T-minus 5 Hours until Season 3

Get hyped my n-words! I have no school or job so i'll be bingeing tonight and then tommorow again!

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Binge-ing is lame

No u

Reviews are coming out.


>As such, Alucard's story arc in this series is perhaps the least engaging, as he and his new friends spend much of the time training – although, by the penultimate episode, this particular plot strand takes an unexpected turn which we won't spoil here. Suffice to say, we can see it upsetting a lot of hardcore Castlevania fans.


ok this is epic

Your parents must be very proud OP!

they fuck

It's spring break

Yeah this sounds like sex happens.

Collider loves it

>5/5 stars

Den of Geek (4/5)

>Gamespot (9/10)
>Bloody-Disgusting (4.5/5)

T minus 4 hours and 10 minutes

Get a fucking job

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Let him enjoy Neetdom a little longer

Is this still about Castlevania 3? Why are they spending three seasons on one game? Why not move on to another Belmont already?

why do people pretend the games are actually good? this anime is the best thing to happen to the franchise in history. actually making a plot that makes sense out of the games metal gear tier story writing is an achievement higher than anything Tolkien ever did.

It's probably a mix of wanting to do more with Curse of Darkness, as well as the showrunners having a boner for Alucard.

>producers won't let things go if they are even mildly popular
>most other belmonts go at it solo with the odd interaction throughout the castle so the writers can't insert as much "witty" conversations
>also it would requires to have any knowledge of the games

Its not very accurate to the game user, they’re basically just going along with their own story.

Not that user but you’d think in that case they’d be rushing to get to SotN.

>this anime is the best thing to happen to the franchise in history
t. not an Order of Shadows chad

So make up new stories with the other half dozen protagonists?

Apparently Ellis does want to start covering other Belmonts which is probably why Sypha and Trevor's relationship becomes sexual this season.

Why when they’ve still got ‘villains’ available in this one that doesn’t require a new set up?

considering none of those other important belmonts wouldn't exist without them boning that was a given from the start

T minus 3 hours and 40 minutes

I have a 4k 60" TV and can't wait to watch it. They say it has the best visuals so far.

>Still no Grant Danasty

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T minus 3 hours and 9 min

T minus 2 hours and 55 min

>actually making a plot that makes sense out of the games metal gear tier story writing is an achievement higher than anything Tolkien ever did.
Netflix Castlevania doesn't even make sense in context of itself.

Don't murder people, ya cunt.

My body is ready

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>Get hyped my n-words!
It's Yas Forums, just say nigger.

user what have you done, now you wont be able to post in the ultra based premiere thread at 12!

So they're making Alucard gay this season right?

T minus 2 hours and 6 min

Nope, he fucks the two bitches who train with him.

Please be bait

No... user, what have you done...?

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T-minus 1 hour and 30 min


They barely spent 5 episodes in one Belmont at all in the first two seasons.

>take lsd to draw comics for deadlines
>castlevania is out in 3 hours

oh, boy.

Earlier I thought they might already be trying to set up Al's relationship with the Hakubas but it sounds like the people he befriends/trains end up being just as much a bunch of motherfuckers as the rest of the bad guys. I suppose the idea is to piss him off enough to put him back under for another 300 years. I just don't want best girl Sypha ending up depressed/hurt/broken

>Alucard fucks
Good for him

This thread lied to me I thought it was suppose to be up now reeeeeeeee

I'm sorry user, mistakes were made

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Netflix releases on west coast time. It'll be out 12PST.

I made chocolate milk and everything you faggot

Oh it’s shit again, shocking

Only 2 hours and 37 min left.... Keep the milky in the fridge. Make sure you ninja step so you don't wake everyone

Shouldn't really be an issue. The relationship just has to go so badly that he swears off any future entanglements until Maria's infectious and unceasing optimism wears him down

Not even that, probably could just end with him getting tired of casual flings/interacting with other people until he gets to SotN

Is it out 12:00 in Westcoast or Eastcoast time?
I'm guessing Alucard barely spend stime withTrevor and Sypha and drama happens with whoever he's with that causes him to go into his slumber and next season is either Symphony of the Night or something else.
It's too soon for the Hakubas, pretty sure he won't be running around in Japan at this point unless he went sometime before the first Westerners set foot there and that wouldn't be until a century later.

But it's a fictional magic vampire universe and he has a castle that ports so anything goes.

Still an hour and 30 min to go

Then it's westcoast then.

It's Warren Ellis so I'm expecting something depraved.

I'm looking forward to, just watched both seasons yesterday. Dracula fight was pretty cool and I want Camilla to step on me.

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Ones a dude and her brother.

>It's too soon for the Hakubas, pretty sure he won't be running around in Japan at this point unless he went sometime before the first Westerners set foot there and that wouldn't be until a century later.
I know it's too early but it's not like the series follows the game anyway. I figured they could have a little adventure with a line about how their family remember his name/deeds giving a nod to how he ends up hooking up with them way down the line, but it sounds like this isn't the case anyway

Alucard is listed in one of the reviews as still being a dark, dangerous being at heart which has something to do with the unexpected twist that happens.

Maybe he ends up killing the twins?

Not sure, no reviewers will outright say but apparently its bad.

Eh. I still thought he might turn semi-evil or at least Lord of the Castle in a post HoD/DoS title anyway

If he does end up doing something like that I can see it really pissing off the Japanese fans.