Glitch Techs

Who is Bolypius?
And how have you guys managed to virtually ignore discussing the one thing this show has going for it plotwise?

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Well we just know so little there's not even much ground for theorizing or anything like that.

how interesting.

maybe a rogue tech making the hinobi machines glitch so easy?

or maybe a living glitch that is super powerful?

I imagine it's just a parody of the Polybius thing. So it's probably a super powerful glitch that keeps escaping and the Techs keep scrubbing all memory of it.

It's a typo. Actually it was supposed to say "Boy Puss"

Who's though.

Just imagine

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the main girl is cute but thats all this show has going for it, it makes no damn sense outside of that.

It is probably a reference to the urban legend of the Polybius.

And why discuss the plot for a series that was literally cancelled before it was aired?

>how have you guys managed to virtually ignore discussing the one thing this show has going for it plotwise
it's in the name. it''s just another shallow vidya reference in a cartoon full of them but also as compensation for a lack of real story. it's just Suicide Squad were the aesthetics and the "evil avengers" angle is supposed to make up for the movie being shit.
also the fat chick is a "chosen one" special snowflake-pixie girl type so this thing can just fuck off.

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There's still at least 10 episodes left. Even if it is cancelled and the rest are episodic, we can expect a proper season one finale.

It’s not cancelled yet and if it weren’t getting another season (spoilers we are) do you really nick will piss off fans of there newest show that’s not on Nickelodeon being slaughtered my over saturation of endless spongebob replays

>It's been a bit since the release
>Many threads, much lewding, many porn pics being made
>Only one of Five since the show debut

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Do you think nick cares what you think?

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It's probably the source of most of the glitches

What's there to discuss? It's just a plot hook with no elaboration so far, and on a meta level it's clearly a reference to Polybius.

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Polybious is the first videogame creepy Pasta, back in the age where games where in arcades it was said an strange non describe arcade cabinet tittle Polybious appeared in arcades. It said that the game with barely describable graphics caused addiction, head-ache, schizophrenia and at least one suicide, on top of this rumors also tell of strange men in black suits showing up around the area the game was stationed and that as sudden as it showed up in arcades the cabinet disappeared leaving no trace.

There is an interesting documentary about it.

The urban legend is widespread enough to be referenced in pop culture. Now what could Bolypius could be in Glitch Tech, if we follow the general idea of the "real world" counterpart it could be something old and dangerous glitch from the early days of games.

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I’d assume that based on the real-life urban legend, Bolypius is some sort of enhance possessor glitch that mindbreaks anyone that comes in contact with it, but it used to be a normal game. Since the original story implies the game had disturbing effects on people, my guess is that in the show the videogame must be contained by people with really high proficiency and resistance to videogame-induced effects.
This is why Hinobi is recruiting people using competitions and evaluating their performance.

It's Todd Howard.

>a Todd Howard expy appears in the show
>game glitches and causes a huge swath of destruction

I can not wait for the huge amount of rule34 to be created over the next few weeks/months.

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Homo drawfags catch slower than straight ones, give them some time and you’ll end up with all sorts of stuff. I’m waiting for my Five/Bergy pics

It's obviously a parody of Bolypius. They wouldn't even have to mess with the actual urban legend that much to make it fit in the show's universe: just switch out the U.S. government experiment for Hinobi themselves and up the weird effects that it has on players.

Is she thic enough for Huemac?

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Zahra is for lewding AFTER marriage.

he just had to ask.

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That’s exactly the opposite of the 1000 year old children in anime. Makes you wonder why their designs make them look at least 16-17

These threads are mainly just pathetic, brainless coomers destroying their braincell count to the same pictures of Miko over and over. Why, this very thread was immediately taken over by drooling cum-zombies.

i thought they were young adults, miko's personality kinda makes sense now.
well what do you want to talk about.

One retard just had to create GT thread when prevous one was alive, and now we have shit OP with his shitty question. For starters, good plot is always a good thing, but cartoons are mostly a visual form of media, if characters are appealing, sometimes this is enough for me to keep watching.

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>now we have shit OP with his shitty question.
Shut up cumbrain.

Her NEET attitude can still be realistic for a YA, or even a late teen. Even though they are rare, girls who are exclusively into games and weeb shit do exist.

I was browsing paheal and saw that the oldest drawing of glitch techs was from June 28 2018. Folks have been lusting after Miko for a long time. I didn't even know the series existed until a few weeks ago.

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It was in a development hell for a long time, and yeah, it wasn't advertised that much. I learned about this cartoon from Yas Forums.

the show has been in production since 2016 my dude

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>what should we call the Metal Gear Solid in this setting
>Spec Ops

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i dont get the first episode where Mitch "fixes" the house that was wreckt by the glitch

is EVERYONE in a Computer simulation ?

is this Matrix ?

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Looks like someone doesn't like the porn

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It’s just incredibly advanced technology

He's just saying he doesn't want another diaper scenario.

this. people keep retweeting and forwarding either straight up porn or sfw stuff from porn artists.

I mean, would you prefer the opposite?

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As said there's literally nothing outside of this one instance to go on, outside of the obvious reference to polybius which we know enough about that there's not much to speculate until told it's something else.
maybe there was more to be shown by now but the episodes being reordered means we're fucked in making even uneducated guesses.

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The perfect age.

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>and now we have shit OP with his shitty question
Oh no it's not muh pedophile cooming op thread ruined

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Impressive thigh gap

Can't wait to see more Blake fan art!

drawn before being written I guess. Same reason they somehow have a part time job. The original project probably had them being slightly older, then as things go, they were made younger, for instance to allow Miko to have a big sister that isn't just an adult.

>no mega
>people reluctant to come here
>creating a new thread for a question that could have been made when last thread was still alive
Way to miss the point, retard.
Doesn't matter, I guess this is the main thread now.

Just imagine her wearing different types of diapers

the whole "omg they are under 18" won't prevent teenage artists though.

what a retard

There is one more to your collection.

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All the different video game covers and promos she can wear on her butt.

Part time job AND can drive the car around.

Imagine this is Five now

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No, Five is a mentally healthy child, if you want to see him in a dress, you would need to force him.

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I'm surprised they haven't done anything with Miko yet

I prefer the Scott version

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>The perfect age.

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>it’s a “degenerate glitch forces him to crossdress” episode

Sucks to your general, you control freak. Make your own thread if you think this one sucks so much. I guarantee you the contents will be just as lame.

Nano machines son

Besides the whole concept of data taking a physical form is an inherently flawed concept when you think about it.

You wanted to say it's a "girly dress-up flash game" episode. And it works on a boys too.

How do I transpose letter?

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Miko is really hungry for that taco.

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>Besides the whole concept of data taking a physical form is an inherently flawed concept when you think about it.

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