top of the line cinematics because they worked for it.

>spitting on creativity because you suck and/or are too lazy

Thst said, though, your coworkers should be skilled enough at the job that they don't require it to be dumbed down to retard levels of character design.

But, of course, this doesn't factor in executives demanding shoveled shit on tight deadlines, in which case you can have the best team members in the world, but you'd have to stick to stick figures and noodle arms to meet production quotas

The "storyboard artists shouldn't make good detailed storyboards" take that was going around twitter few months ago is far worse.

>all these asshurt lazy animation students replies

Creativity isn't all, if you want to be 100% creative with no one to answer to paint a canvas, in a business you need to balance creativity with what is possible and efficient.

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No because I'm not a weeb pedo.

OP you've clearly never worked a day in 3d animation in your life
poorly designed models that look good are the bane of the industry and even sculptors have to retopo/remesh as part of their process

And that’s why we need to nationalize the animation industry to eliminate the profit motive so true art can be flourish

It's about money. You can get as complex as you want, but if it takes a lot of time to animate something it will cost a lot of money. I understand everyone but the billionaires are supposed to work for free, and then the billionaires aren't even supposed to be taxed because a system wherein we recieve fair compensation for work is communism, but even in a co-pay system an overly complex design is still going to require time.

And speaking of Communism, the studios don't have much control. It's all about the publishers, so you're talking about nationalizing Netflix, Disney, and Google, basically, when the problem is that there's already so little competition that these companies are mainly focused on releasing things - anything at all - knowing you have so few other choices on the market.

If I have good designs, I really shouldn't limit myself and my creativity because the riggers and animators lack ability themselves.
That doesn't make my character bad, it makes YOU bad and, if anything, it should inspire you to get better at your job.
I swear people in the industry are all about cutting corners and making things as simple and easy as possible these days.

Your dumb ass will double the cost of the cartoon and run out of money half way through the first season. Then you have to fall back on flashback episodes and tricks like overusing close-ups to finish the show and all the viewers will notice the drastic change in quality.

I have no idea who this is, and I can only assume you search things to be mad about on Twitter.

He's kinda right though. Your design is shit if it isn't easily replicable and easy to animate. Same thing for comic designs.

These are products made on a schedule. Over-designed, self-indulgent faggotry adds nothing but extra work. Unless you're working on a film by a studio who is focusing on expensive animation (think Ghibli) then you should be making it relatively simple.

Doesn't change the fact that people are faggots about it which makes it seem like laziness rather than professionalism.

You absolutely do have to. And it has nothing to do with ability and everything to do with tedium and being replicable.

Detail isn't skill not "good" design. Good design is utility driven and iconic. People like you aren't half as good at drawing as you think and aren' even a third as good at design as you think. Designs are SUPPOSED to be simple.

post your art. you won't because "nobody would out themselves here" yet you claim to be talented and make statements based on this position of supposed authority.

>shitty artist with 8 hours a day to spend on one drawing LARPs as a talented and professional one

Yes, most are lazy

I mean, Akira Toriyama and every single person who had to draw all the fucking spots on Cell for the anime probably agrees

>twitter screenshot

i wish there was a version of the old BBC, before Thatcher/Blairites infested it and made it use performance metrics (like viewership) leading it into the same race to the bottom as other channels. A state owned studio that would create the media that we as a society ought to have, not just the ones we want to view. it's a shame that's come to be seen as an elitist view (in a society that hates elitism but accepts a financial elite), rather than one that has faith ordinary people can enjoy "proper" culture. a quote on the same line of thought.
>Hard to credit now, but there was once something paternalistic, almost philanthropic about the Beeb, spreading the cultural wealth of the educated classes through housing estates and comprehensive schools. This kind of evangelism rarely sits well with self-conscious champions of the lumpenproletariat, whose right to live in shit, they believe, outweighs their right to not live in shit - for some, being patronised is worse than being brutalised. But then people can be very naïve about the motivations of those who give the people what they want, relentlessly and remorselessly. Years ago, I interviewed the men in charge of "youth programming" at Channel 4, goateed and bereted and utterly insistent that their race to the bottom was a noble crusade; they railed against the BBC's "eat-your-greens" approach, and spoke of gallons of liquid effluent, coursing through the pipes of British culture, in terms of freedom and some strange colour of egalitarianism. Here was the future, banging its drums, and even then it made me blanch. As controller of BBC2 in the late 1960s, David Attenborough had a different vision, rooted in what was, for all his personal privilege, an (enduring) belief in inclusivity. If the so-called Golden Age of Television could boast its fair share of shoddy, overlit crap – and my God, it could – at best it was truly empowering, and its passing has screwed us all to some extent.

Who let these NPCs in here? You should be up against a wall and splattered on it. I'll bet you're voting Bernie too.


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Shit tweet but there's a point in there about overdesigning characters to the point animators and riggers have to waste hours of their time compensating for it can be the death of medium budget productions.

Riggers are lazy

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I will not be voting for a democrat. Regardless I don't understand why you smelly spics think your lines lines lines art is good design. If it isn't easily replicable it's a shitty commercial design. Simple as, Paco.

I can tell you know absolutely nothing about how industry works

Toonboom ruined cartoons.

>designer draws one image for a day, adds 6000 lines
>everyone else has to redraw this TOTALLY EBIN AMAZING DESIGN 6000 times rather than one
>Lel they're so lazy

why are spics such retards?

Post your art. You won't because you're a pussy shouting from a fake position of authority. You're a terrible artist, we all know it. That you have such little confidence in your work that you won't show it but such major confidence in your asstalk shows me you should be a writer not an artist, and certainly not an animator which you'd never take the time to learn.

They told Doc Hammer no more Pete White in Venture Bros because he was too hard to animate/color so Doc made him basically a main character.

this is an example of saying things that are true but saying them in a way that's incredibly faggy and makes even people who agree clinch their asshole in anger and want to say "just nut up and do the work, faggot."

But the fact is "good" design is about utility and not all aesthetics work for corporate products made on a limited timeline and budget.

It's like looking at someone running a mile a day and calling them lazy for not running a marathon like you do while taking a month to run a 5K.

On one hand, yes, the designers should always have in mind his difficult their ideas could be to bring to life. But on the other hand, the animators should be willing to take on new challenges: at least experiment with the concept before saying that it's impossible to do on time or on budget.

Television example here, but that Kipo show on Netflix: the creator's artstyle has this street art aesthetic to it that all the animators immediately denounced as being too difficult to do. But the creators doubled down on the show's look and the animators quickly realized that it didn't take that much brainpower to figure out how to make his characters move. They just wanted to avoid tackling a style outside their animesque wheelhouse.

>omg how dare you call me out for being a lazy faggot if ur not Da Vinci himself, umm try to do better sweaty
Cope. Go cry on Twitter

I'd rather have something look cool and barely move than look boring and simple and spazz out all over the place.

"Appeal" is a more important principle of animation than any other. Good drawings/sculpts and good writing is better than good/more animation.

Does this mean these faggots would hate it if I had the main character be gigantic compared to her friends?

post your art faggot.

the general problem is time and money. different doesn't mean labor intensive and thats really what the whiny faggot in OP was correct about.

>barely move
>not boring
kys you aren't a good artist and an even worse designer if you prioritize cool looking singular pictures to kinetic design.


literally who?

never heard of them

>kys you aren't a good artist and an even worse designer if you prioritize cool looking singular pictures to kinetic design.

Your opinion on art is objectively wrong.

it is terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other people's expectations

Is this fucking bait?

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Unfortunately we don't have the secret formula for whatever Japan puts in their water to make even their artists into workaholic autists

>post your art guy

Go back to /ic/ faggot. No one welcomes you here. And be sure to put yourself in /beg/ where you fucking belong.

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now your opinion is even more worthless

This has always been a thing. Gaudy designs are discouraged. What you're upset about is people who take this to such an extreme it harms the product.

if you think it's bait, it is definitely bait.

Get good and animate the damn character roastie.

who is this faggot?

many anime shows are originally manga thats not even made for an anime show.
i dont even get what this tard wants to say.

I can draw more than one thing, dipshit. When you're an artist that gets paid, you take whatever work is available to you.

Do you only yank it to Western toons and anime? Get a better hobby besides jacking off.

Dumbshit cumbrain moron. Go dopamine fast yourself and stop fapping.

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this looks familiar.

that shit is why Americans are stuck with big mouth and okko, when the rest of the world can pull Klausand I lost my body/

It’s important for characters (especially main characters) to have simple, recognizable designs that aren’t a pain to animate properly or take too much time and budget to do so.

It’s also important to challenge animators with more complex designs (within reason) too keep things from getting stale.

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And the devs had to take tons of shortcuts to make it work. And it looked like shit for Lulu.

Yeah, I post her a lot. She's kind of my MC. You're a true Yas Forumsmrade if you recognize her from Sparse or the Oddments Kickstarter that I ended up canceling due to complete lack of interest and better projects on the horizon.

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Why are e-artists the most whiny fags (literally most of the time) on the internet? All they do is complain about criticism and their self diagnosed mental illnesses

Shamelessly stolen from /ic/

Same energy.

I think most of the shitposters haven't animated a day in their goddamn lives. I know I run my studio as a much tighter ship than a lot of other indie animation startups, personally.

Cheapness and the race to the bottom is what is killing them goddamn industry in the USA.

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This looks like something someone made for one of those traumatizing YouTube Kids videos.

I wish I knew. Self esteem of a wet piece of tissue paper probably.

I get really excited when someone critiques sometimes, it means I get to do a 2.0 revision with better design. You know, some days you just crap out whatever and then other days you get really inspired and work 28 hour days, like Tiarawhy pulled during crunch time.

It just all depends on how your life is going, I guess.

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You’re a true Yas Forumsmrade if you don’t listen to any shit that spews out of a tripfags mouth

Um... example please?

Like SMILE HD or something?

Wasn't even the user your jaded ass was starting with, but yes I'm definitely a superior artist to you and your scribbles.



>ignoring someone's opinion just because they're using a trip

See, this is how I know what you are, user.

Holy shit, you're such a fucking faggot. Gas yourself.

I don't know why I still come to this husk of a fucking website with declining traffic, shitty ads and malware injections and everything else. Thanks, hiroshimoot, you loser.

No, like those horrific Youtube Kids cartoons where Elsa from Frozen has her teeth pulled out by Spiderman before he poops on her chest.

They all use these badly proportioned, big-headed, cheap rigs so they can produce new videos every single day because they're ad farms meant to exploit advertisers by exploiting children.