What's behind all the anti-Disney sentiment lately...

What's behind all the anti-Disney sentiment lately? Is Disney evil because they make good stuff while most of their competitors, like Dreamworks and Sony, are crap?

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Fuck off, shill.

The stuff ISN'T good, it just barely looks better

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inb4 you get called a shill for having an opinion

What is that

Nigga, there is anti Disney sentiment ever since they bought Pixar and it only got worse the more they expanded their monopoly through buying the competition.

Why lie?

They killed off 2d in 2011 and Iger had no soul
Dreamworks was more creative and Six Flags had more freedom in creativity for parks then Disney Parks

Disney Wars.
They "ruined" Luke in the dried up Star Warshit and the infantiles who've built their "culture" around that old franchise will screech aanything Disney. Even live-action remakes of franchises they never gave any fucks about are a call to arms.

Its just super-autistic Starwarsfaggotry.

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Really what is it that drives a person to become a Disnoid?



>Fuck off, shill.
Fuck off Yas Forums

I think it was when they bought FOX.

Disney hate/mockery is almost as big an American tradition as Disney love.

Anyway an increase in anti-Disney sentiment is probably the fact that it owns a borderline monopoly on the entertainment industry, and now that most of the properties people had attachments to (Frozen, Star Wars, MCU) are basically over people are feeling less sympahtetic

>Six Flags
"Dude the same generic super-fast outdoor roller coaster but in five different paint coats"

Because fuck them and their greedy asses.

That's the fucking point
They can make themes not related to IPs, which is more freedom then imagineers have

Do you really think all of Disney's complex animatronics and queues and shit happening to be tied to IPs means that they have less creative freedom than generic roller coasters with different colors of paint?

Yes, because even with all the complex animatronics it needs to be related to Guardians or Frozen, where even something as shitty as Six Flags you can make themeing and a story around it with whatever you want

We are criticizing Disney more and more, because not only do some of us start to miss the traditional animation, but also because we don't trust the live-action stuff they're churning out.

>s Disney evil because they make good stuff
>Incredibles 2 was awful
>Toy Story 4 was unnecessary and contrived to the series themes
>Frozen 2 was a mess story-wise
>their live action remakes are awful
>ruined SW forever
>Endgame was underwhelming

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Honestly, I can't stand disney anymore, Hell! i can't stand shit from marvel anymore.

>because they make good stuff

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My biggest gripe is they're the main driving force behind the indefinite extension of copyright

Nobody likes monopolies disneyfaggot

Disney ruined Marvel Comics, I grew up a Marvel fan in the late 80s and 90s and through the 00s even and Disney has forced me to stop supporting Marvel with money

>good stuff

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disney is going to buy dc comics

we'll finaly have good DC movies based on the golden and silver age and the Marvel/DC crossover movie that'll make a trillion dollars

Instead, make IP rights completely non-transferable under any circumstance and when the creator dies, or they choose to do so, everything they have ever thought of goes public.

looks like those elsagate youtube vids

Ah yes because the Lion King remake would have nothing to gain from making the characters more expressive. It's only Starwars fans creating false complaints.

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Good stuff?

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>good stuff
Such as? Give 5 examples from the last 5 years.

>Fuck off Yas Forums
Fuck off reddit

Can't say I care for their current business model of making live action remakes of all of their animated movies.
Nor can I say I cared for the Star Wars sequels.
And I just can't get into the MCU.

Disney just isn't making anything new right now that really interests me.

>Good stuff

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there's nothing with hating monopolies, also

They make saccharine shit for their gynocentric market and ruined star wars

Liberals unable to separate their real world issues from their work. They can't comprehend that people just want to be entertained, and not be constantly reminded of the persistent problems in the world, so everything they write is used to serve their cause rather than let people forget about shit for 20-90 minutes, and just let them enjoy a story with no greater meaning.

>the real reason Disney became Jews
Everything can all be traced back to the near corporate takeover of Disney by Saul Steinberg
>got them to start acquiring companies
>hired Micheal Eisner to boost sales
>forced them to seek to innovate from their stagnation which eventually leads to them killing 2d and their live action shit
>Eisner’s leadership leads to heavy IP themeing as well as retarded Jew moves
>Einser left the door open for fucking Bob Iger and Chapek
>let Katzenberg become an asshole as a result of Eisner
They were forced into the role of the monster by the threat of being eaten, so they started eating till their gluttony couldn’t be stopped

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Every film Disney's made for the past 3 three years has been crap.

Remember when Pixar was signed on to only make movies WITH Disney, then got bought out by Disney and started churning out sequels left and right because they had no plans past that point?

>if you want your story to have depth you're a liberal
>implying conservative mined people can't handle complex narratives
>meanwhile across decades award winning movies and books are dense with nuances and being anything but a simple story
>from award to award a lot of the same movies and books are nominated despite them being voted on by people from different countries, cultures and speaking different languages let alone political beliefs

Why do you think critics who are not liberal often agree that these critically acclaimed works of art depicting not-so-simple stories are great? Isn't such a desire for something better than a story you can turn your brain off and get back to your life devoid of politics?

Better go watch onward to support their original movies then user. Oh wait you won't because it looks like shit.

At least Inside Out was good. The Good Dinosaur was dog shit though.

I haven't given a shit about Star Wars since the OT.
I don't give a shit at all about the live-action remakes, I see maybe 1 out of 3 modern Disney/Pixar animated movies.
I watch every MCU movie, and plan to subscribe to watch the MCU shows.
I will never bother with Mandalorian or future Star Wars crap.

As long as the MCU films are entertaining, Idgaf about the rest. I couldn't give less of a shit if the MCU movies do anything for the babbys cryiing in this thread.

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People have always called out Disney for being a cynical bunch of profiteers.

It just seems new to you because you're a child who's now becoming aware of the things adults have always said.

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Because their business model is bland. And in trying to appeal to everyone they often appeal to no one. Some people accuse them of being too woke with Star Wars but just as often they make stuff to try to appeal to different audiences like this very weird Mulan film. In trying to please all various groups they end up pleasing no one. They remake Beauty and the Beast to please old Disney fans but add in weird wokeness to Bell which ends up making the whole love affair diluted and weird. The constantly want to appeal to classics and progressives and always swing one way or another.

And in creating a monopoly they have a stranglehold on so much that they can keep pushing as much bland crap as they want.

Because they are essentially a Monopoly that keeps buying more and more stuff and not using them (looking at you Muppets) or being so creatively bankrupt that they just make bland remakes. Also they treat their employees like shit and charge exorbitant prices for their products/parks

To sum it up FUCK DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!

>Implying onward has a scrap of originality and isn't a formulaized grab at 70's nostalgia bait

That's pretty funny

He didn't mean stories with depth or complexity, dumbass. He meant stories that self-consciously allude to popular topics to "serve their cause," i.e. reflect whatever political idea is trendy or marketable.

>Good stuff
>DreamWorks is crap
>Fuck off reddit
Fuck off Twitter

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>I will never bother with Mandalorian or future Star Wars crap.
Well that's on you, I'm in the same boat regarding star wars, love Hope, Empire, and the first half of Jedi but once you get to endor, I'm out. Hated the prequels, despise the fucking sequels, Clone wars never did it for me either, and rebels was decent, but Mandalorian was a breath of fresh air, was actually shocked at how much I enjoyed it given how bad things had been in recent years regarding the IP.

I cant wrap my head around someone that likes rebels but not clone wars. Clone wars was rebels but literally everything about it is better.

What you liked was Filoni, and he was old Star Wars that was bought out by Disney, Not NuWars which was bland and made by a focus group of people who created a set of things they wanted to sell first and made the script second.

I was almost okay to watch thr new mulan as kind of a sterile but fun kung fu flick, but then i found out aboit the ridiculous changes and lost the small amount of interest i had. I genuinely dont understand how people can think half the shit disney had done with the live action movies makes sense.

Believe it or not, but that's also me. I personally like Rebels because it's smaller. It feels more like an adventure like the original films. Clone Wars feels too grand, too much like a big staged tour, big explosions, fancy scenery, tear jerking moments, big finale! I never liked that

Except for all the big explosions, tear jerker scenes and big finales in all 3 of the original movies?

>because they make good stuff
no little shill nigger, it's because they've tampered with copy-rights laws through bribes and lawyering called "lobbying" so that the delay between a property being produced and a property being released to public domain is effectively longer than the heat death of the universe.
this damages public knowledge by keeping private works eternally private which hinders information sharing, growing knowledge. businesses that can merely reprint and own the same product forever only allows for stagnation to occur instead of innovation, which would be brought by legitimate competition and production of better ideas.

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>Sony, are crap
the mouse still seething over Sony's animated Spider-man movie winning more awards.

I tried to get with it for 3 season, but it just didn't click, I hated Ahsoka, was still high on Genndy's awesome shorts where Grevious was more that a coughing hacking cripple, and as I said already, didn't enjoy the prequels.

Whereas Rebels was closer to the feel of the original trilogy, less Jedi and more...well...rebellion...Which is also why I prefer mandalorian, it goes back to the old cowboy meets samurai adventure that Lucas original based the series around, less bullshit force stuff, more gunfight at the o.k. corral.

True. I dunno then. Something about Clone Wars just doesn't click, I dunno why.

I guess they're fine if you think bland, committee-made, inoffensive, lowest common denominator gruel is

>1 free day of Disney+ has been added to your subscription

>Don’t criticize Disney. Just Comsoome Disney and get excited for next Disney


Everyone on Yas Forums hates everything. Board after board dedicated to despising the board subject.
Everyone is allowed to NOT hate a few things, and a lot of us selectively don't hate some Disney stuff.
You'll just have to deal with it.

You're describing everything made in Hollywood.

Which animated movie's box office do you imagine Disney would be willing to trade for Spider-verse's shelf trophy?

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kinda funny how inaccurate that comic actually is, Walt actually was never super concerned about money, that was always Roy's concern, and indeed it wasn't till after Disneyland came out that Disney as a company became financially stable for more than a year or two at a time(and Walt similarly was only moderately wealthy by Hollywood standards for much of that time)

Confirmed tourist who is pissed they can't post stonetoss

And try to stay there. No one gives a fuck if you think you're persecuted or not; go be with your own kind.