More adult Steven soon! (Friday's episodes)

More screenshots/info being released tomorrow. If I had to guess I'd say this was either from In Dreams or the upcoming Growing Pains.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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It won't

In all seriousness, I think Growing Pains is the where Steven becomes an adult

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Yeah I wish this is what Steven will grow up to look like but we know he's just gonna be Greg 2.0.

Steven literally stopped eating like shit ever since Snow Day

I mean more like Rebecca isn't going to be that generous.

Greg is in his forties, that Steven looks 30 at best.


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This gon b gud

Dude confirmed that adult Steven is from In Dreams and the rollerskating pic is from Bismuth Casual

Dream Daddy?

Doesn’t mean he’s gonna get fat and bald like Greg
Lots of dudes in their 40s are in really good shape


Penis's steven

this was probably just a scrapped concept for Last One Out of Beach City but it could still happen

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Given the timeframe, Steven is on the cusp of his 18th birthday.

>Turns 18
>shoots up like 2 feet
>gains pink eyes
>gem reverts to the position of Pink's

Can't wait for pinked eye Steven revealed

>Absolute Unity
So this is the form Steven will take to make Jasper fall for him

I know "corrupted steven" probably isn't corrupted, but I could easily see him ending up with a diamond iris or two and maybe pink hair.

It might not be corruption, but rather a pupa stage of transition from teen to adult that goes out of control. He is the only Hybrid after all. I imagine in the end he and Pink Steven will fully merge afterwards and he becomes a full gem or something.

>gains pink eyes
>gem reverts to the position of Pink's
i fucking wish

>dat adult steven

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Doubtful, given how much importance his human side is meant to have from a gem perspective.

That’s the clincher. Relearn to be human while no longer it. Stop caring about being human or Gem and realize you’re all just people.

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This adult Steven is way more ripped than he was in Too Many Birthdays, guess that explains the sudden muscle mass gain that Steg has. Way more tan too

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so they did the same joke
3 times

13/14 yo Steven was just fat, 17 yo Steven has been training for years

What joke?

The novelty of the future has worn off for me. Can we go back to the present now? Please?

It'll be really funny the third time.

it wasnt the second time
it didnt make sense

Seriously what the fuck are you talking about

you are the joke user

I await the porn

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That’s what the other gems are for, Steven is a unique existence that serves as a physical link between both races that i really doubt they’d just get rid of, especially this late in the game.

fat people aren't attractive



>Growing Pains
anyone else read penis?

>not long beautiful pink hair
>not pink eyes

It's a dream user, follow on from this scene

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Did he get a tan?

who says this is a dream
more like Steven tries to have a nice relaxing canoe ride but then his powers turn on and it freaks him out

The episode is called In Dreams and that Buff!Steven shot is from that episode.

"but her aim is gettin better!"

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Damn Vaggie's hubby is YOKED

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>decide to visit /sug/ on /trash/
>entire thread is just one guy dumping pics of Pearl with a penis

No reason to go to /trash/except for that. Or furry Amethyst porn.

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>/sug/ on /trash/

The entire general consists of people with undiagnosed schizophrenia

I was expecting garbage, but turns out it was even worse than that
Can’t wait for it to be back here for one last time


Its /trash/.

Unless its something like Blacksad or Out Of Placers that isn’t allowed on Yas Forums anymore, there is never a reason to read posts on /trash/. You’re there for pics.

May as well read the responses on Pornhub or Paheal.

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Mothman’s total insanity is something I can’t look away from

So she explodes like a trash bag when she poofs, right?

Pink left behind the shards she swallowed. Amethyst is always eating.

The site of a lost battle should look like seagulls tipped a garbage can over.

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Nah she digests food.

The future is now the present.