Dead Webcomics

Post webcomics that have been dead for years, bonus points if the website no longer exists

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Applegeeks. last was 2010

I miss it,

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>blue whale
dead, site gone
>blue zombie
died like 13 years ago, site barely works
somehow updated until 2019, when it seems to have died
dead, site doesn't work anymore
>WTF comics
probably dead? most likely dead

that's all I can think of

Looks like amazing super powers is dead

Derelict, its been 4 years since the last update, author gave up and shut down the site and keeps the archive on a tumblr. Dead as dead can be short of complete memoryholing

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Abandoned or are you counting completed too?

What a way to turn the internet against you in disgust.

I think a lot of the "Hiveworks" comics are on "hiatus". Most notably The Meek.

me too

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Crazyghosts. Luckily I saved the parts near the end and uploaded them, but the majority is all gone, even with wayback machine.

RIP strong possum, your comic was too good for this world

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>fanboys is down
>his last twitter post is from 2017
>has only worked on Extra credits somewhat recently
oh well fuck me, it's all gone, huh?

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dead like angel corps
get it, because his other comic is snuff porn

Fuck Morbi.

Scott became a broken man when he saw his brother get murdered in front of him and the justice system fail.

That's what I recognized this from, and seeing the artstyle again gave me whiplash.

Yeah what was the deal with Him? Did he have a melt down or something?

Anyone know that web comic where a Brazilian(?) kid dies but is in some sort of purgatory city where every good deed gets him points and hes with two other kids?

Its been bothering me for a while and I lost the name

From shitty webcomic to snuff porn to time-stop porn to Star Wars porn. What a weird change in tastes.


Not Drunk Enough?


I'm still mad about it

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No, they work for some afterlife police department? Last arc before it went on indefinite hiatus was them getting rid of a library ghost

>Died because the artist would rather post a million OCs about projects he’s not gonna finish

>Almost nothing on what happened to the guy even though Minus won an award and was fairly popular enough to get its own wiki

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>The Olympus Overdrive site is nothing but a blank page
welp, live fast and die young.
I think it stopped updating in 2014 or 15

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even if its dead, Yas Forums went to the work of backing it up, even if we never found out what happened to him

Fuck Chugworth. What a waste

Well shit I don't know then.

i wish he just did more snuff porn

Step monster is a crying fucking shame and I will never not be mad that the alternative we got a constant confetti of unrelated OC that never fucking goes anywhere. Such bullshit I swear.

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I'm almost certain that isn't what happened. I know his brother died but I thought it was cancer or something.

Should I just read Achewood from the start, or is this one of those 'shit until it gets good X pages in' webcomics

Dang it, there was a storytime a while ago. I remeber the title was weirdly stylized with a number or something? I really liked the cute charecter designs and wanted some lewds of them desu

Don't forget all the vore fetish shit he posts now too. At this point I'd rather just somebody take the idea and finish it on their own terms.

>Domain Expired

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this comic is heavily reliant on flash so it will die this year
read it while you can
Nothing for years

I don’t know if it’s dead, probably is, but a long as time ago around 2006~2008 there were two comics that have almost completely faded from memory except two pages.

One had something to do with a red devil lady and some guy, and the page I remember has to do with someone interrogating the guy and the interrogator says something about “innuendos” and the guy says something about “in your end-o”.

The other is just the memory of a page talking about this one woman, might have been a war god, who went full doomguy and slaughtered everything until there was nothing left. The page was her sitting down in her throne and turning into a mummified corpse while she waited. I think the main characters might have been looking for her sword?

These memories keep me up at night.

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this was the last thing he uploaded in almost 3 years now.

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Gone with the blastwave

that's just the update schedule, user

He decided that he was such a gifted and talented storyteller that the comic format was only holding him back, so now he's writing the series in the form of a blog.

>get burnt out and switch to mostly words with a few pictures to cut down on the work load
>last updated 11/02/18

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Keychain of creation is dead I'm pretty sure. I dunno what jukashi is even up to anymore.

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>now he's writing the series in the form of a blog.
he hasn't in 2 years

What are the people involved in this comic doing now, I wonder?


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You wouldn't understand the creative process. It takes FAR longer to write a page than draw it.

>Blue Zombie

Holy Fuck, I've been trying to remember that comic for goddamn years. What nostalgia.

Pretty sure he announced on twitter that he was halting development of the comic. He always made dumb decisions that everyone advised him not to do. Like quitting nursing and moving to seattle.

whoops, not blue whale
chipper whale, also known as effort comics
I think the artist went and did porn instead

I still don't understand the shrewd business logic at play here. Gurochan is about as niche an audience as it gets and I'd argue his comics weren't even that good as far as the gore goes.

>a niche aaudience
you'd be surprised, user

loserz was a great webcomic back in the day. Erik schoenek went on to make a sorta sequel webcomic set with the characters out of high school and in their 20s. he also went on to draw some porn comics. who knows what he is doing now.