That's based

That's based.

Attached: bernie-sanders-joe-biden-upvotes-comic.png (715x500, 34.45K)

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This is just a shitty boomer humour comic

Don't post Stonetoss on this board
But anyway you cannot tell me Pete dropping out to support the establishment candidate a day before even after winning Iowa was not the sketchiest fucking thing you've ever seen
But oh well the DNC just gave everyone 4 more years of Trump so ayyy

You should always post Stonetoss comics on Yas Forums.

Attached: doom-slayer-storytime-comic.png (1000x500, 61.98K)

This one is actually good. Even LGBT hate demon dragqueens.

Isn't Biden only leading by 65 delegates?

What's Halo guy doing in a nursery?

You would think we could all agree on that point.

>How's Trump's next conquest doing
Nobody cares dude

He came to visit his biggest fans

Attached: bernie-sanders-election-comic.png (1000x500, 58.56K)

That's after getting all the people who align closer to Biden to drop out under threats of being blacklisted from the DNC and support him while keeping in Warren who is closer to Biden
Who cares though idiots gonna give us more Trump whoooooooo

*Closer to Bernie FUCK

>rockthrow supports Biden
what the fuck magapedes??????
I thought he was BASED
what's going ON?????

It's a simple move
He doesn't support Biden, he supports Biden over Bernie. Simply because
>Bernie is socialist
>Biden is an even worse candidate then Hillary and really right-wing for a democrat, so Trump will easily get a win with them pulling the same corrupt shit they did for Hillary in 2016

I want more Demon Drag Queens in my cartoons

Who doesn't hate weird drag queens in LGBT? I guess g wouldn't?

Pete and Amy's polling both had them under the viability threshold in nearly all of Super Tuesday. Of course they would drop out. And Biden still had Bloomberg, and all of their early votes (most of them each got a few percent a piece). Candidates dropping out isn't corrupt, people brains have just been rotted by who they like. Bernie losing can't just be that he isn't actually that popular, it is a conspiracy of the '''DNC'''. Whose role in this is just setting debate criteria, the state parties actually handle the contests.

>Pete and Amy
they're not your friends user

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God you're naive as fuck for thinking Biden had decent polling numbers or thinking Pete didn't have viability after winning an entire state. It's insanely clear what happened here, they were forced to drop by the DNC because they want to focus on the Neolib candidate because they can't risk too extreme shit like not having billionaire's wishes granted
Also explain how Warren hasn't dropped out when she was fairing far worse then Pete, explain this right now

Sorry, I meant Peter.

Or maybe Bernie is just a shit candidate. Shriek all you want about how Bernie was robbed and that Pete And Amy dropping out to support Biden was a DNC psyop but the reality is that Bernie wouldn't have gained any more delegates than he already got on Super Tuesday and the race would have gone to a brokered convention anyways. For fuck sake Bernie only won his own home state by 50%, when his own state barely likes him you know he isn't viable. Biden still would have got the black vote and realistically Pete And Amy probably would have only take about 60 delegates combined giving Sanders only the most narrowest of victories.

Get over it bernout the country would rather have dementia over socialism.


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>Candidates dropping out isn't corrupt

No, but the coordinated dropping out and direct endorsement of Biden by multiple people who are no longer running does smell like the establishment is deliberately maneuvering to block Bernie from winning.

There goes all the fun of the election, Trump will walk over Biden and get re-elected without breaking a sweat

>the country would rather have dementia over socialism
that explains a lot

Imagine trump vs bernie, how fun would that have been?

Attached: 6983D237-D003-4143-BC0B-3D353A3D8D15.gif (250x197, 906.79K)

Would've been an even bigger landslide than Biden vs Trump

Who cares about the outcome? The debates would've been pure kino

Yeah but it wouldve been funny, wouldnt it have?

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The DNC loves Trump, they get to preserve their status quo that way and get zero of the blame. Take Hilary for example, she suffered no consequences, legal, political, or financial under Trump, who wanted her head on a plate, whereas Bernie's policies would hit her hard. As long as the circus of illusion of maintained, it doesn't matter what color the clown is.


As one of my friends pointed out the first words out of Trumps mouth on live TV would've been 'I've been waiting for this for four years you old tankie'

>The DNC loves Trump,
Is that why they ruined their integrity on a sham Impeachment?

Who are these comics supposed to be appealing to? It’s obviously meant to be too edgy for reddit, but it’s too tryhardy for here either.

I love how trump made politics funny again

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Attached: bernie-sanders-2020-campaign-comic.png (1000x1000, 79.05K)

Anything to keep up the bread and circus act

Democratic congress simply tried to hold the president accountable, which is their job.

Bernie's an okay candidate, he just focused all his efforts on a demographic which historically simply does not vote i.e. youths. If voting was mandatory I assume he would've done better, but that's a problem that he should've though about before vilifying the "already paid their college debts and votes religiously" demographic.

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Correction, they're so afraid of Bernie that they'd rather have four more years of Trump


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I don't get it.

>integrity in politics after Trump
Nice joke

Yeah, that's roughly what I was getting at, Trump, Biden, Pete, Bloomberg, doesn't really matter to them as they largely have the same plans for the oligarchy i.e. keeping it in place. As long as Bernie or a similar outsider who wants to bring them down doesn't win it, it's all the same.

>holding Trump accountable for Biden's corruption

Attached: 1570546719170.png (216x218, 48.62K)

>mfw Trump and Biden are both going to call out each other for racism, sexism, and corruption but it will only deal a blow to the dumb side that thinks integrity is important

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stonetoss threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 >>>/global/rules/9 >>>/global/rules/10 and >>>Yas Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>bahsically, fuhck boomahs

You retard bernouts realize that Bernie will get BTFO harder than Biden by Trump right? Centrists and boomers can't stand that commie and niggers already get free shit. So whose left as his voting base? Dumn millennials of which only 13% of them vote anyway?

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Nah boomahs are okay, I hope to one day be in their shoes

>Don't post Stonetoss on this board

or else ?

There is literally no evidence of Joe Biden doing anything illegal in Ukraine. At best you can complain is his son coasting on the family name and getting cushy job via nepotism, and if you think that's awful, you should look at the direction of the white house where Ivanka Trump is an advisor without having any qualifications for it.

I'm just in it to see a NY jewish stereotype and a reality TV host duke it out on national television to be honest family

Pretty much. Biden is already literally campaigning on restoring the Republican Party to 2016. He keeps saying he’s the BFF to the same Republicans that have said they’d impeach him on day 1.

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Regardless of your views on Trump, he pretty much made it ever so slightly more possible for outsiders to do well in the election, and I doubt Bernie would get as many votes as he did without Trump winning in 2016
Thus the establishment is scrambling as hard as they can to restore the status quo after Trump's 2nd term

Lightly brain damaged, scared and angry at the modern world?
You'll have a better retirement than that user


It doesn't really scream "conspiracy" when a bunch of candidates who failed to pick up significant numbers of delegates and who are fairly aligned with Biden politically drop out of the race and endorse Biden.

He's apparently doing pretty well with Latinos, and pretty much everyone knew he was weak with black voters while they were Biden's key constituency. For all claims of Bernie being out, it's still a competitive race - especially if Warren drops.

people said the same thing about Trump 4 years ago. "the higher ups hate him!" "he's so anti-establishmet!" Nothing will change no matter who wins this year. Even if Bernie really is anti-establishment he'll get frozen out by congress.

I get it.

Both their surnames are easier to spell than their names. Give him that.

Joe doesn't have being a woman to help him like Hillary did. He is going to get destroyed in the debates.

It means they just realised that Sanders was going to rack all of the delegates if none of them cleared the 15%.

Can't wait for the dementia vs dementia debates

Ivanka also doesn't get paid being an "advisor", so it has nothing in common with Biden abusing his position as VP so his failure of a son can make millions.

Nah, the moderators are gonna save Biden. They are the ones that decide the topics.

Can we at least get people in their 60's running for president instead of people belonging in a retirement home?