late night storytime
Cover A by Evan Stanley
late night storytime
Cover A by Evan Stanley
Cover B by Aaron Hammerstorm (with Reggie Graham on inks and colors)
Retail Incentive cover by Natalie Fourdraine as always
Here to see if Tails cries like a pussy again
the first half of the issue features art from Evan Stanley (with Matt Herms on colors); which was supposed to be the case for the entire issue
Thanks for the storytime
now with the 2nd half of the issue, we switch to Priscilla Tramontano (with Heather Breckel on colors)
Well, Metal had a chance to be more than his programming, but a certain echidna-obsessed nutjob ruined that for everybody.
while Breckel's colors aren't as good as Herms' or Tramontano's, her colors in this issue look a lot nicer than what we saw in issues 3 and 21. Presumably part if that is that Tramontano's inks are a lot less thick than Jen Hen's and Reggie's, so thinks don't look as flat
whoops, almost forgot Evan/Herms did some more pages after Tramontano/Breckel's first few
next time around is another issue that was supposed to be just Evan (with Herms) but had to have another artist/colorist duo help out. However instead of Tramontano/Breckel, the duo is gonna be ABT/Curry
And another month wasted.
and if you want my hot take: while i can't wait for this arc to end, I feel that we've gotten past the nadir of it already: The arc started great, got pretty ehhhh during the middle, and is ending decently
I really hope we get some downtime before the next big arc
>N-no not Espio and the Babylon Rogues!1
Yawn, they don't have the balls to put Tails or Amy in even remote danger, let alone getting infected, and only have secondary characters who'll serve exactly 0 purpose in anything ever getting fucked
Why not just go for something lighter-fared if they aren't going to go beyond predictable status quo, would be more enjoyable
Oh look, another issue of the Metal Virus arc where barely anything happened. See you next month y'all.
It ends in 3 months according to the summaries of the next three issues. This is part 1 of the 4 part finale.
Sonic, Omega was an E-series built to be capable of free-will & you had Tails mechanically mindrape Gemerl into being Cream’s slave both in-game & in-comic. If yoy wanted Metal to be reformed you should’ve just let Tails do the same to Metal like he offered to
Not even they at true risk. The main central problem with this comic is simply that you cannot do much to the Sonic Team characters. I also had to laugh at one of the Zeti saying about wanting to see blood flow. Not even Sonic games are allowed to show flowing blood, not even Shadow the Hedgehog was allowed to show blood when Shadow was being created using alien blood. So basically hearing such a lame line in the comic just further emphasizes how you cannot do anything in this comic. It's too censored, too restricted, too sterile, too bland, and a waste of time.
Thanks for the story time, but this comic is not worth buying.
This is cringy. The only version of Eggman I can see reforming is Boom Eggman. This comic on the other hand already made Eggman far too evil and dangerous to the point Whisper wanted to murder him. So they better not even try to redeem this Eggman.
Fuck this comic.
Why even go down the whole Eggman redemtion idea anyway? Why not explore new ideas in this comic?
four more years!
Just browsing and have no idea whats happening but seems cool. Can someone fill me in?
TLDR Robonik got bonked on the head and was "good" for a while and seemed to be enjoying himself as a toymaker/handyman in town, but he returned to normal and unleashed a nanobot virus that turns everyone into robozombies, and everyones been trying to find a way to stop it. Now the evil demons from the games are involved, found out they can control people infected by the virus, got the chaos emeralds and now Sonic/Robotnik have to briefly join forces to take them down.
Reminder that Sonic let Metal go after he tried to kill everyone. That's on par with Goku giving Cell a senzu bean.
He not only let go, but also stopped tails from trying to change him. Guess he's only angry that metal didn't change out of his own will.
>IDW literally bundles every single Sonic friend from the vbideogames into every issue
Truly the Sonic of the Sonic comics.
> Silver being thirsty as fuck for Whisper
I hate the way Evan Stanley draws Sonic’s spines.
Stop chasing the dragon
He has a point
I guess in the end they truly were Sonic heroes
>Have the element of surprise since enemy doesn't know where they are or what they're doing
>Short on time, but still can pick their moment and strike at the right time
>Have the advantage of intel from Orbot, Cubot and Rouge and Eggman, Sonic, Tails & Knuckles strategizing
>Have the advantage of numbers
>Have the advantage of teleporting in and out of the field
They should unironically just kill themselves, it'd be less embarrassing
Small plot hole but isn’t sonic standing on The grass or does the virus not go through his shoes?
>Listen up! I come from a future ruined by the selfish ambitions of you and your pack
>How long have you been practicing that line, kid? So what im doing now leads to a future of misery and destruction? It's all I could've ever hope for.
Huh, this could be the start of something interesting. Zor is depressed emo who wants everything to be as depressing as he is and silver is an optimist from a ruined future. This seems like an actually good matchup and I imagine Zor might gain some sort a goal from this fight like working toward a ruined future aside from just being a member of the deadly six.
That is a fucking awesome cover. What's their Twitter name?
To be fair, Espio was actively trying to use stealth but got found just because.
I like how the world went through an apocalypse but Amy never bothered to tell Knuckles.
Did they change artist on this page?
Dunno why there's such negativity for those comics, globally speaking, Sonic fans get better products than most cape franchise these days.The girls are sexier than ever there.
That's not the problem, you moron. The retards are angry because their precious "freedom" fighters are all now dead and unable to ever come back.
>Jet is the only one who didn't totally blow it.
You all underestimated muh boi!
>Sonic comic book is slow as fuck
what did they mean by this?
They greatly underestimated the Deadly Six based on metacritic scores.
Also they sent a robot after someone with the power to control robots. They weren't even thinking at this point.
They complain mostly for the sake of complaining.