Do you accept?
My Life as a Teenage Robot gets revived but Jenny looks like this
Other urls found in this thread:
No, clothes would get in the way of all the transformations.
No. Jenny isn't white or black or asian, she's titanium.
However, if her skinsuit was a sassy black woman, that'd be cool.
Also Her "clothing" is part of her chassis.
>Her "clothing" is part of her chassis.
I don't see any seam lines.
Does this motherfucker not know that we made Black XJ9 a FoTM a few years ago?
Black Jenny user here, yes and ive been working on black jenny edits since
Did Jenny think looking like Brit would make her popular?
Then post em.
most are lewd ._.
Keep em coming
I've been making edits recently and this is the least lewd edit I've made
edited for reasons
>skin tone robot
Yas Forums has been jerking it to choco Jenny for years
why not?
>No. Jenny isn't white or black or asian, she's titanium.
aka a pain in the ass to keep clean. Realistically the first thing you'd want to do is paint her gray or brown.
I want more.
>black jenny
didn't know I needed that
We have /aco/ for that
i thought it was steel
she can clean herself
yeah. not such a fan of the outfit tho
I'll take hungarian jenny instead
Yes on the grounds the neon pink clashes too much, give her a pastel pink or lighten her up a bit.
None of us did till we saw it
why is jenny so cute bros, been my waifu for 16 years now
Same here.
She really is the best isn't she
>that episode where she starts speaking japanese
>that episode where she gets a paint job
the fact that it clashes so much is what makes it so good, user
Black exoskin
I'll accept it
New edit made, hot off the SAI
Because it's fucking ugly on a machine.
Why the magical girl outfit though?
Why not?
What about as black as the Martian Queen?
That all depends on who writes the episodes and characters.
Is that the Indian clerk from the Aussie parody of Rick and Morty?
I'd paint her with my cum
If anything Jenny should be Bronze rather than straight black.
where's that candy cane goin' there user
also is there like, a gallery of these
Not yet but its being made
Is this how Jenny turns black?
No. Jenny is obviously a white girl. Aside from her already being white with her skinsuit. what would her full first name be, when Jenny is just short for Jennifer, which is a white girl name? Jenniqwa?
You liked a white character, user. There's nothing wrong with that. There is something seriously wrong with black-washing established characters though.
As long as it looked natural and not like some user made a shitty edit for a throwaway Yas Forums thread; then sure.
>Why the magical girl outfit though?
because it's an edit of a old ass Zone delivery back when he still used to do requests here, moron.
>Jennifer, which is a white girl name
Someone forgot to tell Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Holliday or any other Dreamgirls cast member this detail, apparently.
btw you are exceptionally retarded.
>Jenny in Martian Queen colours.
well, she could be a gypsy
A bazillion hours in MSPaint
wait I forgot, no outline on the hair, let me fix that.
Significant improve on the original edit
Other than Jenny, which of these girls did you crush on growing up?
This is really nice
Shego got me into femdom
Thank you.
Magyaranon here
I dislike how you put a selfish and greedy gypsy which is Orbán