How can the west compete?

Even american cartoons as anime are 100% better

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Location: United States
Do you know what anime is user because this isn't it

>looks like anime, uses the same animation techniques, has an anime opening, uses the same shonen tropes
>is not anime because le epic wasn't made by japs autism

ok retard.

Guess we'll have to ban avatar threads then

Haha they made a western cartoon into anime! Epic! XD Upboat!

avatar should be discussed on Yas Forums but le epic western animation can't be anime retards would get triggered.

>spongebob as a battleshonen
>not a slice of life comedy

this is why I hate weebs. Kobayashi, cromartie high, nichijou would work better.

fuck off pedo.

Dont lewd the dragon loli, what part do you not understand about that.

>muh waifu
BTFO to you faggot fag

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Honestly, in a hypothetical sense in order for the US to compete against Japan. They would have to put time, and effort, and money into the writing, animation, and music.

Also, shows that utilize the anime aesthetic need to be cancelled, like Steven Universe, America has to make their own art style that makes them distinct. Westerners using the anime artstyle isn't always the best case and just ends up looking cringy and too try hard-ish.

Also, get rid of liberal politics in cartoons. No one wants to watch a show lecturing about race, gender, or all that bullshit.

Anime isn't really too preachy with politics, in my opinion. Although, you can dispute me on this.

>Japan putting effort into animation
Lol they use powerpoint

proof that evolution has failed the human race

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>Anime isn't really too preachy with politics, in my opinion.

Does "does wasting your life as a salary man is unhealthy" count as politics.

they do have politics, you just can't perceive them because you aren't japanese.

>How can the west compete?
>Made in america
You fucktard.

>Steven Universe
>Anime Aesthetic
That shit looks like The Simpsons retard

They hit the tropes pretty well, 10/10 good chuckle


Everytime I read a post whose original poster clearly don't know shit about animation is in threads like these.

starfish can regenerate limbs

>how can the west compete
>made in the west
well there's your answer

If only there was a board where you could talk about Western cartoons and comics, it could be called "/coc/ Comics & Cartoons".

Stop posting here.

>turns into an anime
>quality of animation immediately deteriorates

kek, every time.

Nice bait.

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>>is not anime because le epic wasn't made by japs autism

Steven Universe doesn't have an anime art style, and every time the US does an anime art style, it's infinitely better than actual anime; see Avatar or Legend of Kora.

Secondly, the Japs are the ones that imitated the west. "Anime" was literally born out of a desire to copy Disney. You've been watching, jerking off to, and praising a Japanese glib fascimile of Disney this entire time.

Thirdly, the US puts far more time, effort, and money into the writing, animation, and music of its animation, which is why you see a lot less of it, and that which you do see is far higher quality.

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>Legend of Korra
>better than literally anything

Nowadays Disney is every bit as lazy and dispassionate.

>and every time the US does an anime art style, it's infinitely better than actual anime; see Avatar or Legend of Kora.

damn, it isn't often that someone makes a posts so retarded that the first sentence immediately justifies any desire to keep reading

How the hell did you fuck up your reply that badly?

>US to compete against Japan
You forget about China and the Donghuas.

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lmao the only time japan puts effort into animation they end up almost bankrupting whatever studio is working on it. Just look at Redline.
besides, 90% of the time they do what we do and pay koreans to make their animation.

>and every time the US does an anime art style, it's infinitely better than actual anime; see Avatar or Legend of Kora.
bruh look at this dude nonononono no HAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA

>pay koreans

That's mostly just for 2D animation. 3D animation is far less studious and a lot faster too.

Posting Yas Forums on Yas Forums is a sometimes-bannable-offense, and it should be the same way here, but it isn't.

most of the time that looks like shit and is only used when they're too cheap to animate characters frame by frame doing something more complex than talking, walking, or existing.

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Season 2 got grimdark fast

That's a lifestyle choice, not a political policy forced on people. That's like saying shows convincing overweight Americans to be more active, because they're fat and the writers don't like that, is political.

>and every time the US does an anime art style, it's infinitely better than actual anime; see Avatar or Legend of Kora

Hahahahahahahaha oh wow. Cant imagine having this much of a shit taste

You're a dweeb Mr. Weeb

There are episodes of Boku no Hero Academia, an entry-level show, with animation that wipes the fucking floor with Avatar/SnK
Show me one moment with better animation than Deku vs Todoroki, or Deku vs Overhaul

>Shits on Japanese animators and praises American animation
>Posts an example animated by the French

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Here is 90% of japanese animation and the exact show example you have used on this board hundreds of times to claim anime is superior

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I'd argue Titmouse is the best western animation studio, would Madhouse be their eastern equivalent, or Trigger?

While I agree with you on everything, except the anime artstyle bullshit, the only reason anime is more successful is that it throws more shit at the wall to see what sticks while western animation tends to just imitate whatevers popular (wherever that's here or anime itself) and only slowly add its own ideas for later animations to imitate. Plus anime is willing to try more risque ideas simply due to the fact that its cheaper to produce and make, and guaranteed to make a decent profit as long as it has merchandisable characters.
A anime concept with a western budget and effort put into it would probably turn out very well.

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There is not a single moment in Avatar or LoK that can top the animation in Kimetsu no Yaiba
Especially episode 19

>comparing a currently ongoing series with ones from 2005 and 2012

>animefags always bring their arguments into Yas Forums as if they’re threatened by it

>Implying just because it looks like an anime in the same style of Japanese animation means it's anime
>Use western characters from a western cartoon and made in america
This is why weebs to be executed and Japan needs a 3rd nuking

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>uses the same animation techniques
I see no douga

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you know despite narmac probably being a colossal homosexual he draws a pretty hot sandy

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Cool, I love these videos. While I know you're joking, spongebob is a comedy kid's cartoon. These videos are just neat parodies to spin the franchise to look like a Japanese shounen anime.

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tank yu gaijin 1 yen depusitid tu yur account.

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anime just means animation you autistic weeb your average tumblr shit that co loves so much is called anime in japan

>slide shows
gr8 b8 m8

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amerifats are so fucking pathetic. japs don't think about your cartoons at all

Is family man anime?

this is extremely obvious bait, and yet you got six idiots to take it.
well played user.