The Joker upgraded with big tiddy asian gf

>The Joker upgraded with big tiddy asian gf
>Harley can get with Ivy or whoever the fuck she wants
>there are people pissed about this

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change bad
same same good

It feels really pandery, like that all asian superhero team both Marvel and DC put out around the same time.

Marvel has an all Asian team?

Pandery for who? Fujoshi want him to get buttfucked by Batman and Harleyfags are just weird.

They coopted Agents of Atlas into an all-Asian team. Because when you think of "Atlas" you think of Asia, I guess.

I wouldn't put it in the same vein as that. That team makes no sense and only exists because muh Asian. Best case scenario is Punchline is another Avery Ho or JLC.

Unrelated note; we need more Punchline art. Would help if we finally knew her origin

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Agents of Atlas, led by the punier hulk.

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Yeah the agents of atlas or whatever, they’re terrible. Absolutely ruined that new Atlantis attacks comic

Fuck off shill



>China wanting a Japanese character.
That makes as much sense as Poland wanting a Nazi German character.

Probably for China, but if she is Japanese, then they might not like her as much

Why not call them the Agents of Asia? It feels way better than Agents of Atlas, in my opinion.

Tynion is a hack and Punchline is being forced down our throats.

it was shit. im asian and i read marvel, but thought all new superman was better.

I think she's a Japanese hapa.

Do we even know her race yet?

>forced down our throats.

Idk.. but when ever I got to a comment section. They always say she's too good to be with the joker.

You're not fooling anyone, you fucking shill. Nobody gives a shit.

Batman #90 was really good.
>forced down our throats
Literally never happened.


>N-N-Nobody cares
Take you meds, guy. Really now. Fuck me for being somewhat interested I guess. You going to claim she's a tranny now or something?

> They always say she's too good to be with the joker.
But we don't even know her yet.

Either way, watch as China reacts extremely negatively to Punchline due to "her being ugly" because of her angular features. Western and Eastern beauty standards for Asians are vastly different.

>Oh jee whiz man I just wanna have an ho-

No, fuck right off you disingenuous little shit. Fucking nobody cares.

>angular features

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I care though. I'm hoping for the best, that she's fun and plays off Joker's personality well. But hey, she could easily be shit too. Wouldn't be the first time for a new character. Tynion's Batman? Surprisingly okay thus far, but of course we're coming off King's shit and that's not exactly hard to beat

>pit Harleyfags and Jokerfags against one another by introducing Punchline
>pit Batcatfags and Harleyfags by showing Batman and Catwoman having issues and Harley becoming his new sidekick
>Fucking Devil.

>I care though.
Of course you do, because you're a fucking plant.

No, there's speculation because her name is written in katakana. Did anyone even ask Tynion?

>Everyone is a plant
This is why I recommended to you to take your meds. I can see this is a productive conversation, so I'll just leave you be, free to think whatever since you've clearly made up your mind on anyone with even passing interest.

>Uh oh, manga is getting popular in the states again, what do we do?
'Murican writers trying to be slick and shit.

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Stronk women aren't allowed to be bad or love bad guys.

But....didn't Hori steal A LOT of shit from western comics when creating My Hero Academia? That's not saying much for eastern writers either

You weren't supposed to point that out bro

What are you talking about?

Yet strangely we have had daily punchline threads since we first saw the cover.

Because she's hot. First day on Yas Forums?

>free to think whatever since you've clearly made up your mind on anyone with even passing interest
Nobody has any interest besides cumbrains and shills.

So shoo shill, shoo.

She's generic.

>the resident schizo sperging out in a Punchline thread
It wouldn't be the same.

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You're right. All that's missing is a Immortal Hulk-like "This is my last post on Yas Forums" pasta

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Upon closer inspection, maybe not that angular, but still enough to highlight the dissonance between asian beauty standards in the east and west.

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>I assess my worldview based on anonymous basket weaving forums

Where can I read her comic?

Are these sketches from an upcoming issue? Maybe #92?

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Why defend mediocrity like this user?

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Thank you kind user

You're welcome. I'm interested in her origin story (it's in the Joker Anniversary special) because not even Harley was The Joker's second in command, so I wonder how did she capture his interest.

Why are there daily multiple punchline threads when she hasn't even showed up in comics yet?

Because her existence is another arsenal i can use on the annoying Harleyfags.

She hasn't provided enough material to make a determination of her quality. As of now, she's been mostly cameo tier. Better question is why are you getting so upset over people talking about her and speculating?
You're exaggerating

I can speak for myself but I'm curious about why and how The Joker got interested in her.
Also big tiddy goth gf.

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>Anons post images literally telling people to pre-order the issues she will appear in
>wE'Re NoT sHiLLS

Someone asked, schizo.

Welcome to Yas Forums where we turned Mettle into a meme before Avengers Academy #1 came out.

This is probably from Batman #92. Same outfit and stuff, and Jimenez posted some Joker art that was in #91.

Why do you think this matters in the slightest?

>>there are people pissed about this
It's the same people as always. The "Change makes me scared crowd"

The one change I see is Joker getting his dick wet and I don't get how that's a problem. Good on him.

The very premise of the character is mediocre, she's joker's gf who is as edgy as he is.

seething incel

You could have said the exact same thing about original Harley, or Mercy Graves, or any sidekick really. There's nothing wrong with a support cast. Furthermore, we don't know her real name, how she met The Joker, what they see in each other, her skills, or really anything for that matter. You're just preemptively being mad for personal reasons

Because you simps have deluded yourselves into thinking she's interesting.