Can we admit Gravity Falls wasnt that great?

Can we admit Gravity Falls wasnt that great?

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it's time to admit that it was great

Nah, it was pretty fantastic. Ending sucked but I loved everything leading up to it.

yeah i mean i liked it but the hype annoys me

It's time to admit the show wasn't that great but the porn was god-tier

Can you admit that you're a faggot?

Gravity Falls was a masterpiece

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Why do you say that?

It was better than Adventure Time or Steven Universe, that's for sure. It was an honest cartoon and didn't need to bait hipster or SJW demographics respectively to gain a fanbase.

I dunno
I watched a few episodes, they were pretty good, but I mostly just consumed the porn

it's good but far from as good as everyone says it was.

>Adventure Time or Steven Universe
Adventure Time > Gravity Falls > SU

It could have been better than it was.

I agree. 90% of the cartoons consider epic sauce on Yas Forums are actually dogshit like gravity falls, wonder over yonder, steven universe, adventure time, the brown girl shows and star vs.
To name a few.

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It was great.
You, on the other hand, are pretty shitty.

Good parts of Adventure Time > Gravity Falls >> SU >>>>>>> The shit parts of Adventure Time

Wander is good
The rest are shit and mostly said to be "good" to fap to the girls

I got to into the moment of typing my post, I will retract that one.

This picture would be better if the top said "Boy"

Yes. I remember watching it the first time around and thinking it was the best animated show ever, but then watching it again the second time and realizing how much of the show focused on superfluous relationship/romance nonsense. Over half of the first seasons episodes involve a subplot that's either 'Mabel meets a boy and falls in love with him' or 'Dipper acts like a sperg about his crush on Wendy'. The mystery isn't sustained naturally as much as the show wastes so much time on the b-plots of relationships that it takes longer to get to the actual plot of the goddamn show. Shit like Wendy legitimately could've been removed from the show entirely and it would've been fine but it and crap like it ended up dominating a lot of episodes. The main mystery is actually pretty fun and interesting but the show really does not give it the time it deserves, preferring to focus on cringy bullcrap like "d-d-d-does this girl six years my senior want to be with me, an elementary schooler, or someone her age? I-I just don't know where THIS bored and tired plot is going to go!".

It had a lot of potential, good underlying story, good animation, and likeable characters (unfortunately who mostly kinda crashed into a wall at the end) but it didn't focus on what needed to be focused on.

Its a lot worse looking back, especially when you rewatch episodes like the Time Travelers Pig and see Dipper waste a fucking time machine on trying to fuck Wendy. When it first aired I dont remember anyone really pointing this out.

Some of those episodes were funny though, as much as the trope was overused. People obsess over this show's lore too much and ignore its comfier moments. I feel like the charm of the town is what saves this show ultimately, because it wouldn't floundered if it was pure comedy and it would've been complete ass if it was 100% serious

ATrannies still salty as fuck they jobbed to Gravity Falls in the show of the 2010s tournament I see.

The only thing SU did right was kill off your show.

GFags are still pissed OTGW won lol
I'm glad a non basic bitch show won over the 4 other semifinalists which were there only because they were more known

rent free

I've never seen any Gravity Falls fan make anti-OTGW threads, even though that series is by far the most deserving of the overrated moniker.
Yes, indeed, Gravity Falls lives rent free in ATrannies heads.


I mean, I like both but I pretend everything after not what he seems didn't happen

lose weight
have sex

this guy gets it tbqh

Adventure Time was on and basically CN's Spongebob for so long that the quality is impossible to crystallize in one statement.

It was that great but the ending sucked.

Nah you've missed the meltdowns even half a year later

No one even discusses AT. I remember around the time of season 2 /gfg/ no one would even bother making threads for new episodes of Adventure Time when they aired

ATfags are constantly melting down about Gravity Falls, because of a meaningless tournament neither show won, they aren't even able to hide their power level as seen by this thread. The worms always come to the surface when it rains tears.

I wouldn't say it sucked but it was rushed as all fuck

It was pretty good but it's not the deep, dark, mature show some people pretend it is. I do admit that Hersch's left politics after the show finished darkened my view on it in general, though, so I might be pretty biased,

Also, fuck literally anyone who draws older Dipper as having that dumb goatee thing Hersch has. It doesn't do anything but remind me that Dipper is just Hersch's self-insert to go on wacky mystery adventures with a hot older redhead and his sister.

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No cartoon will ever equate to what Spongebob did for Nickelodeon

Upon rewatch I still enjoy it. It helps that Stan is my favorite and he’s the only central to the plot character that remains consistently good all the way through.

based would go down to the lodge and slam some beers withyouand stan

That’s all people do here

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>kid’s hair not fully colored in
Immersion ruined

>not Mabifica


It's a show about mysteries that didn't have any good mysteries, it blew its one and only wad on Ford and he wasn't that good of a character. Everyone was autistically piecing the end screens together to get the symbol wheel, and then they all just coincidentally get together at the end and have a dumb giant robot fight.

Ford was a better character then Stan the con Man
Stan would have sold the kids into slavery

but who has the penis?


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How fucked up is that kid gonna be?

4 miles of dick from dad

I never got the hype and i was watching it while it was airing.
Don't get me wrong i thought it was a great show. but people were acting like it was the second coming of christ when in reality was just a good show guess we didn't have any of those for a while
(also the character being represented with symbols was the stupidest shit ever)

Honestly, Dipper's not a bad trap

He's not very manly

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Three quarters of it was good.

But the last quarter was pretty shit so a dark cloud will forever follow the show.

Why turn dipper into a girl when mabel already exists

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He's just crossdressing there

>YWN ass fuck a cute boy then plow his twin sister while he fucks her mouth

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because mabel is a borderline-insufferable superthot

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Stick a dick in her and she immediately calms down. Trust me, it works for lesbians and feminists.

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based satan speaks the truth

What were the Manotaurs doing to Dipper here with pic related? in "Dipper vs Manliness"?

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Hot gluing him like an anime figurine

Trying to brainwash him