Well Marco this is me

>Well Marco this is me.

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...and that's a good thing!

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Flat chested women have bigly hearts

You're beautiful.

Y-you're fucking hideous...

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>Well Star this is me.

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>Star finds Tom jerking off to a picture of 'Princess Turdina'
how would she react?

Oh Star, you are so cute

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I can see why Globgor gave up meat for that

She helps with a reach-around from behind.

She has enough meat to satisfy other needs.

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post the one with ferguson

>You're beautiful

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He also has meat in all the right places.

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Shut up Nefcy.

Reminder every single problem with the show gets fixed if Toffee, Seth and Globgor are the same character

Part 1:

> Toffee's motivation to kill magic is to erase the MHC from existence as they ruined the peace treaty Eclipsa pulled off, for selfish reasons.

> Toffee could have killed Comet because she refused to destroy magic in her proposal, making him distrust the queen.

> Toffee is just a nickname Eclipsa had for Seth (his real name) because of his eye color. He started using it as his official name as a way to never forget her, and to hide the fact he was the Plucker of Limbs/Queen Solaria's killer

> Meteora being alive after 300 years is easily explained if she is a septarian instead of a size-shifter. So would be her attraction towards Rasticore.

> Moon would have good reasons to distrust Eclipsa and break her promise if she had found out her husband was Comet's murderer.

> The "Love is the answer" message he leaves Star in Season 1 would have had a deeper meaning.

> The MHC hating Globgor because of the mewman eater bullshit is weak as fuck, because we see mewmen eating monsters too. It's better for them to hate Toffee for being Solaria's murderer.

> Eclipsa trying desperately to bring Toffee back to life but him refusing for Meteora's sake, is more powerful and believable than her not remembering how to break crystals.

> Toffee's actions remaining in mewmen's memories fresh are better reasons to distrust Eclipsa as queen, rather than "we heard she was evil 300 years ago but we don't know exactly why?"

> Black Velvet Inferno could be a killing spell, but septarians can't die unless Eclipsa uses the darkest one. That's how Meteora could reset, as she is half septarian she can't regenerate from zero, but goes into Phoenix mode and starts over as a baby.

> Instead of a giant retard, Star would have fought Meteora in Butterfly Mode (as seen in Gone Baby Gone) which is a spectacular design.

> Eclipsa lies constantly to Star because she killed Toffee.

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Part 2

> Eclipsa remains a widow by the end of the show but gets to reunite one last time with Toffee in the Season Finale, when Star destroys magic as he wanted. Solaria didn't deserve that final scene after what she did to the monsters, mewmans, Mina and the other Solarian warriors. Bitch was a genocidal psycopath and deserved no forgiveness.

> Meteora's episode about her going back in time sould had been used to explain the Solarian era and how bad it was for both sides. Would had been brilliant if Meteora had been the one to kill Solaria by deeping down (by Glossaryck's manipulative demand) but young Toffee took the blame after finding out she is his future daughter.

> Last point also explains Toffee's close relationship with Glossaryck and why he sees him as a little piece of shit who deserves to die along with magic.

> The "you are boring" line could have had a deeper meaning if Eclipsa had said it at some point during her youth.

> Toffee's and Marco's parallels get real as he is part of a love triangle just like the old Shastacan-Eclipsa-Globgor (Seth/Toffee). This way Tom isn't pointless and can remain an asshole as in Season 1. As a matter of fact, all three main characters can keep their original personalities this way.

> The cleave never happens. Star repeats Eclipsa's story and runs away from Mewni and Tom, to be with Marco on Earth in the finale (season 1 ending starts playing)

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Part 3 (final)

I would keep all three names.

One of the things which annoyed me in Battle for Mewni is that Toffee was a prince and general who got Comet killed but nobody knew about him in Seasons 1 & 2.

So, if we mix all three characters into one and use two of the names as fake ones, it all make sense:

>Seth, Prince of Septarsis, King of the Dark Monster Nations and consort to the Queen of Mewni.
Real name and titles during Solaria's/Eclipsa's reigns. Guess he dissapears after Shastakan's murder to search for his child (never finds her) and doesn't return until Comet's reign, as he hears she is interested in a peace treaty.

>Globgor, Archiduke Batwin's general and Plucker of Limbs.
Fake name he uses to infiltrate Comet's peace treaty. He gets the title due to the brutality used while murdering Comet and her court members.
Only Moon knows Globgor and Seth are the same person after a conversation they share.

>Toffee. Ludo's personal assistant.
Nickname Eclipsa gave him and which he uses to gain Ludo's trust. Moon just links the dots after Season 1 finale.

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Killing Moon in the movie (Battle for Mewni) fixes most mistakes without the plot changing so much:

>Star must remain in Mewni as she is queen.

>TomStar could be a forced relationship due to status/alliances, while she still loves Marco... which creates a parallel with Eclipsa.

>Tom remains an asshole to parallel with Shastacan instead of being flanderized.

>The New Monster Town plot can happen in S3 as Star is in charge, so it saves A LOT of time.

>Queen Star would also be the main in the episodes about being popular among mewmans, instead of Eclipsa, whose plot-importance would only be related to the MHC treason and the Solarian wars exposition.

>The MHC being evil makes sense as Star reminds them way too much to Eclipsa as queen, so they try to overthrone her using Meteora as a tool (they lie to her regarding who is to blame for the baby-switch).

>Meteora can be the one who mass produces Solarian warriors (following MHC orders) instead of having Moon being a filthy backstabber. Makes more sense as she is Solaria's grandaughter.

>Instead of killing magic, the solution to the Solarian Warriors conflict can simply be using Black Velvet Inferno on the caster (make Star do it as she is the main after learning from Eclipsa).

>Make Star's success related to her human friends (keep everybody from Echo Creek in the show one way or another) while Eclipsa failed in the past because reading minds made her unable to trust anybody.

> Final episode can be about Star leaving the throne like Eclipsa did out of love for Marco, and deciding to live on Earth with him because it's the dimension she is happier.

>Epilogue scene takes place 14 years later with Globgor and Eclipsa sending Princess Meteora to Earth to live with Star (and practice magic). She meets Mariposa and the story repeats itself

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God bless you, shitposters.

>Meteora, the Punisher

"Two worlds cleaved together
Selfishly brought to their doom
All shall be fixed by The Punisher
By making Star a cuck"

>Tapestry shows an adult Meteora (pic related), keeping Star chained so she can't move, and forcing her to watch something off-panel. The shadows in the dungeon background suggest it is Marco with some ladies.

The full explanation behind the tapestry is that after the III World War, caused by the cleave, ended with the lives of so many monsters and mewmans, Meteora managed to avenge her parents by resurrecting magic. She recruted Mina and together the war when everything seemed to be lost, ascending to the throne as First Empress.
As punishment for causing such great damage to the mewman/monster/demon/ponihead/aquafolk/fairy... population, Marco was forced to give sexual/fertility services to widows or single ladies who wanted to have babies, and increase their race numbers. If he refuses; Star dies... and, of course, Star's punishment is being forced to watch every single sexual encounter but can't join or even touch Marco.

All hail The Punisher! Long live Empress Meteora and General Mina.

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Nobody cared for fucking Eclipsa or Globgor. Everybody just wanted to see Star and Marco go on wacky adventures together.

Wacky adventures were done the moment shipping took over.
I'm far more interested in the monster war plot Toffee introduced in Season 1 than in Star's toxic vision of love. Her centered episodes after Jarco happened are all terrible precisely because the bond of friendship with Marco got corrupted.

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Eclipsa at least brought a plot (which, of course, should had been developed better), when the show dropped Starco wacky adventures for the sake of shipping drama. That's all they offered since midway season 2 and I almost dropped the show because of it.

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>Imagines Star and Marco smooching and giving each other silly compliments while beating up monster asses.

I love you just the way your are honey.

That was not going to happen because they stopped fighting monsters after season 1 (when Buff Frog joined the squad and Star realized mewmans were the bad guys in Mewnipendence Day) and because Nefcy didn't want to make it canon 'til the end.

So no, I wouldn't have standed 3 seasons of nothing happens but Star and Marco ruining other people's trust in romance.

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You are talking to one of those anons who critizice the the show without watching it.
They just read the sinopsis of the first episodes and assume it was all about Star vs. Monsters... when in fact Season 1 clearly stablished it was Star's journey to change what was wrong with her kingdom, including the propaganda against monsters (which Marco noticed in Mewnipendence Day) and the distrust born from past wars among the two groups.

To this day Mewnipendence Day remains my favourite episode of the show precisely because it created expectations. Before that, it wss forgetable as hell.
The problem later was focusing Star in her love life (which nobody gave a shit about) while the other characters were the ones contributing to the plot, instead. Moon literaly stole the good episodes in Season 3 that should had belonged to her daughter.

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>which nobody gave a shit about
Hey! Waiting to see Starco happen was THE only reason why most people struggled themselves through season 3 and 4. Without them the show would have been stone dead after BfM. Remember the flood of Starco children after s3?

>Moon literaly stole the good episodes in Season 3 that should had belonged to her daughter.

Total Eclipsa of the Moon was a great adventure episode (one of the best balanced between plot and fun) that could have worked perfectly fine with Star and Marco, after being informed of the existence of the archives.

Instead, Marco was wasting time God knows where (with Heekapoo) and Star had a stupid episode with her father.
I would have switched and had Moon and Eclipsa bonding st the pond, while Star and Marco were the mains in the archives part.

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Only the most retarded among the retard follow a show (out of soap operas) for a ship the author has clearly stated many times it's not going to happen 'til the end because she finds it boring.

Shipperfags and their self-insert Mary Sue fanbabies are cancer in every fandom and I find them responsible of the turn towards romance the show made.

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>Total Eclipsa of the Moon was a great adventure episode (one of the best balanced between plot and fun)

Loved that episode. After all those disgusting Tom episodes, it made me interested in the show again.
The jokes were on point and the whole concept of the MHC hiding the archives from Moon was super fishy.

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There's enough wood there to carve a regular doll body and turn the rest into pulp to create a cufront-end form.

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The only good fandaughteru is MonStar.

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MonStar is Toffee's daughter, so, unless Regular Star, she is not retarded and would have remembered there's a freaking spell to stop time which could be use to kill the Solarian Warriors when they can't move.

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>Well Marco, this is me.

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Not just the breats, Star also lacks dem hips.

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Not gonna lie. Flat girls jealous of bigger boobed girls is kinda hot and makes me want a flat girlfriend.

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Meteora and Mariposa are the next gen fertility goddesses.

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I'll never forgive Marco for hurting Jackie so badly she turned into a lesbian.

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Her girlfriend seems to be far better than Marco could ever dream to be, so I'm not that mad.

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>that borderline nipslip

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The only LGBT ship I like is sisterzoned.

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Reminder "Meteora's lesson" showed size shifters can manipulate the length and strenght of their tongues in this scene.

That's one sick passive ability for blowjobs. Star can't compete.

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>Waiting to see Starco happen was THE only reason why most people struggled themselves through season 3 and 4.
Janna was the best thing about those seasons. Starco was the worst.

Your OC is trash Cotugno.

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She is trash, but still better than cursed Marco, who abandoned Jackie for a flat bug.

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Nigga was cursed. What can he do?


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Yeah, you don't just drop "the royal family were massive fucking racists that genocided a large subsect of the population and exiled the survivors to live in abject misery" this directly and this intensively to then proceed to go absolutely nowhere with it.

What was gained on this show from having Star's family be the descendants of complete and utter monsters? Toffee is a lizard supremacist and not a monster defender, so it isn't even "bad people with good causes" since it's just a different shit with the same smell, the monsters don't really get anything out of it, and star learns fuck all from it, so what? Baiting older audiences? Giving the implicit message to kids that this shit happens so just get over it? Seriously, why would you drop one of the most interesting twists on typical "good vs evil" BS show if you then ignore it for the rest of this overdrawn unfunny mess?

Even when the curse was done for, he still chose Star over every other girl (all of them superior in any way)

At least the lesbo has good taste.

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>he still chose Star over every other girl
Bad writing user, bad writing. That’s all Starco amounts to. Same for Jackie and Marco.


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Kelly should had won. She spend two whole seasons working on Marco, yet she got dumped offpanel.

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