The Invisible Woman Says the X-Men Are 'Not Heroes' Anymore - Is She Right?

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They're not so much heroes are they are extremists looking out to protect their "race".

What’s the last heroic thing the X-Men have done that didn’t involve them fixing a problem they themselves created?
The X-Men stopped being heroes the moment they they decided some lives are worth more than others

They remain the same heroes as always, the only difference now is that they do not accept the death of mutants while humans do nothing and continue to create murderous machines to kill their children. What did people expect ? That the mutants would sit around watching the species be wiped out without reacting?

so humans are supposed to watch their species be wiped out by mutants without reacting? whats your mutant power, extendable legs to climb onto your high horse?

Does anyone else want to see Krakoa get attacked by Sentinels and the x-men are away doing something highly immoral.
But the non mutant superheroes Save the Day?

That's probably going to happen in the next issues of F4 vs X-Men.

She's right. They're just a cult now.

>What did people expect ? That the mutants would sit around watching the species be wiped out without reacting?
People expect the mutants to work out that if they associate with Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth and Apocalypse, they're getting what they deserve.

And trying to defend being fascists a couple years back. Beast dressed like fucking Pinochet.

But how are they wiped out? mutants are literally just humans with powers.

Look at the latest X-Men book for answers.

The wheels are coming off and it's gonna be fun.

X-men are human.

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What could be more satisfying then seeing Magneto get blown the fuck out by The Thing

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This is for

Sue’s kid runs away because she is a bitch and Reed is a dick and she uses that as an excuse to invade someone else’s home and assault them and it’s the X-men who aren’t heroes? Give me a break.

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Reminder: Hitler is throwing in for humanity against the mutant menace

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The mutants literally have a no killing humans rule so what are you talking about? The only threat to the human race are the machines that they build to kill mutants which we all know will turn on and enslave/eradicate them

I want to see Glob Herman go find Spider-Man for advice about Krakoa.

comes out we'll join the machine to go together to the next level, leaving the muties behind.

...unless Ultron kills everybody first, of course.

>The mutants literally have a no killing humans rule so what are you talking about
Yeah but horribly maiming, torturing and telepathic manipulation are all cool right?

>The only threat to the human race are the machines that they build to kill mutants which we all know will turn on and enslave/eradicate them
Except that doesn't happen. Did you not read Powers of X? That one 1000 years in the future timeline where its reveled the Machines were built to hold the line until humans mastered genetic manipulation and advanced Humanity to be more powerful than Mutants.

yes, Hickman is pretty blatantly writing them that way.

They've not been heroes for a long time.

They certainly aren't when they've got Magneto and Apocalypse as two of their highest-ranking leaders.

Pepe larraz' art is incredible. Why isn't he the main artist of X-men

The UK accepted mutants and didn't discriminate against those with the X-Gene, what did that get them?

Stabbed in the back and the power of Captain Britain taken from them.

Are we still on Cable's timeline? Krakatoa is basically arming Apocalypse for when he kills everyone in the future.

>What’s the last heroic thing the X-Men have done that didn’t involve them fixing a problem they themselves created?
Cyclops destroying the death fart was pretty heroic.

X-Men deface important cultural monument, mindrape politicians to support them, want free passage everywhere but apply racist standards to their visitors, steal other's property even when they were allowed to get it if they follow simple rules (and dare to get offended by those rules).

Some individuals (Wolverine, Dust, Magik) still care and are still heroes, but as a group? No.

>They certainly aren't when they've got Magneto and Apocalypse as two of their highest-ranking leaders.
Like 90% of the people in charge on Krakoa are fucking villains.

>Cyclops destroying the death fart was pretty heroic.
Cyclops didn't do anything, he was already dead, and destroying that cloud didn't help anyone but mutants. When was the last time the X-Men saved the world from a threat that wasn't other mutants?

That wasn't Cyclops, that was Alchemy manipulated into suicidal action by Emma.

>and destroying that cloud didn't help anyone but mutants
Wrong. Most of the people that underwent Terrigenesis died. The cloud was killing a ton of people.

>You will live to see Hitler redeem himself by helping stop the mutants
What a time to be alive.

Pete Wisdom is great because he isn't sucking the X-Cock.

He's actually got a quality such as loyalty to more than a fluke of birth.

Mutant plot bullshit is such a cancer on the Marvel universe, all it does is screw up everyone elses plotlines when it is forced upon them.
Would make so much more sense in its own setting which is themed specifically around it.

Name one popular marvel hero that hasn't been a villain at some point

>Name one popular marvel hero that hasn't been a villain at some point

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That's not Hitler. That's Josh Glenn who debuted in Liss's Black Panther.

The Thing.

>invade someone else’s home and assault them
So the mutants can dish it out but they can't take it when they are on the receiving end? there's literally multiple comics of the mutant nations agents doing exactly that.

No idea what the article is talking about since I refuse to click that shit but I do know you are wrong for posting this clickbait.

Isn't he canonically going to burn in hell cause of all the murder over the years including the odd innocent civilian?

Literally ran a thought police squad for Carol.

I mean she became Spider-Man that one time. Fucking menace.

>Most of the people that underwent Terrigenesis died
No. Most of the people that underwent Terrigenesis turned into insane monsters or gained crippling deformities with no real powers or incredibly shitty powers like Skunk Girl. Only a substantive portion died, excluding those killed by other people's powers activating nearby.

>Wrong. Most of the people that underwent Terrigenesis died. The cloud was killing a ton of people.
When did that happen? Not in most comics after the Terrigen cloud was first released. Terrigen used to be deadly to non-Inhumans, but Marvel forgot that.

>their species be wiped out
Two mutants can have human kids. Mutants literally cannot wipe out humanity.

Possibly, but he is one of the few to actually go out and help solve the problems that aren't "mutants get attacked".

>Mutants literally cannot wipe out humanity.
They keep trying though.

It's also a bit ridiculous how Reed was able to bypass their defenses so quickly and easily. Imagine if he actually wanted to take out the muties

Remember Xenmu?

He's talking about people like Inferno's mom. Terrigen toxicity for non-mutant, non-Inhumans was retconned, but the other horribly shit effects are still a thing.

There's basically 4 level of terrigenesis and what level you reach is determined by your level of Inhuman blood.

>Level 0 (most people)
You stay human. No cocoon.
>Level 1 (unknown number of people)
You form a cocoon, but can't complete the transformation and die.
>Level 2 (50-75% of the survivors of the cocooning process)
You turn into a twisted misshapen monster with no powers to speak of. This is basically the living abortion. Your hopefully short life will be complete torture on this earth.
>Level 3 (small minority)
You get powers. Congrats. Now you just have to avoid terrigen the rest of your natural life to avoid secondary terrigenesis which has even shittier odds than this. And that's assuming you aren't immediately vaporized by someone else coming out of their cocoon in the next 5 seconds.

Also, just cause you got powers doesn't mean your life won't be complete suffering due to your new biology. Also doesn't mean those powers are at all useful. In fact, they might even be a massive negative.

And for the record, ALL those shitty outcomes were confirmed to still be a thing post cloud.

Saving the world didn't get them anywhere.

They started worrying about saving themselves and they're right. Fuck the Marvel universe. What's it ever done for a mutant?

>extremists looking out to protect their "race"

Are we pretending that their race wasn't almost exterminated by the various forces in the Marvel universe on several different occasions in like a few decades?

>were confirmed to still be a thing post cloud.
What do you mean by post cloud?

Post the detonation of the terrigen bomb and the release of the clouds. There were victims of all that shit as a result of the T-Bomb.

So Madripoor and the Hellfire kids are effectively neutered as a threat, the poor dumbfucks don't even have psi blockers

Xeno's initial long term plans have been scuttled

How can the rest of humanity's valiant defenders (Orchist, The Russians, maybe the chinese, The Garden Ladies, Mr. Sinister and Mystique) stop the muties?

They've been turned into a xenophobic ethnostate who force all mutants to live at their cult compound whether or not they actually want to so yes. Fuck Hickman.

frankly speaking, the only reason the muties didn't get extincted yet it's because they didn't enrage anybody actually competent. yet.

The one who almost killed them all was a mutant (that retcon is going to get quietly undone/ignored).

>Mutants literally cannot wipe out humanity.
yet. We just need Bobby in his period so he can goatse the shit out of humanity into the next ice age, nbd

>The one who almost killed them all was a mutant
Turning them into humans isn't killing them, as much as they want to liken it to genocide.

>(that retcon is going to get quietly undone/ignored).
That would depend on Marvel editorial allowing the X-books control over her. At present they're waiting to see what the MCU is doing next.

>>Turning them into humans isn't killing them, as much as they want to liken it to genocide.
I think he was referring to Cassandra Nova

That said, Wanda first gave them basically a dream world and they still fucked it up.

X-man did the same, and they still fucked it up.

the whole point of Moira's lives is to show the Muties are a failure as a species

I mean, they only fail because they always get to uppity forcing Nimrod to be created and the rest is near constant history

>X-man did the same, and they still fucked it up.
The Age of X-Man is literally one of the most nightmarish AUs Marvel ever thought up, yet a lot of X-fags insist it's a utopia because there were no humans. You can't reason with these people.