ITT: Fuck you I liked it

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Camp Lazlo, retards say that it's zoomershit and considered one of many shows from the dark ages of CN, but I still like it.

Total Drama, all of it (except Dramarama I can't be arsed to watch that shit)

This was generally liked. Idk i thought there was a common opinion not some hipster loser nobody with a shitty yt channel, that nobody cares about.

>dark ages
Why are CNfags so autistic? Talking about muh dark times literally all the time. Pure nostalgiafaggotry

Samurai Jack's ending. Also, Ashi.

current but the owl house. Yas Forums kinda hates it right now but i'm enjoying it (even though i know there's issues with it)

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The autism memes only make it more enjoyable to me.

Yas Forums tastes are shit

This show was basically Japan through the eyes of Weeaboo Jones from Filthy Frank. So inaccurate to the country that it was sorta racist.

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that's okay if you don't like it. actually, i'd prefer if most of Yas Forums disliked it so we can be our own little esoteric community. i'd rather have shit taste but be in our own world rather than being an SU-fag, whom being like black holes.

I'm honestly kind of glad that Fanboy and Chum Chum has been getting attention recently. I was in high school back when it first came out so I pretty much avoided telling my friends that I liked it.
There's way better shows out there, yeah, but I wouldn't say that it's the worst thing ever made like a lot of people back then we're saying it was. It's stupid as fuck and that's why I liked watching it

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No this show is legit fucking awful

I always thought and said it was alright

oh you were the one liked it.


Why did Beat Crusaders break up

Who didn't like it? Oh right: plebs
You know what, You know What, YOU KNOW WHAT. Yeah.

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Did it come back because people wanted to fuck the redhead?

I love the joke in the pilot episode where the giant robot transforms into the exact same robot but upsidedown


>Cartoon America Man Goes to Anime Japan
>Kinda racist

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No I'm not kidding. A lot of it is complete edgelord garbage, the art is trash, the religious preaching is obnoxious, and the backstory is absolutely retarded, but there are so many great moments that I can't help but like it. Also Richek is a pretty cool guy, the meta-elements are fascinating, and the author has a really, really good sense of timing, both comedic and dramatic.

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I found it entertaining, it had unique character designs, it had a really cool designed world, and it was pro environmental without shoving it in your face.

I know other people dislike it, but I rather enjoyed the series.

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I have fond memories of watching this show with my brothers but I know that it's terrible and I would never want to rewatch any of it

Huh, I was expecting a response of some kind to this. Did you all forget about it?

need I remind you?

I have no idea how someone can unironically enjoy this ow the edge! comic tbqh.

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It wasn't very good, but it had an incredebly cool and original artstyle, and the practical and visual jokes were pretty neat

This is one of those shows I always thought was a great premise with just terrible execution. Feel the same way about Chalkzone. Not like they were bad shows, they just could live up to their potential and it makes me sad.

I like Phineas and Ferb and Undertale

So, who you wanna fuck? The robot , the goth or the brown girl?

Cramp Twins
Watch My Chops

Kappa Mikey with an actual budget would've been fucking amazing.

Now that you mention it, it probably would be.

I’d watch it.

not bait

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This, if both shows had more development put into them, they could’ve been fantastic.

I'm pretty sure that it's just one guy. I really hope there isn't a group of people who haven't moved on from the 90's.

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>Allen Gregory
It's actually a legit funny show. It's just a show for cynical adults who can laugh at shitty people, so a lot of people complain about it being "mean-spirited."

>Chop Socky Chooks
It's actually a cute and charming show, and the dynamic between Wasabi and Bubba has a lot of especially charming moments. It also really feels like the creative team enjoyed themselves and had an earnest spirit of fun behind the series.

>people haven't moved on from the 90's.
Lurk more.
The people who complain about the mid-2000s dark age generally agree that quality returned with Adventure Time, Regular Show, etc.

Wakfu Seasons 2/3. I'll agree that there were some questionable story decisions and that the show never quite hit the heights of the first season again, it had a lot of really good and fun stuff going for it that feels like it gets overlooked amongst all of the complaining.

I'm a Iopfag though, so maybe I'm biased.

Also, Kerub's Bazaar > Wakfu

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Yeah, but it's low budget quality did have it's charm.

Why wasn’t the show 2D in this artstyle?

It was interesting. I think I've only seen bits and pieces, and it's definitely edgelord-tier, but it managed to keep me hooked somewhat. If you still have it, why not make a storytime thread?

As much as I like the original movie, the series has a certain charm of its own. I liked the humour and constant references to other ancient myths, and whenever the show decided to get serious ("The Gorgon" or "Green-eyed Monster"come to mind), it got serious all right, feelings were felt whether I wanted it or not. I also liked the dynamic between Herc, Cassandra and Icarus, they were pretty great as friends, and also a realistic portrayal of dumb teens doing dumb shit from time to time. Hercules actually surprised me with how much of a great friend he is, considering that he didn't have much social contact until the age of 16. Seeing sides of him we didn't get to see in the movie was also a plus.

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The crossover with Aladdin was pretty interesting.

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True. Icarus wanting a pet monkey at the end of the episode was hella cute.

Nickelodeon trying to copy the early Gintama manga jokes(they had knowledge about it) in some of the cartoon's spoofs, but the Gorilla Mangaka and Sunrise memed them in the process.

Also the fact that Parody Humor for children doesn't work, UNLESS you make it seriously and for fun that adults recognize it, like what Spielberg did with animaniacs and many 90's cartoons, which made them such hits, kappa mikey was a clusterfuck of ideas trying to make fun of japan, but in the end it was cringe as fuck.

Kappa Mikey was faded to fail.

Kappa Mikey's best elements weren't the anime and Japan parodies, it's that it was all the old boomer work sitcom plots repackaged for kids

>furfag shit
Gtfoh with that shit.
Also didn't the guy behind this rape his gf or something?

Mitsuki is my wife, everyone stop talking about her.

And they Even Failed in deliver that.

Your waifu is shit as the show she belongs it.

Maybe, but she is MY shit wife :3

Same, is bad but I really like certain storylines.

Because it’s more expensive to animate.

Based mirku post

I like to think of this movie as "The Room" of animated movies, just so bad it's good

also I think most of the blame of the movie sucking is because the film's hard drives for animation being stolen while it was being made, so they had to rework from scratch, hell I even had the idea for a remake of this movie (with some animation fixes, like make it like Osmosis Jones where it's 2D & Live Action, and improvements of the story, like explaining how the world they live in works and even having the catgirl being the villain behind Brand X at the end of the movie cause she wanted Generic Brand ikes to be respected as Name Brand ikes, but Lady X just wanted to take over the store, so the catgirl tried to stop her with a mechanical spider), in fact I'm currently trying to get in contact with Larry Kasanoff to get this made

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So, if both sunshine and Lady X are villains, soes that mean there will be no romance ending, or does one of them change sides eventually?

This show was great